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Self contained installation of Vaultwarden in AWS using Terraform.


  • HTTPS out from the box
  • fail2ban - to minimize risk from bruteforcing credentials
  • automatic backups - every day backup DB to S3 storage
  • self maintained - include scripts to update server and restart to apply security patches
  • self healed - used Autoscaling group to spin new instance in case of outage with restoring from last backup
  • saving cost by using Spot instance


  • AWS console account
  • Route53 hosted zone
  • EC2 key pair
  • IAM user
  • AWS CLI 2
  • Terraform


AWS account

Because everything related to project will be handled in AWS cloud, you need to have an account.
If you don't have one - please Sign up.
If you have - please Sign in

Route53 hosted zone

To have some human readable URL we should buy domain zone.

  • To do so, navigate to Route53 service image
  • then go to Domain under Domain registration image
  • and then Register Domainimage
  • you can choose different domain - each one has own cost. There is list of all domain with pricing
    TL;DR; - .link is the cheapest one with 5$ to purchase.
  • after you purchase a domain AWS will send you email with confirmation

EC2 key pair

  • Please navigate HERE and find AWS Region Name with lowest ping - remember its Region Code
  • now let's proceed with creating key pair. Navigate to Features Key pairs image
  • then find dropdown in top-right corner image click on it and choose Region from previous step
  • click on Create key pair, give it some reasonable name, remember it and click Create key pair

IAM user

  • Navigate to Features Users IAM service image and click on Add users
  • Provide a user name (for example terraform-user) and choose Programmatic access image and click Next: Permissions
  • Choose Attach existing policies directly and enable AdministatorAccess image and click Next: Tags
  • Click on Next: Review and then on Create user
  • Please download .csv file with IAM user credentials and Close image


  • Please download and install AWSCLI 2. It will be used to configure access to your AWS account.
  • After installation is done, please follow Setup guide and use AWS Access Key ID and AWS Secret Access Key grab from downloaded .csv file from IAM user stage.


Please download and install Terraform. It will be used to bootstrap whole infrastructure for a project.


After project is cloned, copy terraform.tfvars.example and rename to terraform.tfvars And populate it with configuration related to your setup. There is one restriction for s3_bucket_name_prefix - check it HERE

# choose Region code from EC2 key pair stage
region                = "" 
# region code with appended 'a'
aval_zone             = "" 
# domain which you bought in Route53 hosted zone stage
hosted_zone           = ""
# your prefix for URL 
domain_name_prefix    = ""
# email address which is used for request SSL certificate for HTTPS
email_for_cert        = "" 
# mark should be issued cert be test one or not. true or false
test_cert             = false 
# prefix to name S3 bucket to store backups and configutaion files
s3_bucket_name_prefix = "" 
# key pair name created on EC2 key pair stage
access_key_name       = "" 

Example of populated terraform.tfvars

region                = "us-east-1"
aval_zone             = "us-east-1a"
hosted_zone           = ""
domain_name_prefix    = "vaultwarden"
email_for_cert        = ""
test_cert             = false
s3_bucket_name_prefix = "vaultwarden-john-doe"
access_key_name       = "john-doe-key"

With current variables it will create URL with two S3 bucket vaultwarden-backups-bucket and vaultwarden-configs-bucket and will have proper SSL certificate for HTTPS.

After everything is configured run next commands

terraform init
terraform plan

If no error appeared run

terraform apply -f

to create infrastructure and bootstrap application. If it fails with error related to S3, just run this command again. After 15-20 minutes check your URL is Vaultwarden is up. image

After you run installation and Terraform finished you will see two strings:

  • full-domain-name - URL for VaultWarden
  • admin-token - secure code for admin dashboard - NEVER share it

VaultWarden configuration

By default free registration is disabled and new users should be first invited from admin dashboard, and then they can proceed with registration. To do so, go to /admin and enter your admin token. image

Go to Users tab and invite user by email. User will not recieve any notification. But you can go to main URL and proceed with registration process with invited email.


Name Type
aws_key_pair data resource
aws_route53_zone data resource
aws_autoscaling_group resource
aws_default_route_table resource
aws_eip resource
aws_iam_instance_profile resource
aws_iam_policy.eni resource
aws_iam_policy.route53_dns resource
aws_iam_policy.s3 resource
aws_iam_role resource
aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.ec2_eni resource
aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.ec2_route53_dns resource
aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.ec2_s3 resource
aws_internet_gateway resource
aws_launch_template resource
aws_network_interface resource
aws_route53_record resource
aws_s3_bucket.backup resource
aws_s3_bucket.config resource
aws_s3_bucket_object.backup_script resource
aws_s3_bucket_object.docker_compose resource
aws_s3_bucket_object.maint-script resource
aws_s3_bucket_object.nginx_301_filter resource
aws_s3_bucket_object.nginx_301_jail resource
aws_s3_bucket_object.nginx_400_filter resource
aws_s3_bucket_object.nginx_400_jail resource
aws_s3_bucket_object.nginx_404_filter resource
aws_s3_bucket_object.nginx_404_jail resource
aws_s3_bucket_object.nginx_bot_jail resource
aws_s3_bucket_object.nginx_conf resource
aws_s3_bucket_object.nginx_http_auth_jail resource
aws_s3_bucket_object.notifier resource
aws_s3_bucket_object.update_script resource
aws_s3_bucket_object.warden_admin_filter resource
aws_s3_bucket_object.warden_admin_jail resource
aws_s3_bucket_object.warden_filter resource
aws_s3_bucket_object.warden_jail resource
aws_s3_bucket_public_access_block.backup resource
aws_s3_bucket_public_access_block.config resource
aws_security_group.public_http resource
aws_security_group.public_https resource
aws_security_group.public_ssh resource
aws_security_group.vpc_traffic resource
aws_subnet resource
aws_vpc resource
random_string.admin-token resource


Name Description Type Default Required
region AWS region deploy to string us-east-1 no
aval_zone AWS availability zone deploy to string us-east-1a no
hosted_zone AWS domain zone string yes
domain_name_prefix Custom prefix for URL string warden no
email_for_cert Email to notify for SSL cert EOF string yes
test_cert Should request temp certificate for testing boolean false yes
s3_bucket_name_prefix Prefix for created S3 buckets string yes
access_key_name Access key to configure SSH access to EC2 instance string yes


Name Description
admin-token Token used to acccess admin dashboard
full-domain-name URL to access VaultWarden


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.