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3. Detail Information

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3 Detail Information

(If no explicit,unit in this page is 1/100 ₡)

3.1 Resident economic elements

1.Resident will have their own income and expense.
2.Income include salary and goverment benefit.
3.Expense include house rent, transport fee, salary tax , education&hospital fee and resident consumption.

3.1.1 Resident income Resident salary:

workplace\education no education junior education middle education high education
Office profit-share all the money which invested in office profit-share all the money which invested in office profit-share all the money which invested in office profit-share all the money which invested in office
Industrial&Commerical profit-share x% of all the money in building profit-share x% of all the money in building profit-share x% of all the money in building profit-share x% of all the money in building
Goverment 20 25 35 50

Note: Goverment salary will be adjusted depends on city average citizen salary and budget.
Note: Goverment include industry DLC.
Note: industrial and Commerical profit-share ratio, see profitShareRatio* in codes.
Note: industrial and Commerical have max salary restrict, see salaryMax* in codes. Other income:

Other income
Benefit 0-(city average citizen salary)(based on Parliamentary)
Live allowance -family money(if family money < 0)

3.1.2 Resident expense Family house rent

The expense of the house rent is determined by the types, levels and the corresponding land price.
Generally saying, the higher of the land price and ranks, the higher the houserent of the house will be. The expense of low residential building is higher than high residential building in the same level.

Building Type House Rent(w/o taxrate and landprice effect)
Low resident level1 100
Low resident level2 150
Low resident level3 200
Low resident level4 250
Low resident level5 300
high resident level1 60
high resident level2 80
high resident level3 100
high resident level4 120
high resident level5 150

Note: green house(parklife) will be 2x expensive. Transport Fee

Citizen transport fee is related to their transport vehicles and transport time. Using personal car, higher public transport ticket price, bad rood net or congestion will lead to higher transport fee.
FamilyMoney > 50000, resident will use Personal Car
When Resident moves in city for the first time, passenger car will disappear since their FamilyMoney < 50000

Transport type Cost
Personal Car Car running time
Public transport Ticket Price
Walk&bicycle Free

Note1: Player may cheat by set high price for tourist to get a lot of money, so there is a restict on tourist, toursit will have a budget for transport, if this budget is running out, they will leave city.

Tourist type Budget for transport
Wealth low 2048
Wealth med 4096
Wealth high 8192 Education and HealthCare fee

The education fee and HealthCare fee are calculated individually as part of the expense of a family while also as part of the income of the government.

Item Price
junior school city average citizen salary/4
medium school city average citizen salary/4
high school city average citizen salary/2
campus DLC building city average citizen salary
hospital city average citizen salary/2 Resident shopping or entertainment expense

The consumption of citizen includes the fixed goods consumption and the visit consumption. Shopping price is 5.

Item Price
fixed goods consumption (salary-expense-tax)/(shopping price*2) (max 20)
visit commerical leisure 0.25*family_money
visit commerical toursit 0.2*family_money
visit commerical high 0.15*family_money
visit commerical low 0.1*family_money
visit commerical eco 0.05*family_money
visit monument 0.2*citizen_money

Note1: When family good reduced to a certain value, they will go to a shop and buy 1000 goods.
Note2: Goods consumption will be adjusted by family money. The more money family have, the more fixed goods consumption will be.
Note3: If family good is 0, and family money > 1000*goods price and their salary > 0, they will try to find another place to live, or even move away from city.
Note4: half of monument`s income will treat as investment from Boss(send to office building, see 3.5.1).

3.1.3 Resident wealth

This mod will divide resident wealth based on their family money.

Family money Wealth Type
N<=10000 Wealth Low
100000>N>10000 Wealth Med
N>=100000 Wealth High

3.2 Commerical building economic elements

The income and expense are also considered in the comercial buildings, the income minus the expense is counted as the cash flow of the corresponding buildings. The income and expense and cash flow are possessed by each building.

3.2.1 Commerical building income

The incomes of the comercial buildings include selling of goods and visiting fees from visitors.
The more money resident have, they will spend more visit income to commerical.
Shopping price is 5

3.2.2 Commerical building expense

The expense of the comercial buildings include the houserent, the employ`s sarlary and the material expense.

