A discord bot that can search reddit and send results in a channel. Also has a 1 hr tracker, that sends search results every hour.
##!news <keyword(s)> <subreddit(optional)> Returns a list of posts matching search criteria based on relevance. ##!hotnews <keyword(s)> <subreddit(optional)> Returns a list of posts matching search criteria sorted by hot/trending. ##!newnews <keyword(s)> <subreddit(optional)> Returns a list of posts matching search criteria sorted by new. ##!topnews <keyword(s)> <subreddit(optional)> Returns a list of posts matching search criteria sorted by top post of all time. ##!hourlynews <keyword(s)> <subreddit(optional)> Adds keywords to hourly post tracker which returns new posts every hour. ##!lists Lists all keywords currently being tracked. ##!clear Clears a keyword from tracked list. The keyword number should match the number provided in the list command.