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TiteCan INV - Intertwined network valuables

INV is a tool intended to facilitate the implementation of an environment as a code solution in your technological ecosystem.
It is completely generic, complementing automation with code instead of only configuration files.
It enables such features by sequencing intertwined network valuables. These valuables could be your MySQL databases, your dotNet core apps, your AWS web services, your Azure servers, etc.
Basically, anything collaborating within your ecosystem.

INV does not replace any of your actual network valuables. It only facilitates the communication and data exchange between then.

INV is a free, on-prem, java/groovy based solution.
Look here to learn more about the licence.

Build Status Sonarcloud Status

✨ Features

Feature Implemented Targeted flavor(s) Available on Composer
Execute Network valuables sequencing runs Yes 👍 Groovy ✅, Yaml ✅
Extract sources with a REPO script file Yes 👍 Groovy ✅, Yaml ✅
Init Web (Composer) with a REPO script file Yes 👍 Groovy ✅, Yaml ✅
Validate synthax Yes 👍 Groovy ✅, Yaml ❌
Generate DOT graphs Yes 👍 Groovy ✅, Yaml ✅
Generate markdown documentation Yes 👍 Groovy ✅, Yaml ✅
Works in a Windows Yes 👍 Groovy ✅, Yaml ✅
Works in a Linux Yes 👍 Groovy ✅, Yaml ✅
Works in a Docker container Yes 👍 Groovy ✅, Yaml ✅
Report and keeps tracks Yes 👍 Groovy ✅, Yaml ✅
Allow SSL Yes 👍 Groovy ❌, Yaml ❌
Test reporting framework Yes 👍 Groovy ✅, Yaml ✅
Code coverage Not yet 👎 Groovy ✅, Yaml ✅

💻 Installation: How to get?

Visit here for the installation guide.
It covers:

  • Maven
  • Docker
  • Using Groovy
  • Using Java

Installation: Prerequisites

  • JDK 8 or higher
  • Windows or Linux

❓ How to learn INV: A quick example

Visit here for a complete and simple example of how to use INV.

👷 Contribution: Yes, break it please!

First and only rule: let's work together and have fun :)

👼 Our friends

Java Profiler

Providing a free open-source licence which improve SIGNIFICANTLY INV's performances
Java Profiler