A curated list of CP problems solved from time to time with my own interpretations of various algorithms and data structures
- LeetCode
- HackerRank
- Codechef
- GeekforGeeks
- Codeforces
Dont use my solutions for solving live contests
Searching: Linear, Modded Linear, Binary , Modded Binary , Jump, interpolation, Exponential
Sorting: Bubble Sort, Insertion Sort, Selection Sort, Quick Sort, Merge Sort
Linked List: Singly Linked Lists, Doubly Linked Lists, Circular LinkedList
Stacks: Introduction, STL, infix-postfix, reverse, LL approach
- (to-be-done : recursion, sorting, stocking span problem, K-stack variable size implementation)
Queues: Introduction, STL, Priority Queue, LL approach, DeQue, Circular Queue w- array/LL
- (to-be-done: Priority Queue problems(after studying heaps,tree&graphs), Deque problems, Circular Queue problems)
Binary Tree: Introduction, Level Order traversal Recursive & Queue, Level Order Insertion, Deep Deletion, Depth first traversals,
- (to-be-done: Applications of binary tree, other properties on binary trees)
Binary Search Tree:
- (*to-be-done: *)
- (*to-be-done: *) Fibonacci Heap ( extract min, more adt)
- (*to-be-done: *)
- (*to-be-done: *)
- (*to-be-done: *)
OOPS: Class, Object, Constructor, Dynamic Memory Allocation
- (to-be-done : inline, macros, define, object call some more)
STL: stack,iterator,vectors,priority_queue,deque, greater
- ( to-be-done : maps, list, sortings, searching)
- Implement Stack using Queues
- Implement Queue using Stack
- Implement DeQue using Circular Array
- Implement Binary tree from traversal order
- Reverse Inorder traversals
- Insertion through Level Order / Breadth first
- Work with a easy to use header file for all sort of functions
- test case generation precedures for different questions (highly important)