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Configuration as flexible as a leaf


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“Crackfic-taken-seriously in the form of an open-source project readme,” the configuration library.

In case this is unclear: this is not and will never be actual working software.


figleaf = { git = "", version = "0.1" }
use figleaf::prelude::*;

#[derive(Clone, Debug, Deserialize)]
struct Settings {
  username: String,
  password: String,
  friends: Vec<String>,

  lollipop: bool,

  lunch: Lunch,

#[derive(Clone, Debug, Deserialize)]
struct Lunch {
  #[serde(rename = "type")]
  kind: String,
  quantity: u8,

let settings: Settings = figleaf::auto().await?;

This will read from:

  • Environment: CRATENAME_USERNAME, etc.
  • Config files named cratename.ext, where ext is any of the default supported languages, in a hierarchy of overrides:
    • Local: working directory
    • Runtime: /run and equivalents
    • User: XDG_CONFIG_PATH/CRATENAME/ and equivalents
    • System: /etc/CRATENAME/ and equivalents
    • Vendor: /usr/lib/CRATENAME/ and equivalents

Overrides are top-level only and additive for collections. That is:

# ./cratename.toml

username = "yourie"
password = "3194EA270314DF0A8D9B2BD"
friends = ["jaimie", "nickki"]
lunch = { type = "sandwich", quantity = 1 }

# /etc/cratename/cratename.toml

username = "brenden"
lunch = { type = "sushi", quantity = 4 }
friends = [

will load as:

Settings {
    username: "yourie",
    password: "3194EA270314DF0A8D9B2BD",
    friends: [
    lollipop: false,
    lunch: Lunch {
        kind: "sandwich",
        quantity: 1,

Table of contents

Unlinked items are not (or only partially) written yet.

Definition of configuration structure

A lot of the magic of Figleaf comes from defining and describing the datastructure that is the result of loading configuration. Generally, that datastructure is a field struct, though it can also be an enum or tuple struct or another kind of type.

There are three main categories of structure:

Arbitrary value

While not recommended, as that makes a lot of Figleaf unavailable, it is entirely possible to return a value that can be traversed dynamically instead of parsing into a custom structure. This is made possible by the [arbitrary::Value] type.

TODO: example

Serde deserialisable only

While most of the power of Figleaf comes with the macro introduced in the next section, a structure that simply derives Serde's [Deserialize] trait is already and immediately useful, as Figleaf will parse configuration inputs into that structure, and Serde's attributes can be used to add a lot of flexibility to the structure itself.

Refresher on Serde syntax

(Always refer to [the Serde documentation] for details and exhaustive options.)

TODO: the derive, rename and rename all, the enum styles, skip, with_.

Serde helpers

Figleaf also provides its own helpers that augment the Serde deserialisation, especially for the with_* attributes.

TODO: list helpers

The arbitrary::Value mentioned previously can also be used as a field anywhere in a Serde structure, for partial fully-dynamic configuration values.

TODO: example

#[figleaf] macro

This macro, applied on a configuration datastructure alone or alongside Serde, enables the full power of Figleaf, through attributes on the structure, its substructures, and fields.

The full list of options can be found [in the API documentation]. What follows is an overview and reference of the basics and the most useful features.

Standalone use

It's possible to apply only the macro to a structure, without Serde. In this case, the parse= top-level attribute is required. Its function takes an [arbitrary::Value] and must return an [error::Result<T>] where T is the structure the attribute is applied to.

use figleaf::prelude::*;

#[figleaf(parse = Config::parse)]
struct Config {
    key: String,

impl Config {
    fn parse(raw: &arbitrary::Value) -> figleaf::error::Result<Self> {
        let key = raw.get("key")?;
        Ok(Self { key })

Alongside Serde

When the structure implements Deserialize, the parse= top-level attribute isn't allowed (as that is implemented by Serde).

The macro implements various facilities described in this and later sections. It is immediately useful: further customisation via attributes is described below but the core benefits are already available with default settings as soon as the macro is added.

use figleaf::prelude::*;

#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Clone)]
struct Config {
    key: String,

// Load directly from struct:
let config = Config::load().await?;

// All figleaf::Loadable methods are available:

// Generators are enabled:

TODO: Serde-specific integrations

Derived fields

Marking a field with #[figleaf(derive_with = function)] creates a once-computed field: the value is computed once when the configuration is loaded by calling the function provided with a reference to the partially-constructed structure.

