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Release 1.1 change list

zuzelvp edited this page Aug 2, 2011 · 17 revisions

Support for SignUp Customizations

In this release we included a new tab on the Edit Study Group/Course/... page. In this tab organizers can add custom signup questions which answers will be visible to different sets of users:

  • Public Set: This is an extension of the standard set of questions. Its answers are visible to all users once the author is accepted (the answers to the standard set of has the same visibility now).
  • Between Participants Set: This set of questions will be visible only to other participants (when the author is accepted) so it can be used for assessing the groups prerequisites if the users should not see the answers before providing their own.

Configure Signup

The signup page will display multiple sets of questions if the organizer fills them out.

Sign-up page

The user does not have to visit different pages to fill out the signup answer.

post signup answer

Remember that users can preview their answer before posting it, so they can be sure it looks ok.


Editing, replying, deleting and restoring an answer are still provided as well.

posted signup answer

For moderated signup, once the answer is posted the organizer can accept the user as participant or organizer, but if you want/need to provide automatic non-moderated signup for everyone that wants to join you can configure this on the Signup tab of the edit study group/course page.

Non-moderated signup option

Note that all signup options are in the Signup tab, so closed signup is not part of the Status and Dates tab anymore.

closed signup

status and dates tab

We also cleaned out things during to process so you will notice other small improvements with respect to what happens when a participant is removed through the edit participants page (i.e. the counts of pending answers work better now, and participants can post a new answer if they want to re-join).

Course Tags

Now tags can be added to study group and courses too.

edit tags


Integration with the Open Badges Infrastructure

The pilot badges (which can be earned at have cool images now:

Badges on Profile

Though the UI is not ready yet, we also included functionality to allow users who got badges on the pilot to send them to the Open Badge Infraestructure (now setup at

Open Badge Infrastructure (OBI)
