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ow [pronounced: oouhh] is a node.js framework which enforces certain patterns and restrictions in order to provide you with a stable, testable and modular application architecture.

It's aim is to provide you with a small set of core functions and a diverse set of ow modules which can be added and replaced depending on the needs of your application.

The way you write modules for ow is also straightforward and kept as simple as possible.

If you adhere to ows patterns, you'll end up with applications that are modular, stable and easy to test as well as custom modules which can easily be extracted and reused in different applications.


  • easy to start with – just 3 lines and you have an ow app running!
  • small api surface (.addModules(Module[]), .start(), .stop())
  • easy module and env dependency declaration for modules (envDependencies: string[], dependencies: string[]);
  • ensures sequential module initialization and startup
  • extend shared app instance with custom functionality

Quick Start

First, install @ow-framework/core in your application. You may use either yarn or npm for this step.

yarn add @ow-framework/core


Creating and starting a new app is as simple as writing 3 lines (or 1, if you dare to do so) of code.

import Ow from '@ow-framework/core';

const app = new Ow();

yarn start

Available official modules


Created with passion by the folks at ovos and other awesome thinkers.

@flipace, @falkenhawk, @denisloncaric, @saschagalley
