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Monadic Adventures

For the LA Haskell User Group

An introduction to monads and mtl by example.

Monads Enable Effectful Composition

XML Example


data XML

findChild :: String -> XML -> XML

Then we could write

findChild "baz" . findChild "bar" . findChild "foo"

But in reality,

findChild :: String -> XML -> Maybe XML

We have to handle the effect of possible failure.

The function we need is not (.) but <=< from Control.Monad:

(.) :: (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
(<=<) :: Monad m => (b -> m c) -> (a -> m b) -> a -> m c

<=< handles the composition of effects, for some effect tracked by a monad m.

Intuition 1: Functions of type a -> m b are like functions of type a -> b but with side effects tracked by m. Intuition 2: return embeds pure functions into a larger functional language supporting effects tracked by m. Intuition 3: <=< is just normal function composition in this larger language.

Monads Enable Do-Notation

<=< is defined in terms of the operator bind >>=, which together with the function return make up the Monad typeclass.

(>>=) :: Monad m => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b

f <=< g a = g a >>= f

Any type constructor which is an instance of Monad can be used together with do notation to provide syntactic sugar for >>=:

fooBarBaz :: XML -> Maybe XML
fooBarBaz xml = findChild "foo" xml >>= \foo ->
                  findChild "bar" xml >>= \bar ->
                    findChild "baz" xml >>= \baz -> 
                      return baz


fooBarBaz :: XML -> Maybe XML
fooBarBaz xml = do foo <- findChild "foo" xml
                   bar <- findChild "bar" foo
                   baz <- findChild "baz" bar
                   return bar

But >>=, >=> and return are polymorphic - they work for any Monad m!

data File

fooBarBaz :: File -> IO File
fooBarBaz dir = do foo <- findChild "foo" dir
                   bar <- findChild "bar" foo
                   baz <- findChild "baz" bar
                   return bar

Applicative is to Application what Monad is to Composition

A slight generalization of Monad: if we want to enable effectful function application, we can use Applicative

(<*>) :: Applicative f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b

Compare this type signature with the type of >>=.

<*> does not provide access to the wrapped data like >>= does, so function arguments must be independent.

XML Example

data Person = Person { first :: String, last :: String, middleInitial :: String }

lookupPerson :: XML -> Maybe Person
lookupPerson xml = Person <$> findChild "first" xml <*> findChild "last" xml <*> findChild "middleInitial" xml

Some Monads

From the mtl

  • List - multiple return values
  • State - mutable state
  • Reader - global immutable state / configuration
  • Writer - logging / accumulation
  • Maybe - Possible failure
  • Either - Possible failure with an error message

Some others

  • Identity - no effects
  • IO - interaction with the real world
  • STM - later
  • ST - pure state threads
  • Free - free models of algebraic theories

An Example - State

newtype State s a = State { runState :: s -> (a, s) }

"A value of type State s a is a function which takes an initial state and returns a value of type a and a new state."

instance Functor (State s) where
  fmap f st = State $ \s -> let (a, s') = runState st s
                                       in (f a, s')
instance Monad (State s) where
  return a = State $ \s -> (a, s)
  fmap f st = State $ \s -> let (a, s') = runState st s 
                                       in runState (f a) s'

Composing Monads

If m is a monad tracking events of a certain type, and n is another monad tracking events of another type, it seems reasonable that the composition Both a = m (n a) might track both types of effects, but Both is not an instance of Monad in general.

mtl is a library of monads which compose well with one another, made possible using typeclasses.

Monads which behave nicely under composition have instances of MonadTrans - they are monad transformers.

For example, compare State above, with its transformer equivalent StateT:

newtype StateT s m a = StateT { runStateT :: s -> m (a, s) }

Effectful computations run in a monad which is made up of a stack of monad transformers.

  • StateT - adds mutable state to the stack

  • WriterT - adds logging / accumulation to the stack

  • ReaderT - adds configuration data to the stack

  • ErrorT - adds error handling to the stack

  • RWS - adds all three of ReaderT, WriterT and StateT to the stack.

To run a computation, we need to peel off each effectful layer in the reverse order:

  • runStateT, execStateT, evalStateT
  • runWriterT,
  • runReaderT
  • runErrorT


data Log
data MyState
data Config

newtype MyStack a = MyStack { runMyStack :: StateT MyState (WriterT Log (ReaderT Config IO)) a } 
  deriving (Functor, Monad, MonadState MyState, MonadWriter Log, MonadReader Config, MonadIO)

main :: IO ()
main = do
  config <- loadConfigFromFile
  (_, log) <- runReaderT config
              . runWriterT
              . evalStateT initialState
              . runMyStack
              $ app
  print log

app :: IO ()
app = do tell $ Log "Starting..."
         config <- ask
         tell $ Log $ "Read config: " ++ show config
         newState <- get
         liftIO $ print newState

Lifting Actions

Suppose we have a monad transformer stack with IO on the very bottom.

We want to execute an action of type IO a, but we're working in the bigger stack t1 (t2 ... (tn IO))) a.

We could lift the action into the monad transformer stack:

lift :: (Monad m, MonadTrans t) => m a -> t m a

Type Classes to the Rescue

When using monads from the mtl, we don't need to lift explictly. There are type classes provided which do the lifting for us.

  • MonadState
  • MonadWriter
  • MonadReader
  • MonadError

New Monads From Old

Using newtype wrappers and GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving we can easily make new monads from these components.

We can hide constructors and only export those actions which we want users to have access to.


module Random (runRandomT, next) where

newtype RandomT m a = RandomT { unRandomT :: StateT StdGen m a } deriving (Functor, Monad, MonadTrans)

runRandomT :: (Monad m) => RandomT m a -> StdGen -> m (StdGen, a)
runRandomT = runStateT . unRandomT
next :: (Random a) => (a, a) -> RandomT m a
next = undefined

Three Monads


newtype Parser input output = Parser { runParser :: S.StateT input Maybe output } 
  deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, S.MonadState input, MonadPlus, Alternative)


Defined as a synonym for some type class constraints

type MonadGame item m = (Functor m, Monad m, S.MonadState (GameState item) m, W.MonadWriter (Reset [String]) m)

Room State

newtype R item m a = R { unR :: S.StateT ([item], String) m a } deriving (Functor, Monad)


For the LA Haskell Meetup







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