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gfx committed Jul 4, 2017
1 parent 9f3096d commit cb68004
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Showing 2 changed files with 192 additions and 167 deletions.
167 changes: 0 additions & 167 deletions app/assets/javascripts/peek/views/

This file was deleted.

192 changes: 192 additions & 0 deletions app/assets/javascripts/peek/views/performance_bar.js
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
// The mission control window.performance.timing display area.
// Breaks the window.performance.timing numbers down into these groups:
// dns - Time looking up domain. Usually zero.
// tcp and ssl - Time used establishing tcp and ssl connections.
// redirect - Time spent redirecting since navigation began.
// app - Real server time as recorded in the app.
// latency - Extra backend and network time where browser was waiting.
// frontend - Time spent loading and rendering the DOM until interactive.
// Not all frontend time is counted. The page is considered ready when the
// domInteractive ready state is reached. This is before DOMContentLoaded and
// onload javascript handlers.
class PerformanceBar {
static initClass() {
// Additional app info to show with the app timing.
this.prototype.appInfo = null;

// The pixel width we're rendering the timing graph into.
this.prototype.width = null;

// Format a time as ms or s based on how big it is.
static formatTime(value) {
if (value >= 1000) {
return `${(value / 1000).toFixed(3)}s`;
} else {
return `${value.toFixed(0)}ms`;

// Create a new PerformanceBar view bound to a given element. The el and width
// options should be provided here.
constructor(options) {
if (options == null) { options = {}; }
this.el = $('#peek-view-performance-bar .performance-bar');
for (let k in options) { let v = options[k]; this[k] = v; }
if (this.width == null) { this.width = this.el.width(); }
if (this.timing == null) { this.timing = window.performance.timing; }

// Render the performance bar in the associated element. This is a little weird
// because it includes the server-side rendering time reported with the
// response document which may not line up when using the back/forward button
// and loading from cache.
render(serverTime) {
if (serverTime == null) { serverTime = 0; }
this.addBar('frontend', '#90d35b', 'domLoading', 'domInteractive');

// time spent talking with the app according to performance.timing
let perfNetworkTime = (this.timing.responseEnd - this.timing.requestStart);

// only include serverTime if it's less than than the browser reported
// talking-to-the-app time; otherwise, assume we're loading from cache.
if (serverTime && (serverTime <= perfNetworkTime)) {
let networkTime = perfNetworkTime - serverTime;
this.addBar('latency / receiving', '#f1faff',
this.timing.requestStart + serverTime,
this.timing.requestStart + serverTime + networkTime);
this.addBar('app', '#90afcf',
this.timing.requestStart + serverTime,
} else {
this.addBar('backend', '#c1d7ee', 'requestStart', 'responseEnd');

this.addBar('tcp / ssl', '#45688e', 'connectStart', 'connectEnd');
this.addBar('redirect', '#0c365e', 'redirectStart', 'redirectEnd');
this.addBar('dns', '#082541', 'domainLookupStart', 'domainLookupEnd');

return this.el;

// Determine if the page has reached the interactive state yet.
isLoaded() {
return this.timing.domInteractive;

// Integer unix timestamp representing the very beginning of the graph.
start() {
return this.timing.navigationStart;

// Integer unix timestamp representing the very end of the graph.
end() {
return this.timing.domInteractive;

// Total number of milliseconds between the start and end times.
total() {
return this.end() - this.start();

// Helper used to add a bar to the graph.
addBar(name, color, start, end, info) {
if (typeof start === 'string') { start = this.timing[start]; }
if (typeof end === 'string') { end = this.timing[end]; }

// Skip missing stats
if ((start == null) || (end == null)) { return; }

let time = end - start;
let offset = start - this.start();
let left = this.mapH(offset);
let width = this.mapH(time);

let title = `${name}: ${PerformanceBar.formatTime(time)}`;
let bar = $('<li></li>', {title, class: 'peek-tooltip'});
width: `${width}px`,
left: `${left}px`,
background: color
bar.tipsy({gravity: $.fn.tipsy.autoNS});
return this.el.append(bar);

// Map a time offset value to a horizontal pixel offset.
mapH(offset) {
return offset * (this.width /;

let renderPerformanceBar = function() {
let resp = $('#peek-server_response_time');
let time = Math.round('time') * 1000);

let bar = new PerformanceBar;

let span = $('<span>', {'class': 'peek-tooltip', title: 'Total navigation time for this page.'})
span.tipsy({gravity: $.fn.tipsy.autoNS});
return updateStatus(span);

var updateStatus = html => $('#serverstats').html(html);

let ajaxStart = null;
$(document).on('pjax:start page:fetch turbolinks:request-start', event => ajaxStart = event.timeStamp);

$(document).on('pjax:end page:load turbolinks:load', function(event, xhr) {
if (ajaxStart == null) { return; }
let ajaxEnd = event.timeStamp;
let total = ajaxEnd - ajaxStart;
let serverTime = xhr ? parseInt(xhr.getResponseHeader('X-Runtime')) : 0;

// Defer to include the timing of pjax hook evaluation
return setTimeout(function() {
let tech;
let now = new Date().getTime();
let bar = new PerformanceBar({
timing: {
requestStart: ajaxStart,
responseEnd: ajaxEnd,
domLoading: ajaxEnd,
domInteractive: now
isLoaded() { return true; },
start() { return ajaxStart; },
end() { return now; }


if ($.fn.pjax != null) {
tech = 'PJAX';
} else {
tech = 'Turbolinks';

let span = $('<span>', {'class': 'peek-tooltip', title: `${tech} navigation time`})
span.tipsy({gravity: $.fn.tipsy.autoNS});

return ajaxStart = null;
, 0);

$(function() {
if (window.performance) {
return renderPerformanceBar();
} else {
return $('#peek-view-performance-bar').remove();

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