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Hi there 👋 I'm Pascal


About me 💯

  • 🔭 I'm currently working on what's next.
  • 🔧 My day (and sometimes night) job is to help safeguard the Ethereum ecosystem.
  • ➕ Previously, I founded DAITA Technologies, a Swiss-based startup specialising in transforming raw data into AI-ready data sets at scale, and Alethena, a company pioneering Ethereum-based tokenised shares and their trading via an automated market maker in Switzerland.
  • 🎓 I hold a Master's degree in Quantitative Finance from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH Zurich).
  • ❤️ Generally, I'm truly passionate about Machine/Deep Learning, Computer Vision, Ethereum Smart Contracts, Bitcoin, and OSS Engineering.
  • 📫 How to reach me:
  • 🌱 I'm currently learning not to go insane – broadly speaking.
  • 💬 Ask me about anything – maybe I can help you; most likely not.
  • ⚡ Fun fact: It took less code to send a man to the moon than to run a smartphone.

💻 OSes

Debian Ubuntu Windows

🎯 Skills

⌨️ Programming languages

JavaScript Python Solidity TypeScript

🎛 Frameworks and runtime environments

Angular Node.js PyTorch TensorFlow

🗃 Package, dependency, and environment management

Conda npm pnpm Yarn

🛠 Toolings, platforms, infrastructure providers, and libraries

AWS Cloudflare Git Postman

NumPy OpenCV SciPy

📦 npm packages

  • xdeployer – A Hardhat plugin to deploy your smart contracts across multiple Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) chains with the same deterministic address.

📚 Smart contract libraries

  • 🐍 snekmate – State-of-the-art, highly opinionated, hyper-optimised, and secure 🐍Vyper smart contract building blocks.

😎 Miscellaneous

💰 Funding

Bitcoin Ethereum Stripe

🔎 Some stats

Pascal's GitHub Stats

Top Langs