If the field implements Default, that is used for the initial value while constructing the structure. Otherwise, the structure is partially constructed using MaybeUninit. In any case, accessing the field being derived on the passed-in partially-constructed structure is strongly discouraged and may be undefined behaviour.

struct Config {
    loaded: String,

    #[figleaf(derived_with = derivation)]
    derived: String,

fn derivation(partial: &Config) -> String {

Switched fields

In most cases, prefer derived fields. However, in some cases, having the loaded value hanging around is undesirable, or you may need to consume the loaded value to create the derived one and don't want to add an Option in.

Whatever the reason, switched fields have one type when loading, and another type once constructed. They can also be the same type in both cases, but with the loaded value being passed as owned to the switching function.

struct Config {
    #[figleaf(switch_from = usize, switch_with = switcher)]
    switched: String,

fn switcher(value: usize, _partial: &Config) -> String {
  format!("{}", value * 2)

While merely discouraged in the case of derived fields, accessing a switched field from the partial reference is strictly forbidden and is always undefined behaviour.

A switched field cannot also be a derived field and vice versa.

The switch_with function defaults to calling .into() if not provided.

Documentation comments

Documentation comments on fields and the structure itself are used to render description and help text in generated representations:

  • error messages
  • readme generator
  • man page generator
  • example config file generator

To disable using this documentation, use the #[figleaf(no_doc)] attribute. To disable this behaviour for all fields, add #[figleaf(opt_in_docs)] to the top-level. When that is set, #[figleaf(use_doc)] on fields can be used to opt in on a field-by-field basis.

Contextual documentation

Some documentation may be superfluous in some formats or only make sense in others. It is possible to include or exclude all or part of any documentation comment based on the generation target, in two different forms: inline to doc comments, or as attributes.

/// The first documentation paragraph/line.
/// Common information.
/// # [figleaf(target = "man")]
/// This section is only shown on the man page.
/// # [figleaf(not(target = "rustdoc"))]
/// This section is not shown in the rustdoc output.
field: Item,
#[figleaf(target_doc("man", "This string replaces the documentation entirely for man pages"))]
#[figleaf(target_doc("commonmark", "This replaces the readme description")]
field: Item,

These doc targets are available by default:

  • rustdoc: default/rustdoc output
  • man: man pages
  • example: example config file
  • commonmark: readme/commonmark/markdown documentation

Runtime field conditions

Using conditional attributes, fields can be skipped or included based on runtime conditions. For compile-time conditionals, use Rust's own cfg attributes.

struct Config {
    #[figleaf(skip_on(source = "lang:toml"))]
    skipped_for_toml: bool,

    #[figleaf(only_on(source = "lang:dhall"))]
    only_when_loading_from_dhall: bool,

    #[figleaf(skip_on(custom = "skipper"))]
    custom_runtime_skip: bool,

    #[figleaf(only_on(custom = "includer"))]
    custom_runtime_include: bool,

fn skipper(_partial: &Config) -> bool {
    /* skip = */ true

fn includer(_partial: &Config) -> bool {
    /* include = */ true

Available conditional attributes:

  • lang:*: configuration language used to load this structure
  • custom: custom function
  • reload: "true" when the config is being reloaded
  • singleton: "true" when loading as a singleton
  • source: file, env, args, db:*...


Figleaf comes with several generators that create useful output from your configuration definition. Due to technical limitations, these need to be called from your own code and return strings — you can then output to screen or to file as you see fit.

use figleaf::prelude::*;

struct Config {
    field: String,

println!("{}", Config::generate(generators::Output::JSON));


You can output a readme fragment describing your configuration file in various readme formats:

  • plain
  • commonmark (aka Markdown)
  • asciidoc

TODO: output example

Example configuration file

You can output a configuration file with all fields commented out and with comments containing the documentation for each field. Supported languages:

  • toml
  • dhall
  • yaml

TODO: output example

Because JSON does not support comments, it is not supported.

Man page

You can output a man page (roff). This will be named CRATE_NAME(5) (Section 5 is for file formats and configuration files.) You can opt to specify a configuration language to use for the man page, or it will be written in a language-independent style.

