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How to prepare a new release:

1. Commit all changes.

2. Update the ChangeLog. Use:
git log --pretty=format:\
"%h | %an | %aD%n%n%B"\
"------------------------------------------------------------------------" \
`git describe --abbrev=0 --tags`..HEAD > log
   in order to create the list of changes.

3. Condense ChangeLog's changes into NEWS file.

4. Commit these changes using the message "New version (psmgmt-5.1.x)".

5. Tag the new release using:
git tag -a -m "Tagging <new-tag>" <new-tag>
   where <new-tag> is of the form 5.1.x-0

6. Push the newly tagged commits upstream using:
git push --follow-tags

Was before:
git push --tags; git push

Just for completeness here's the version used in SVN times:

1. Check in all changes.
2. Update the ChangeLog. Use 'svn log -r HEAD:lastHead' in order to
   create the list of changes.
3. Condense ChangeLog's changes into NEWS file.
4. Check these changes in using the message "New version (psmgmt-5.1.z)".
5. Tag the new release using 'make -C dist VERSION=5.1.z RELEASE=y tag'.