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Unity plugin for Mobile App Integration using PayTabs Gateway


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Unity PayTabs Plugin is a wrapper for the native PayTabs Android and iOS SDKs, It helps you integrate your Unity3D project with PayTabs.

Plugin Support:

  • iOS
  • Android


  • The plugin offers a ready-made card payment screen.
  • Card Scanner for quick & easy entry of card details (iOS 13.0+).
  • Handle the missing required billing and shipping details.
  • Logo, colors, and fonts become easy to be customized.
  • Apple Pay and SamsunPay are supported.
  • Supporting dark mode.
  • Alternative payment methods supported.


  1. Download the package from here.

  2. Import the paymentplugin package into your project Assets-> Import Package -> Custom Package.


Pay with Card

  1. Configure the billing & shipping info, the shipping info is optional
PaymentBillingDetails billingDetails = new PaymentBillingDetails
        name = "M Adly",
        phone = "+973111111111",
        countryCode = "AE",
        city = "Dubai",
        email = "",
        zipCode = "12345",
        state = "Dubai",
        addressLine = "Address line"
  1. Create an object of PaymentConfiguration and fill it with your credentials and payment details.
PaymentConfiguration configuration = new PaymentConfiguration
        profileID = "*Profile ID*",
        serverKey = "*Server Key*",
        clientKey = "*Client Key*",
        cartID = "1234567",
        amount = 12,
        currency = "AED",
        merchantCountryCode = "AE",
        cartDescription = "Buy 2 flowers",
        screenTitle = "Store Name"

Options to show billing and shipping ifno

	configuration.showBillingInfo = true
	configuration.showShippingInfo = true
  1. Add the action function to handle payment details & events callbacks.
 private void callbackHandler(Dictionary<string, object> result) {
        if ((string)result["status"] == "success")
            // Handle transaction details here.
            Dictionary<string, object> transactionDetails = (Dictionary<string, object>)result["data"];
            Dictionary<string, object> paymentResult = (Dictionary<string, object>)transactionDetails["paymentResult"];
            if (transactionDetails.ContainsKey("token"))
        else if ((string)result["status"] == "error")
            // Handle error here the code and message.
        else if ((string)result["status"] == "event")
            // Handle events here.

  1. Start the payment by calling StartCardPayment method
	PaymentPlugin.StartCardPayment(configuration, callbackHandler);     

Pay with Apple Pay

  1. Follow the guide Steps to configure Apple Pay to learn how to configure ApplePay with PayTabs.

  2. Do the steps 1, 2, and 3 from Pay with Card, although you can ignore Billing & Shipping details and Apple Pay will handle it, you must add the merchant name and merchant Apple Pay indentifier to the configuration.

    configuration.merchantName = "Flowers Store"
    configuration.merchantApplePayIndentifier = ""
  1. To simplify ApplePay validation on all user's billing info, pass simplifyApplePayValidation parameter in the configuration with true.
configuration.simplifyApplePayValidation = true
  1. Call StartApplePayPayment to start the payment.
PaymentPlugin.StartApplePayPayment(configuration, callbackHandler);

Pay with Samsung Pay

Pass Samsung Pay token to the configuration and call startCardPayment

configuration.samsungToken = "token"

Pay with Alternative Payment Methods

It becomes easy to integrate with other payment methods in your region like STCPay, OmanNet, KNet, Valu, Fawry, UnionPay, and Meeza, to serve a large sector of customers.

  1. Do the steps 1, 2, and 3 from Pay with Card.

  2. Choose one or more of the payment methods you want to support.

configuration.alternativePaymentMethods = new string[] { PaymentAlternativePaymentMethod.stcPay, PaymentAlternativePaymentMethod.fawry };
  1. Start payment by calling StartAlternativePaymentMethod method and handle the transaction details
PaymentPlugin.StartAlternativePaymentMethod(configuration, callbackHandler);     


The following constants will help you in customizing your configuration.

  • Tokenise types

The default type is none

public class PaymentTokeniseType {
    public static string none = "none", 
    merchantMandatory = "merchantMandatory",
    userMandatory = "userMandatory",
    userOptinoal = "userOptional";
configuration.tokeniseType = PaymentTokeniseType.userOptinoal
  • Transaction classes

The default class is ecom

public class PaymentTransactionClass {
    public static string ecom = "ecom", 
    recurring = "recur";
configuration.transactionClass = PaymentTransactionClass.recurring
  • Token formats

The default format is hex32

public class PaymentTokeniseFromat {
    public static string none = "1", 
    hex32 = "2", 
    alphaNum20 = "3", 
    digit22 = "3", 
    digit16 = "5", 
    alphaNum32 = "6";
configuration.tokenFormat = PaymentTokeniseFromat.hex32
  • Transaction types

The default type is sale

public class PaymentTransactionType {
    public static string sale = "sale", 
    authorize =  "auth";
configuration.transactionType =
  • Alternative payment methods
public class PaymentAlternativePaymentMethod {
    public static string unionPay = "unionpay", 
    stcPay = "stcpay", 
    valu =  "valu", 
    meezaQR =  "meezaqr", 
    omannet =  "omannet", 
    knetCredit =  "knetcredit", 
    knetDebit =  "knetdebit", 
    fawry =  "fawry";
configuration.alternativePaymentMethods = new string[] { PaymentAlternativePaymentMethod.stcPay, ...}

Show/Hide Card Scanner

configuration.hideCardScanner = true

Theme Customization

UI guide


Create an instance from the class PaymentTheme and configure its fonts and colors.

PaymentTheme theme = new PaymentTheme
        backgroundColor= "4853b8" // color hex value
        primaryColor = "956596"
configuration.theme =theme;


Use the following guide to customize the colors, font, and logo by configuring the theme and pass it to the payment configuration.

  • Override strings: To override string you can find the keys with the default values here english, arabic.
  // to override colors
     <color name="payment_sdk_primary_color">#5C13DF</color>
     <color name="payment_sdk_secondary_color">#FFC107</color>
     <color name="payment_sdk_primary_font_color">#111112</color>
     <color name="payment_sdk_secondary_font_color">#6D6C70</color>
     <color name="payment_sdk_separators_color">#FFC107</color>
     <color name="payment_sdk_stroke_color">#673AB7</color>
     <color name="payment_sdk_button_text_color">#FFF</color>
     <color name="payment_sdk_title_text_color">#FFF</color>
     <color name="payment_sdk_button_background_color">#3F51B5</color>
     <color name="payment_sdk_background_color">#F9FAFD</color>
     <color name="payment_sdk_card_background_color">#F9FAFD</color> 
  // to override dimens
     <dimen name="payment_sdk_primary_font_size">17sp</dimen>
     <dimen name="payment_sdk_secondary_font_size">15sp</dimen>
     <dimen name="payment_sdk_separator_thickness">1dp</dimen>
     <dimen name="payment_sdk_stroke_thickness">.5dp</dimen>
     <dimen name="payment_sdk_input_corner_radius">8dp</dimen>
     <dimen name="payment_sdk_button_corner_radius">8dp</dimen>

Demo application

Download our package source and run the demo attached with it.




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