TODO: output example


The JSON output format describes everything that Figleaf knows about your configuration definition as well as its own configuration (version, which features were enabled, etc). This format is regulated by semver so it can be relied on.

See the [generators::json] module documentation for the exhaustive reference.


Figleaf supports different APIs for loading the configuration. The main distinction is around asynchronicity. There is also a singleton style with several variants.


The default loading style uses async:

use figleaf::prelude::*;

struct Config { etc: bool }

let config = Config::auto().await?;

The [auto] function selects all defaults and finalises the builder, which resolves into a Future which is then awaited into a Result.

Constructing a builder manually:

use figleaf::prelude::*;

struct Config { etc: bool }

let builder = Config::build()
  .languages(&[Language::TOML, Language::JSON])


If dealing with awaiting futures is too much trouble, there is a blocking API which embeds an async executor. To reduce depedencies in the default case, this is behind a feature.

version = "..."
features = ["load:blocking"]
use figleaf::prelude::*;

struct Config { etc: bool }

let builder = Config::build()
  .languages(&[Language::TOML, Language::JSON])

Note the different finalise function.


Embedding an executor adds a lot of dependencies, and using async IO does too, and may be complicated in some environments. Whatever the reason, there is also an all-synchronous API, which uses synchronous IO from the stdlib instead of async IO:

version = "..."
features = ["load:sync"]
use figleaf::prelude::*;

struct Config { etc: bool }

let builder = Config::build()
  .languages(&[Language::TOML, Language::JSON])

It is recommended to disable default features and only using this loading feature in this case, to cut down dependencies and code size / compile time.


A common pattern is to load config at program start, put it in a static, and have it be available to all parts of your program without passing a variable around. Figleaf's singleton support streamlines this, and comes in three variants.

In all cases, the default auto() builder is used unless a builder function is provided:

use figleaf::prelude::*;

#[figleaf(singleton = "eager", singleton_builder = builder)]
struct Config { etc: bool }

fn builder() -> figleaf::Builder<Config> {

Static config, loaded eargerly

use figleaf::prelude::*;

#[figleaf(singleton = "eager")]
struct Config { etc: bool }


This variant loads at program start, without needing a hook in main. Errors encountered while loading panic.

Static config, loaded lazily

use figleaf::prelude::*;

#[figleaf(singleton = "lazy")]
struct Config { etc: bool }


This variant is like the eager one, but does nothing at program start, and is instead loaded on the first access.

Dynamic config, in main

If more context is needed to create the builder, or error handling is required, the singleton can be created from your own code (i.e. in main):

use figleaf::prelude::*;

#[figleaf(singleton = "lazy")]
struct Config { etc: bool }

fn main() -> Result<Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
  let args = get_some_args()?;



The as_singleton method supports the same loading features as the finalise() method (here shown with load:sync).

Recursive reconfiguration

Recursive reconfiguration is one of our flagship advanced features. To understand what it does, consider the simple case of an environment variable that dictates what the configuration files are named: in a traditional system, this would either need two separate systems (loading and parsing the environment, and loading the configuration), loading the configuration twice based on a condition, or some other manual process.

Here, instead, as long as you tell Figleaf about it, it will take care of recursively loading configuration, checking reconfiguration fields, and adjusting until done.

This makes possible complex scenarios, such as (all subject to configuration, none of these are Figleaf default strategies):

  • changing the prefix of environment variables from an environment variable;
  • specifying a DATABASE_URL to enable loading the rest of the config from a database table;
  • a zeroconfig_ns= key in a TOML file points to a Zeroconfig namespace on the local network where a configuration server listening on a TCP port advertises its address;
  • the PCI address of a hardware token is provided via a blob concatenated to the binary, which is used to decrypt the rest of the concat'd blob into configuration secrets; meanwhile the innoffensive part of the config is loaded from plain text file as per normal.

Reconfigurability does not require fields to be wrapped in Options, instead using MaybeUninit to partially construct the structure as it is loaded, in the same way that derived and switched fields are filled in. Figleaf ensures that you never encounter partially-initialised or uninitialised data once the configuration is entirely loaded, but (as mentioned there) derived and switched fields may deal with such uninitialised data.

Reconfiguration is primarily configured via the #[figleaf(depends_on = ...)] attribute on fields, which specifies one or more fields the field the attribute precedes depends on, and the ::using() builder method which specifies additional sources (tried in inserting order) the configuration should be obtained from.

