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LDWG meeting minutes, February 3, 2020

Nate Foster edited this page Feb 3, 2020 · 1 revision


  • Antonin Bas (VMware)
  • Mihai Budiu (VMware)
  • Chris Dodd (Barefoot)
  • Andy Fingerhut (Cisco)
  • Nate Foster (Cornell)
  • Stefan Heule (Google)
  • Eileen Feng (Google)
  • Jed Liu (Barefoot)
  • Steffen Smolka (Google)
  • Chris Sommers (Keysight)
  • Konstantin Weitz (Google)


  • We need to make faster progress on closing issues.

  • Mihai has added new columns to the issue Wiki for target version and status.

  • P4 Summit coming up on April 28th-30th, which is our target for a new version (v1.3).

  • We discussed major (v1.3) vs. minor (v1.2.1) releases.

Opaque Types


  • Would like to use various types in controller programs that are mapped to P4 types (e.g., logical names and switch's physical ids).

  • P4 has a type construct that allows the programmer to generate a new type (e.g., type bit<9> port;).

  • Here is an example

type bits<8> port_id;

port_id port;

table t {
  key { port : exact; }

This doesn't currently work, but it could, since equality is defined on generative types. However, if exact were ternary it shouldn't be allowed (because masking is not supported).

  • In real applications, it would also be useful allow option as a match-kind. Even with generative types there is no issue with doing this.

  • Going a step further, it would also be useful to support sets. Note that a standard encoding of sets using bit-masks doesn't work since generative types are opaque (e.g., bit<128> ports = 1 << port_id).


Action Items

* @konne-google will continue to prototype implementations of these new match kinds in V1model
* @jafingerhut will work on summarizing what types can be used as keys to tables at a given match kind.

Function Annotations


  • We added @pure and noSideEffects annotations (and others) to allow the compiler to (partially) analyze the behavior of externs.



  • The two main annotations, @pure and @noSideEffects are already useful in the compiler. We don't have a usecase for the other variants.

Action Items

  • @ChrisDodd will split the PR

  • We aim to merge the simple annotations at our March meeting.

Conditionals in Parsers


  • The proposal seeks to allow if-then-else statements in parsers.



  • The main pass is already implemented, but some work is needed to fully integrate into the compiler.

  • In the past, pushback has been about making the cost of a parser harder to analyze from the program text.

  • Indeed, each top-level conditional requires three extra states.

Action Item

  • @mbudiu-vmw will take on implementation work

  • We aim to merge this proposal at our March meeting.


Right Shift


  • Work on fuzzing the compiler out of NYU found a bug related to associativity of >>.


Action Item

  • @ChrisDodd will look into fixing the specification.

  • We aim to merge this proposal at our March meeting.

Assignments Beyond Bounds of Header Stack


  • @hesingh has added support for run-time indexing to header stacks.

  • The specification does not say what should happen for assigning to an out-of-range index. The proposal is to tighten this up, perhaps by defining it to be a no-op.



  • Making this consistent with headers seems sensible.

Action Item

  • @jafingerhut will work on specification wording.

  • Note that using a non-compile-time-known-values as an index is already an optional feature.

Structure Initializers


  • We've discussed several inter-related features: default initializers, structure-valued expressions.


Action Item

  • @jnfoster will take the lead on pushing this to consensus.

  • We wil aim to have a proposal ready to be approved by the March meeting.

Module System




  • We reviewed the existing proposal and subsequent discussion on GitHub.

Next Meeting

  • Per our convention, we'll meet at the "regular time" and "regular date" on the first Monday in March -- i.e., March 2nd at 11am PST.
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