Chaotic Cable Pulling Chimp
pip install ccpc
ccpc --no-verify-ssl -b <url_with_scheme_and_port> -p <project> -t <token>
oc create serviceaccount <account>
oc serviceaccounts get-token <account>
oc policy add-role-to-user view system:serviceaccount:<project>:<account>
oc policy add-role-to-user edit system:serviceaccount:<project>:<account>
git clone
cd CCPC/image
docker build --build-arg VERIFY_SSL=false --build-arg PROJECT=<project> --build-arg BASE_URL=<url_with_scheme_and_port> --build-arg TOKEN=<token> .
- Replace prints with standard logging
- Add some handling if OC responds with error (if it's actually needed)