TODO: usage

In libraries

Figleaf can be used in libraries, not just top-level applications.

If a library needs configuration, in addition to offering a configuration struct to its consumers to be completed at their discretion, it can request configuration via Figleaf, with the same power features as usual Figleaf usage.

The difference is that the top-level application always can have control if it so decides. It can discover configuration requests, and intercept, redirect, remap, override... them. If the top-level application either doesn't use Figleaf or doesn't interfere with library configuration requests, things proceed as usual.

TODO: the rest


Configuration languages are used to parse files and file-like inputs. Figleaf works exclusively with Serde-implemented languages (Serde calls them “formats”). There are several ways to select which languages are available, and which is used.

The default set

  • JSON. Feature: lang:json.
  • TOML. Feature: lang:toml.
  • YAML. Feature: lang:yaml.
  • Dhall. Feature: lang:dhall.

JSON, TOML, and YAML are the most used configuration languages.

Dhall is the author’s hope for a better configuration standard.

Compile-time selection

All built-in languages are feature-gated (with the default set being included in the crate’s default features), all denoted by lang: as demonstrated above.

The non-default built-in languages are:

The (not recommended apart from prototyping and testing) lang:all feature includes all supported built-in languages.

Using additional languages

Using more languages than the built-in ones is possible: all that's needed is a serde format library, a conversion from its Value type to Figleaf’s, and an extension/mime-type list.

TODO: example

Runtime selection

By default, all languages compiled-in are used. However, selecting languages can be done at runtime.

TODO: example

File extensions and mimetypes

Each language has one or more associated file extensions and one or more IANA media type (commonly known as “mimetype”). The built-in ones are:

Language Extensions Media types
Dhall dhall (none)
HCL hcl (none)
Human JSON hjson application/hjson
HOCON hocon, hoconf [1] application/hocon
INI ini application/textedit, zz-application/zz-winassoc-ini
JSON json application/json
JSON5 json5 application/json5
MuON muon (none)
PHP’s serialize (none) (none)
RON ron (none)
S-expressions (none) (none)
TOML toml application/toml
XML xml application/xml
YAML yaml, yml application/yaml, application/x-yaml, text/yaml
[1] HOCON’s default is `.conf`, but that is supremely ambiguous. You can still opt-in to this usage with `.add_extension(Language::Hocon, "conf")`.

Extensions are used when reading files, media types when reading streams with an indicated content type or when detecting content type e.g. with a “magic” database. It’s always possible to add or override the extensions and media types for a language:

  .add_extension(Language::YAML, "yuml")
  .set_mediatypes(Language::YAML, &["application/yuml"])


For streams, files, or file-like sources without a content type indication or extension, type can be auto-detected. There are three ways to achieve this:

  1. Trying all enabled formats in turn until one doesn’t error. This is the default, as it is easiest, even though it is innefficient and may result in false-positives and errors.

  2. Using a “magic” database. Enabled with the magic-detect feature. The general principle is that the first few hundred bytes of a file are read and a series of heuristics are applied. This returns a media type, which is used as defined above. In case nothing is found, falls back to 1.

  3. Providing a function that takes the source information and returns a Language:: enum variant or None. Falls back to 1 (or 2 if enabled).

TODO: builder example code for 2 and 3


  • Environment
  • Arguments
  • [Files]
  • [Network]
  • [Databases]
    • [Connection]
    • [Relational]
    • [Key-value]
    • [Document]
  • [Platorm-specific]
    • [D-Bus]
    • [Windows COM]
    • [Windows Registry]
    • [Apple Events]
    • [Virtual filesystems]
  • [Special]
    • [Standard input]
    • [Appended to binary]
    • [Shared memory]
    • [Keyring]
    • [Clipboard]
    • [EFI variables]
    • [Hardware tokens]
    • [Serial]
    • [Block device]

Most of the sections below deal with the various kinds of configuration sources that Figleaf supports, either out of the box or as features. Sources are where configuration lives and is pulled from into your program.

