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This repository is part of the Pelias project. Pelias is an open-source, open-data geocoder originally sponsored by Mapzen. Our official user documentation is here.

Pelias Point-in-Polygon Service


This service provides Who's on First-based point-in-polygon lookup functionality.


Node.js is required.

See Pelias software requirements for required and recommended versions.


$ git clone
$ cd pip-service
$ npm install


NPM Module

The pelias-pip-service npm module can be found here:


To start the PiP service, use the start script ./bin/start, or use npm start.

It will look for Who's on First data in the place configured in pelias.json.

Requests are made to the endpoint in the format: http://localhost:3102/<lon>/<lat>.

For example: http://localhost:3102/-106.937/34.060

Downloading data

Because pelias/whosonfirst is a dependency of this package, its downloader can be used:

npm run download

This will download Who's on First data using the same configuration options from pelias.json as the whosonfirst downloader. That means it will automatically put the data in the place the service will expect to load it from.

Privacy Concerns

The service supports the DNT header by looking for one of the following headers:

  • DNT
  • dnt
  • do_not_track

When any of these headers are supplied in the request (with any value), the request log will output /[removed]/[removed] instead of the longitude/latitude values.

Configuration via Environment Variables

The service supports additional environment variables that affect its operation:

Environment Variable Default Description
HOST undefined The network address that the PiP service will bind to. Defaults to whatever the current Node.js default is, which is currently to listen on (all interfaces). See the Node.js Net documentation for more information.
PORT 3102 The TCP port that the PiP service will use for incoming network connections