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ohpauleez committed May 17, 2016
2 parents 36aaf45 + f946933 commit f8082ab
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Showing 2 changed files with 349 additions and 0 deletions.
185 changes: 185 additions & 0 deletions service/src/io/pedestal/http/content_negotiation.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
; Copyright 2016 Cognitect, Inc.

; The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the
; Eclipse Public License 1.0 (
; which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution.
; By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by
; the terms of this license.
; You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.

(ns io.pedestal.http.content-negotiation
(:require [clojure.string :as string]
[io.pedestal.interceptor :as interceptor]))

;; Parsing the headers, building the map
;; --------------------------------------
;; These functions are all public to allow others to build
;; custom accept-* handling (language, charset, etc.)
(defn parse-accept-element [^String accept-elem-str]
(let [[field & param-strs] (string/split accept-elem-str #";")
field (string/trim field)
[t st] (string/split field #"/")
params (into {:q "1.0"}
(map (fn [s]
(let [[k v] (string/split s #"=")]
[(-> k string/trim string/lower-case keyword)
(string/trim v)])) param-strs))]
{:field field
:type t
:subtype st
:params (update-in params [:q] #(Double/parseDouble %))}))

(defn parse-accept-* [^String accept-str]
(let [accept-elems (string/split accept-str #",")
elem-maps (mapv parse-accept-element accept-elems)]

(defn weighted-accept-qs [supported-types accept-elem]
(when-let [weighted-qs (seq
(for [target supported-types
:let [weighted-q (if (and (= (:type accept-elem) (:type target))
(or (= (:subtype accept-elem)
(:subtype target))
(= (:subtype accept-elem) "*")))
(+ (get-in accept-elem [:params :q])
(if (= (:type accept-elem)
(:type target))
100 0)
(if (= (:type accept-elem) "*")
50 0)
(if (= (:subtype accept-elem)
(:subtype target))
10 0)
(if (= (:subtype accept-elem) "*")
5 0)
(reduce (fn [acc [k v]]
(if (= (get-in target [:params k]) v)
(inc acc)
(:params accept-elem)))
:when (> weighted-q 50)]
[weighted-q target accept-elem]))]
;; `max-key` doesn't have knowledge about the `supported-types` preference order.
;; -- we'll do the `reduce` manually
(reduce (fn [[max-q max-t _ :as max-vec] [weighted-q new-t _ :as new-q-vec]]
(> weighted-q max-q) new-q-vec
(= weighted-q max-q) (if (< (.indexOf supported-types new-t)
(.indexOf supported-types max-t))
new-q-vec max-vec)
:else max-vec))
[0 nil nil]

(defn best-match-fn [supported-type-strs]
{:pre [(not-empty supported-type-strs)
(if (coll? supported-type-strs)
(every? not-empty supported-type-strs)
(let [supported-type-strs (if (coll? supported-type-strs)
supported-type-strs [supported-type-strs])
supported-types (map parse-accept-element supported-type-strs)
weight-fn #(weighted-accept-qs supported-types %)]
(fn [parsed-accept-maps]
(reduce (fn [acc accept-map]
(let [[weight t am] (weight-fn accept-map)]
(if (and weight (> weight (:max-weight acc)))
(assoc! acc
:max-weight weight
:type (dissoc t :params)
:accept-requested am)
(transient {:max-weight 0})

(defn best-match
[match-fn parsed-accept-maps]
(:type (match-fn parsed-accept-maps)))

(def example-accept (string/join " , "
"foo/*; q=0.2"
"spam/*; q=0.5"
"foo/baz; q = 0.8"

;["foo/bar;baz=spam" "foo/bar"]
;["foo/burt" "spam/burt" "no/match"]
["foo/burt" "spam/burt" "foo/bar" "no/match"]
(parse-accept-* example-accept)) ; => foo/bar

(best-match-fn ["foo/burt" "spam/burt" "foo/bar"])
(parse-accept-* "no/match")) ; => nil

(best-match-fn ["foo/burt" "spam/burt" "foo/bar"])
(parse-accept-* "qux/*")) ; => nil

(best-match-fn ["foo/burt" "spam/burt" "foo/bar"])
(parse-accept-* "foo/bonk")) ; => nil

;; Factor in the preference, listed in the order of supported-types
(best-match-fn ["foo/burt" "spam/burt" "foo/bar"])
(parse-accept-* "foo/*")) ; => foo/burt