Each different source described starts out with a table like this:

Feature source:<name>
Default yes/no Is it in the default feature set?
Reloadable yes/no Is it [reloadable]?
Watchable yes/no If it is reloadable, can changes be detected without polling?
Writable yes/no Does it support [writing back to the source]?
Can be dynamic yes/no Can it be built into a shared library? (see below)
In libfigleaf yes/no Is it in the default shared library build?
WASM yes/no Can it be [used in Web Assembly]? (potentially needing binds)


Each source can be compiled-in (to compiled-out default features, use default-features = true) with crate feature names namespaced under source:. To see the full list of source features, check out [the appendix].

Also see the [feature profiles] appendix for presets.


By default, if a source is compiled in (if its feature is enabled), it is used. Source filtering takes a [Pattern] and matches on source names: positive matches are allowed. For security-sensitive applications, source safelisting may be important, though disabling sources at compilation time is likely better.

Source filtering can also be used in recursive reconfiguration scenarios, with a configuration option enabling more configuration sources.

TODO: example


Feature Default Reloadable Watchable Writable Dynamic In libfigleaf WASM
source:env yes yes no yes yes yes yes

Environment variables are key-value pairs provided by the operating system to a process and its children. Keys and values are arbitrary byte strings, with the notable exception of the null byte (0x00) being disallowed in both. In practice, non-ascii keys are discouraged, and UPPER_SNAKE_CASE is conventional.

(Technically, environment variables are a set of null-terminated byte strings, they're only key-value pairs in that this is how everything interprets them. Key and value are delimited by the first =, if present. Having no value or the empty string as a value is equivalent, and is generally interpreted as being unset, as there is no true way to unset a particular environment variable. Similarly, the order in which environment variables are provided is implementation-specific and may not be defined: they are usually to be considered an unordered set; yet internally they may be considered an ordered array.)

Environment variables may be written to by the process itself. Child processes and other processes (including root) cannot change a process's environment once that process has been created. Nevertheless, environment may be written to by other parts of the program, and thus this source does have reloading support.

Security note: by default environment variables are available to child processes (including when dropping privileges) and any other process running under the same user (or root). While there are various mitigations, keep this in mind when passing in secrets or sensitive information.

Key format

The general convention for environment variables as configuration is to prefix keys with the name or a short identifier of the application. For example a program named Passionfruit may use the PASSIONFRUIT_ or perhaps the PASSION_ prefix.


When using the auto! macro, the prefix is set to the UPPER_SNAKE_CASE variant of the crate's name, appended with an underscore. Otherwise it defaults to no prefix (the empty string).

Keys can be further transformed using an arbitrary function. By default, keys are treated as UTF-8 and lowercased, with non-UTF-8 bytes left alone. That transform can be disabled to leave keys as-is.

  .configure(env::KeyTransform(Some(|key: &[u8]| {
    use bstr::ByteSlice; // provides .replace
    key.replace("leaves", "shoots")

Transforming keys may result in collisions, which can be handled in various ways:

  • env::Collision::LastWins (the default), where every subsequent identical key overrides the previous value, resulting in the "last" key "winning" overall.
  • env::Collision::FirstWins, where subsequent identical keys are ignored.
  • env::Collision::Error, where duplicate keys makes Figleaf return an error.
  • env::Collision::Joined(":"), where duplicate keys have their values joined together with the given separator (e.g. :).

Value parsing

Value parsing can be customised globally and also per key pattern. By default, the following rules are applied:

  1. If a value is entirely digits, then the smallest unsigned integer type the value fits in is selected. If the value doesn't fit in the largest integer type available (u128 on most platforms), then if source:args:bigint is enabled the value is parsed as a [BigUint], and otherwise it falls through (to a string).

  2. If a value is entirely digits save for a starting minus sign (U+TODO) the same process as in 1 is followed, but for signed integers (and [BigInt] if enabled). Similarly for floats in decimal notation, and in exponent notation.

  3. If the value is literally true or false, case-insensitive, it is parsed to the appropriate boolean.

  4. If the value is valid UTF-8, it is parsed as a String.

  5. Otherwise, byte strings are returned raw.


Feature Default Reloadable Watchable Writable Dynamic In libfigleaf WASM
source:args yes no no no no yes yes

Arguments are provided to a program as an ordered array of arbitrary byte strings, excluding null bytes. Encoding may be OS- or implementation- specific. They are generally considered to be immutable; however it can be possible to overwrite them directly in memory. Figleaf explicitly does not support this and considers this source read-only.