Bulding Type HouseRent(w/o taxrate) Material(Goods)Price Material/Production Sell Tax
Commerical Low Level1 10000 3.5 1:1 1%-20%(based on Parliamentary decisions)
Commerical Low Level2 20000 3.5 1:1 1%-20%(based on Parliamentary decisions)
Commerical Low Level3 30000 3.5 1:1 1%-20%(based on Parliamentary decisions)
Commerical high Level1 5000 3.5 1:1 1%-20%(based on Parliamentary decisions)
Commerical high Level2 10000 3.5 1:1 1%-20%(based on Parliamentary decisions)
Commerical high Level3 20000 3.5 1:1 1%-20%(based on Parliamentary decisions)
Commerical tourist 40000 3.5 1:1 1%-20%(based on Parliamentary decisions)
Commerical leisure 60000 3.5 1:1 1%-20%(based on Parliamentary decisions)
Commerical eco 30000 3.5 1:1 1%-20%(based on Parliamentary decisions)

Note: The more employ the building have, the Material/Production will be less to make building more profitable.
Note: if goods/1000 < coming vistors, building will shutdown(will not accept other vistors).
Note: some commerical building will import food lumber petrol, the import price for this building is food lumber petrol`s price.

3.3 Industrial building economic elements

The income and expense are also considered in the industrial buildings, the income minus the expense money is counted as the cash flow of the corresponding buildings. The income and expense and cash flow are possessed by each building.

3.3.1 Industrial building income

The income of the industral buildings depends on the exports of the production. The amount of the production multiplies by the price of the production equals to the total income.

Building Type production Type Price
Industrial General Goods 3.5
Industrial farming(process) Foods 1.5
Industrial foresty(process) Lumber 2.5
Industrial Oil(process) Petrol 3
Industrial Ore(process) Coal 2
Industrial farming(material) Grain 1
Industrial foresty(material) Log 1.3
Industrial Oil(material) Oil 2
Industrial Ore(material) Ore 1.6

3.3.2 Industrial building expense

The expense of the industrial buildings include the houserent, the employ`s salary and the material expense.

Bulding Type HouseRent(w/o taxrate) Material Type Material Price Material/Production Sell Tax
Industrial Gen Level1 1000 Food 1.5 1:1 1%-20%(based on Parliamentary decisions)
Industrial Gen Level1 1000 Lumber 2 1:1 1%-20%(based on Parliamentary decisions)
Industrial Gen Level1 1000 Petrol 3 1:125 1%-20%(based on Parliamentary decisions)
Industrial Gen Level1 1000 Coal 2.5 1:1.5 1%-20%(based on Parliamentary decisions)
Industrial Gen Level2 2000 Food 1.5 1:1 1%-20%(based on Parliamentary decisions)
Industrial Gen Level2 2000 Lumber 2 1:1 1%-20%(based on Parliamentary decisions)
Industrial Gen Level2 2000 Petrol 3 1:125 1%-20%(based on Parliamentary decisions)
Industrial Gen Level2 2000 Coal 2.5 1:1.5 1%-20%(based on Parliamentary decisions)
Industrial Gen Level3 3000 Food 1.5 1:1 1%-20%(based on Parliamentary decisions)
Industrial Gen Level3 3000 Lumber 2 1:1 1%-20%(based on Parliamentary decisions)
Industrial Gen Level3 3000 Petrol 3 1:125 1%-20%(based on Parliamentary decisions)
Industrial Gen Level3 3000 Coal 2.5 1:1.5 1%-20%(based on Parliamentary decisions)
Industrial Farming(Process) 500 Grain 1 1:1 1%-20%(based on Parliamentary decisions)
Industrial Foresty(Process) 1000 Log 1.3 1:1 1%-20%(based on Parliamentary decisions)
Industrial Oil(Process) 2000 Oil 2 1:1 1%-20%(based on Parliamentary decisions)
Industrial Ore(Process) 1500 Ore 1.6 1:1 1%-20%(based on Parliamentary decisions)
Industrial Farming(Material) 500 1%-20%(based on Parliamentary decisions)
Industrial Foresty(Material) 1000 1%-20%(based on Parliamentary decisions)
Industrial Oil(Material) 2000 1%-20%(based on Parliamentary decisions)
Industrial Ore(Material) 1500 1%-20%(based on Parliamentary decisions)

Note: The more employ the building have, the Material/Production will be less to make building more profitable.