;; Interceptor
;; -----------
(defn negotiate-content
"Given a vector of strings (supported types mime-types) and
optionally a map of additional options,
return an interceptor that will parse client-request response formats,
and add an `:accept` key on the request, of the most acceptable response format.
The format of the `:accept` value is a map containing :field, :type, and :subtype - all strings
Additional options:
:no-match-fn - A function that takes a context; Called when no acceptable format/mime-type is found
:content-param-paths - a vector of vectors; paths into the context to find 'accept' format strings"
(negotiate-content supported-type-strs {}))
([supported-type-strs opts-map]
(assert (not-empty supported-type-strs)
(str "Content-negotiation interceptor requires content-types; Cannot be empty. Instead found: " (pr-str supported-type-strs)))
(assert (if (coll? supported-type-strs) (every? not-empty supported-type-strs) true)
(str "All content-negotiated types must be valid. Found an empty string: " (pr-str supported-type-strs)))
(assert (if (coll? supported-type-strs) (every? string? supported-type-strs) true)
(str "All content-negotiated types must be strings. Found: " (pr-str supported-type-strs)))
(let [match-fn (best-match-fn supported-type-strs)
{:keys [no-match-fn content-param-paths]
:or {no-match-fn (fn [ctx]
(assoc ctx :response {:status 406
:body "Not Acceptable"}))
content-param-paths [[:request :headers "accept"]
[:request :headers :accept]]}} opts-map]
{:enter (fn [ctx]
(if-let [accept-param (loop [[path & paths] content-param-paths]
(if-let [a-param (get-in ctx path)]
(if (empty? paths)
(recur paths))))]
(if-let [content-match (best-match match-fn (parse-accept-* accept-param))]
(assoc-in ctx [:request :accept] content-match)
(no-match-fn ctx))

164 changes: 164 additions & 0 deletions service/test/io/pedestal/http/content_negotiation_test.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
; Copyright 2016 Cognitect, Inc.

; The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the
; Eclipse Public License 1.0 (
; which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution.
; By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by
; the terms of this license.
; You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.

(ns io.pedestal.http.content-negotiation-test
(:require [clojure.string :as string]
[clojure.test :refer [deftest testing is are]]
[io.pedestal.http.content-negotiation :as cn]))

(def example-accept (string/join " , "
"foo/*; q=0.2"
"spam/*; q=0.5"
"foo/baz; q = 0.8"

(deftest accept-parse-test
(testing "A single requested type"
(is (= (cn/parse-accept-* "foo/bar")
[{:field "foo/bar" :type "foo" :subtype "bar" :params {:q 1.0}}])))
(testing "Multiple requested types - with q and params"
(is (= (cn/parse-accept-* example-accept)
[{:field "*/*" :type "*" :subtype "*" :params {:q 0.2}}
{:field "foo/*" :type "foo" :subtype "*" :params {:q 0.2}}
{:field "spam/*" :type "spam" :subtype "*" :params {:q 0.5}}
{:field "foo/baz" :type "foo" :subtype "baz" :params {:q 0.8}}
{:field "foo/bar" :type "foo" :subtype "bar" :params {:q 1.0}}
{:field "foo/bar" :type "foo" :subtype "bar" :params {:q 1.0 :baz "spam"}}]))))

(deftest parse-and-weight-tests
(testing "single request"
(are [request-str supported-strs expected]
(= (cn/weighted-accept-qs (mapv cn/parse-accept-element supported-strs)
(cn/parse-accept-element request-str))

;; A single request; single supported
;; We expect a score of 112: 100 (type) + 10 (subtype) + 1 (Q) + 1 (matching param in this case, Q=1)
"foo/bar" ["foo/bar"] [112.0
{:field "foo/bar" :type "foo" :subtype "bar" :params {:q 1.0}}
{:field "foo/bar" :type "foo" :subtype "bar" :params {:q 1.0}}]
;; A single request; single support; no match
"foo/bar" ["qux/burt"] nil
;; A single request; multi-supported with one applicable
"foo/*" ["qux/burt" "foo/bar"] [107.0
{:field "foo/bar" :type "foo" :subtype "bar" :params {:q 1.0}}
{:field "foo/*" :type "foo" :subtype "*" :params {:q 1.0}}]
;; A single request; multi-supported with two applicable
;; - preference is based on order of supported types
"foo/*" ["foo/burt" "foo/bar"] [107.0
{:field "foo/burt" :type "foo" :subtype "burt" :params {:q 1.0}}
{:field "foo/*" :type "foo" :subtype "*" :params {:q 1.0}}]
;; A single request; multi-supported with no match
"foo/*" ["qux/burt" "qax/buzz"] nil))
(testing "multi-request"
(are [supported-strs expected]
(= (mapv #(cn/weighted-accept-qs (mapv cn/parse-accept-element supported-strs) %)
(cn/parse-accept-* example-accept))

