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ConsenSys Blockchain Developer Bootcamp 2021 Final Project

The ConsenSys Blockchain Developer Bootcamp 2021 is ConsenSys Academy's flagship technical program. The course covers blockchain fundamentals, smart contracts (Solidity), developer tooling, and second order effects. The final project is to deploy a dApp with a set of smart contracts, tests, and a web interface.

Social Trading Set

This dApp will utilize Set Protocol V2 to create a smart contract managed Social Trading Set. The Manager will call the Trade Module to execute atomic trades and change the underlying collateral in a Set for all token holders. The Streaming Fee Module accrues streaming fees for the Manager.

Future Work: Algorithmic Trading Set

In future work, this dApp is looking to add an Algorithmic Trading Set. In this system a Strategy Adapter instructs the Manager on how to call the Trade Module when triggered by a Keeper Bot.

Directory Structure

  • contracts: manager/SocialTradingManager.sol is the main contract, which acts as the smart contract manager for the PBSocial token. interfaces/ITradeModule.sol is also custom. The rest of the contracts come from Set Protocol.
  • diagrams: Contract architecture diagrams used in the
  • frontend: Holds dapp.js which is the JavaScript for the front end. index.html lies outside this folder for Github Pages to recognize.
  • migrations: deployment scripts for truffle
  • test: A handful of tests for the SocialTradingManager contract

├── contracts
│   ├── interfaces
│   ├──   ├── IExchangeAdapter.sol
│   ├──   ├── ISetToken.sol
│   ├──   ├── IStreamingFeeModule.sol
│   ├──   ├── ITradeModule.sol
│   ├── lib
│   ├──   ├── MutualUpgrade.sol
│   ├──   ├── PreciseUnitMath.sol
│   ├── manager
│   ├──   ├── SocialTradingManager.sol
│   ├── Migrations.sol

├── diagrams
│   ├── algorithmicTradingArchitecture.jpg
│   ├── socialTradingArchitecture.jpg

├── frontend
│   ├── dapp.js

├── migrations
│   ├── 1_initial_migration.js
│   ├── 2_social_trading_manager.js

├── test
│   ├── social_trading_manager.js

├── .gitignore
├── deployed_address.txt
├── index.html
├── package-lock.json
├── package.json
├── truffle-config.js

Frontend Interface

The frontend interface is hosted on Github Pages at

Ethereum Address for NFT Certificate

pblivin.eth (0xD20673d9c07BaA5400B9DF075C3077DfE75A1a1F)

Installing Dependencies


npm install @openzeppelin/contracts@3.1.0
npm install @truffle/hdwallet-provider
npm install dotenv

Running Smart Contract Unit Tests

truffle test

Screencast Walkthrough

Deployment Workflow

  • In the "Social Trader" tab of the frontend, create a Set Token, yielding a new setTokenAddress
  • Deploy the Social Trading Manager truffle migrate --network kovan with the new setTokenAddress in the constructor, yielding a new socialTradingManagerAddress
  • Initialize the BasicIssuanceModule
  • Initialize the StreamingFeeModule with the socialTradingManagerAddress as the fee recipient
  • Initialize the TradeModule
  • Update the Set Token Manager to socialTradingManagerAddress



Final project for the 2021 ConsenSys Blockchain Developer Bootcamp.







No releases published