3.4 Tourism economic elements

Resident and Tourist will spend money on visit commerical.
Resident visit comsumption see
Tourist will also pay some money during the trip, see blow:

Tourist consumption Type comsumption
Visit commerical citizen average salary*(16-64)(and buy 1000 goods)
Visit monument 1000-4000

Note: Wealth high tourist will spend more money.

3.5 Office building economic elements

The office economic incomes mainly depends on the money from profitable industrial&commerical buildings.
The office economic expense include houserent and employ`s salary.

3.5.1 Office building income

For every industrial&commerical buildings, Boss will take some of the money and return some parts of the money as investment to office.

Building Type Money take by Boss investment from Boss
Industrial Farming 5% 0.05%
Industrial Foresty 5% 0.05%
Industrial Oil 5% 0.05%
Industrial Ore 5% 0.05%
Commerical Eco 25% 20%
Level1 Industrial building 5% 0.3%
Level2 Industrial building 7% 0.4%
Level3 Industrial building 8% 0.5%
Level1 Commerical building 15% 10%
Level2 Commerical building 21% 14%
Level3 Commerical building 24% 16%
Commerical Tourist 20% 1%
Commerical Leisure 40% 25%

Diffent Office will get different investment amount, dynamic and complex.

3.5.2 Office building expense

Building Type HouseRent(w/o taxrate)
Office employee count * 10

3.6 PlayerBuilding elements

3.6.1 PlayerBuilding income

Some Goverment Building Can get some income, please see below:

Building Type Income Item
Monument Resident or Tourist visit
School Education Fee
Recycle center Export Production
Garbage Outside garbage deal
Toll Station Feedthrough&tourist traffic
Public transport Public transport Fee
Police Station Outside Police deal
Hospitial Outside Hospitial deal
Cemetery Outside dead deal
FireStation Outside fire deal

3.6.2 PlayerBuilding expense

Goverment Building expense contains three parts:

1.In-game fixed maintain fee (1/100 compared with vanilla game)
2.Employee salary
3.Goverment vehicle fee
Goverment vehicle fee is defined as blow:

Vehicle Type Fee
service vehicle 1600
Taxi 100
Ship Capacity*20 (cargo ship 5000)
Plane Capacity*500(cargo plane 20000) (helicopter 20000)
Train Carriages Capacity*900 (cargo train 10000)
Metro Carriages Capacity*800
Bus Carriages Capacity*1
Tram Carriages Capacity*5

3.6.3 Toll station

Toll station will only charge feedthough traffic and tourist traffic.

3.6.4 Player Park

Player park is the same as vanilla game. But only when visitors enter parkbuilding, they will pay for ticket prices

3.6.4 Player industrial building

The industrial DLC building`s production price is blow:

Production Type Price
fish 1.5
fish as good 2
Animal Production 1.5
Flours 1.5
Paper 2
PlanedTimber 2
Petroleum 3
Plastics 3
Glasses 2.5
Metals 2.5
LuxuryProducts 5

3.7 Parliament

1.City will have Parliament
2.Citizens have their politics trend based on their money education gender workplace and age
3.Five party will have Parliament seats and have their own politics trend
4.Mod policy will depends on Parliament meeting
5.Parliament will auto adjust tax and expense to help manage city

3.8 Outside connection(V10 new added)

  1. There will be money generated when (Outside sell projuction to local, Outside resident work at local place(see 4.2 Foreign workers), production transfer bettween two Outside connection).
  2. Part of this money will count into Outside Goverment Budget and Outside Tourist Budget。
  3. When Outside Goverment Budget < 0,outside will not request local servise(more outside interaction MOD), No cargo will come into local city for fuel(Real GasStation MOD)
  4. When Outside Tourist Budget < 0,tourist will leave city and no new tourist will come into city,No passengercar will come into local city for fuel(Real GasStation MOD)