;; A multi request; single supported
["foo/bar"] [nil
{:field "foo/bar" :type "foo" :subtype "bar" :params {:q 1.0}}
{:field "foo/*" :type "foo" :subtype "*" :params {:q 0.2}}]
{:field "foo/bar" :type "foo" :subtype "bar" :params {:q 1.0}}
{:field "foo/bar" :type "foo" :subtype "bar" :params {:q 1.0}}]
{:field "foo/bar" :type "foo" :subtype "bar" :params {:q 1.0}}
{:field "foo/bar" :type "foo" :subtype "bar" :params {:q 1.0 :baz "spam"}}]]
;; A multi request; single supported with no match
["qux/burt"] [nil nil nil nil nil nil]
;; A multi request; multi-supported with one applicable
["foo/bar" "qux/burt"] [nil
{:field "foo/bar" :type "foo" :subtype "bar" :params {:q 1.0}}
{:field "foo/*" :type "foo" :subtype "*" :params {:q 0.2}}]
{:field "foo/bar" :type "foo" :subtype "bar" :params {:q 1.0}}
{:field "foo/bar" :type "foo" :subtype "bar" :params {:q 1.0}}]
{:field "foo/bar" :type "foo" :subtype "bar" :params {:q 1.0}}
{:field "foo/bar" :type "foo" :subtype "bar" :params {:q 1.0 :baz "spam"}}]]
;; A multi-request; multi supported; multi applicable
["foo/burt" "spam/burt"] [nil
{:field "foo/burt" :type "foo" :subtype "burt" :params {:q 1.0}}
{:field "foo/*" :type "foo" :subtype "*" :params {:q 0.2}}]
{:field "spam/burt" :type "spam" :subtype "burt" :params {:q 1.0}}
{:field "spam/*" :type "spam" :subtype "*" :params {:q 0.5}}]
nil nil nil]
;; A multi-request; multi supported with no match
["qux/burt" "qax/burt"] [nil nil nil nil nil nil])))

;; Since matching is just a fallout of weighting, this next test is
;; just to ensure we fetch the correct value out of the weight response...
(deftest parse-and-match-tests
(testing "Ensure match ensure best match when multiple options are present"
(is (= {:field "spam/burt" :type "spam" :subtype "burt"}
(cn/best-match-fn ["foo/burt" "spam/burt"])
(cn/parse-accept-* example-accept)))))
(testing "Ensure match returns nil when there are no matches"
(is (= nil
(cn/best-match-fn ["qux/burt" "qax/burt"])
(cn/parse-accept-* example-accept))))))

;; Interceptor testing approach taken from io.pedestal.http.ring-middlewares-test
;; ----------------
(defn app [{:keys [response request] :as context}]
(assoc context :response (or response (merge request {:status 200 :body "OK"}))))

(defn context [req]
{:request (merge {:headers {} :request-method :get} req)})

(deftest negcon-interceptor-tests
(testing "No options; match"
(is (= "foo/bar"
(-> (context {:uri "/blah"
:headers {"accept" "foo/bar"}})
((:enter (cn/negotiate-content ["foo/bar" "qux/burt"])))
(get-in [:request :accept :field])))))
(testing "No options; no match"
(is (= 406
(-> (context {:uri "/blah"
:headers {"accept" "spam/burt"}})
((:enter (cn/negotiate-content ["foo/bar" "qux/burt"])))
(get-in [:response :status])))))
(testing "Not acceptable option; match"
(is (= "foo/bar"
(-> (context {:uri "/blah"
:headers {"accept" "foo/bar"}})
((:enter (cn/negotiate-content ["foo/bar" "qux/burt"]
{:no-match-fn (fn [ctx] (assoc-in ctx [:request :blarg] 42))})))
(get-in [:request :accept :field])))))
(testing "Not acceptable option; no match"
(is (= 42
(-> (context {:uri "/blah"
:headers {"accept" "spam/burt"}})
((:enter (cn/negotiate-content ["foo/bar" "qux/burt"]
{:no-match-fn (fn [ctx] (assoc-in ctx [:request :blarg] 42))})))
(get-in [:request :blarg]))))))

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