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[fix] handle more exceptions when parsing conf (#2562)
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it is currently crashing the server when their is an error in the conf
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gautierhattenberger committed Aug 17, 2020
1 parent 7dff606 commit 5dfb6f2
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Showing 2 changed files with 31 additions and 18 deletions.
25 changes: 14 additions & 11 deletions sw/ground_segment/tmtc/
Expand Up @@ -68,20 +68,24 @@ let send_aircrafts_msg = fun _asker _values ->

let expand_aicraft x =
let ac_name = ExtXml.attrib x "name" in
let handle_error_message = fun error_type msg ->
prerr_endline ("A failure occurred while processing aircraft '"^ac_name^"'");
prerr_endline (" - "^error_type^" : "^msg);
prerr_endline (" - '"^ac_name^"' will be ignored by the server");
prerr_endline " - Please remove it from 'conf.xml' or fix its parameter(s)";
flush stderr;
Xml.Element ("ignoring_aircraft",["name", ac_name],[])
let ac = Aircraft.parse_aircraft ~parse_all:true "" x in
if List.length ac.Aircraft.xml > 0 then Xml.Element (Xml.tag x, Xml.attribs x, ac.Aircraft.xml)
else failwith "Nothing to parse"
with Failure msg ->
prerr_endline ("A failure occurred while processing aircraft '"^ac_name^"'");
prerr_endline (" - Fail with : "^msg);
prerr_endline (" - '"^ac_name^"' will be ignored by the server");
prerr_endline " - Please remove it from 'conf.xml' or fix its parameter(s)";
flush stderr;
(*failwith msg*)
Xml.Element ("ignoring_aircraft",["name", ac_name],[])
| Failure msg -> handle_error_message "Fail with" msg
| Xml.File_not_found file -> handle_error_message "File not found" file
| Module.Module_not_found m -> handle_error_message "Module not found" m
| Dtd.Prove_error err -> handle_error_message "Dtd error" (Dtd.prove_error err)
| Not_found -> handle_error_message "Not found" "sorry, something went wrong somewhere"

let make_element = fun t a c -> Xml.Element (t,a,c)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -901,7 +905,6 @@ let () =
"Usage: ";

Srtm.add_path srtm_path;

Ivy.init "Paparazzi server" "READY" (fun _ _ -> ());
Ivy.start !ivy_bus;

Expand Down
24 changes: 17 additions & 7 deletions sw/lib/ocaml/
Expand Up @@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ let rec target_conf_add_module = fun conf target firmware name mtype load_type -
(* sort element of an airframe type by target *)
let sort_airframe_by_target = fun config_by_target airframe ->
match airframe with
| None -> ()
| None -> []
| Some a ->
(* build a list of pairs (target, firmware) *)
let l = List.fold_left (fun lf f ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -150,7 +150,9 @@ let sort_airframe_by_target = fun config_by_target airframe ->
) c m.Airframe.OldModules.modules
) conf a.Airframe.modules in
Hashtbl.add config_by_target name conf
) l
) l;
(* return list of targets *)
fst (List.split l)

(** Extract a configuration element from aircraft config,
* returns a tuple with absolute file path and element object
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -201,7 +203,7 @@ let get_all_modules = fun config_by_target ->

let parse_aircraft = fun ?(parse_af=false) ?(parse_ap=false) ?(parse_fp=false) ?(parse_rc=false) ?(parse_tl=false) ?(parse_set=false) ?(parse_all=false) ?(verbose=false) target aircraft_xml ->

let name = Xml.attrib aircraft_xml "name" in
let name = ExtXml.attrib aircraft_xml "name" in
let conf_aircraft = [] in (* accumulate aircraft XML config *)
let config_by_target = Hashtbl.create 5 in

Expand All @@ -214,7 +216,7 @@ let parse_aircraft = fun ?(parse_af=false) ?(parse_ap=false) ?(parse_fp=false) ?
let conf_aircraft = conf_aircraft @ (match airframe with None -> [] | Some x -> [x.Airframe.xml]) in
if verbose then
Printf.printf ", sorting by target%!";
sort_airframe_by_target config_by_target airframe;
let target_list = sort_airframe_by_target config_by_target airframe in
if verbose then
Printf.printf ", extracting and parsing autopilot...%!";
let autopilots = if parse_ap || parse_all then
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -253,9 +255,17 @@ let parse_aircraft = fun ?(parse_af=false) ?(parse_ap=false) ?(parse_fp=false) ?
) config_by_target;
(af_ap.Airframe.Autopilot.freq, ap)
) autopilots in
let c = Hashtbl.find config_by_target target in
Hashtbl.replace config_by_target target { c with autopilot = true };
Some autopilots
let c = Hashtbl.find config_by_target target in
Hashtbl.replace config_by_target target { c with autopilot = true };
Some autopilots
with Not_found ->
(* target not found or not defined, add in all targets instead *)
List.iter (fun t ->
let c = Hashtbl.find config_by_target target in
Hashtbl.replace config_by_target target { c with autopilot = true }
) target_list;
Some autopilots
else None in
let conf_aircraft = conf_aircraft @ (match autopilots with None -> [] | Some lx -> (fun (_, x) -> x.Autopilot.xml) lx) in
Expand Down

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