There are many different conventions for parsing arguments in key-value pairs or more complex structures. Figleaf by default attempts to simplistically parse the most common styles all at once:

  • -arg VALUE, -arg=VALUE, /arg VALUE, /arg=VALUE, --arg VALUE, --arg=VALUE all result in the key /arg. It makes no difference between "long" and "short" options: -a and --a and /a are parsed the same way and are equivalent. The / variants are only enabled on Windows to avoid clashing with paths on Unices.

  • If an option as per above is immediately followed by another option or the end of the argument list or --, it is treated as a unary option (often called "flag").

  • All arguments following -- are provided as-is, in order, in a Vec.

TODO: clap integration

Values are parsed in the same way as environment variables' are.


  • libfigleaf
  • [Feature profiles]
  • [Feature reference]
  • [Optimisation guidelines]
  • [Bindings]


Figleaf is enormous. It supports lots of languages, lots of sources, and lots of different options. Everything has a corresponding crate feature, so most of the library can be opt-in, or opt-out in the case of the default feature set. Yet every feature enabled has two costs: compilation time and binary size.

Enabling all the languages and all the sources makes for a powerful and truly flexible configuration library, but a terrible developer experience. Enabling a subset in development and more for release builds is awkward and may introduce bugs in production not present or noticed in development! It's not great.

libfigleaf is a shared library containing by default all built-in languages and nearly all built-in sources. Installed in a standard system location, it will be loaded by Figleaf and all available sources and languages enabled. Thus the main library can remain both powerful and pleasant to use.

Another advantage is that libfigleaf may be packaged separately, for example through a package manager, and shared between many application, further reducing size, as well as enabling updates to libfigleaf independently of your own app.

The [default:minimal feature profile] heavily relies on libfigleaf: along with other optimisations, it enables only the environment variable source as built-in, no languages, and delegates all else to the shared library.

Obtaining libfigleaf

The Figleaf project provides a pre-built distribution of libfigleaf for:

  • Always: x86_64 and i686 Linux (libc and musl), Windows (MSVC), x86_64 macOS
  • Usually: x86_64 FreeBSD, Android, ARM64 iOS, Linux (libc), WASM32 (see [Bindings])
  • Best effort: x86_64 NetBSD, OpenBSD, Fuchsia, Redox, ARM64 Linux (musl)

The distribution is not built for every Figleaf release, and is versioned separately. Current and previous releases, as well as packager instructions, can be found at All downloads are signed using minisign. Public key:


To obtain libfigleaf on another platform, you need to build it. You can obtain source from either this repository or (preferably) a tarball of the source used to build the latest (or desired) libfigleaf release, also available and signed, as above. Building instructions are included. To build from here:

$ cd libfig
$ cargo build --release
$ cp target/release/
$ strip

Adjust for the correct filename/target/tooling.

Custom build

It is possible to build your own custom distribution of the library (do not call it "libfigleaf", that name must always refer to the default distribution).

The libfig member crate supports Figleaf's lang: and source: feature sets. Refer to its Cargo.toml for more. Change the default feature key to include what you need, or specify them on the command line.

You can also include your own custom sources and languages. Hook those up in (search for // custom language and // custom source).

Build as above.

Dynlib loading options

By default, Figleaf looks in system locations for the name libfigleaf.V.EXT where V is the major libfigleaf version compatible with this Figleaf release, and EXT is the platform-appropriate file extension (so or dll).

In debug mode (when debug_assertions and/or dynamic:debug is on), it also looks in the working directory.

You can change the places it looks in (tried in order):

  .library_locations(&["/opt/figleaf/lib", "./inc"])

You can change the name it looks for (tried in order):

  .library_names(&["libmapleleaf", "figfruit"])

You can change when it stops:


That one is false by default. When true, Figleaf will keep loading libraries it finds until it exhausts the locations × names list. That can be used to load e.g. the default distribution and a custom add-on library on top.

The first version of a source or language found is used, and those compiled in take precedence overall. That is, it's not possible to override already-loaded implementations.

Disabling dynamic loading

You may want to disable for a variety of reasons, the most common being as a security concern.

You can disable at runtime:


Or you can remove the feature set namespaced under dynamic:.

You can also disable loading sources or languages only:


Or via features: dynamic:sources and dynamic:languages.

There are [feature profiles] preset without the dynamic features.


Configuration as flexible as a leaf







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