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Download and Run

Roberto Perdisci edited this page Sep 24, 2015 · 21 revisions

Download WebCapsule's Binaries

Running WebCapsule

These instructions have been tested on Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS

  • Start Chromium as follows:

    ./chrome --safebrowsing-disable-auto-update --remote-debugging-port=54321 "URL-TO-VISIT"

  • Start WebCapsule's devtools_client and connect to Chrome

    python http://localhost:54321/json

  • On the devtools_client console, type the following commands to get started:

    • For in-memory record&replay mode:

      1. Load a website (e.g.,
      2. Choose the tab you want to record (e.g., type 0)
      3. Start recording by typing StartRecording
      4. Do some browsing (e.g., navigate through different pages on
      5. When you are ready to stop recording, type StopRecording
      6. To start replaying the trace that you just recorded, type StartReplay
    • For the offloading record&replay mode:

      1. Follow steps a-e as for the in-memory mode.

      2. Type DumpRecording FILENAME, where FILENAME is the name of your browsing trace file

      3. Close the browser (alternatively, type Exit in the devtools_client command line)

      4. In the terminal, run the following command (TIMESTAMP should be replaced with the timestamp of the latest offloaded data file):

        python offloaded-data-TIMESTAMP.txt > website.dump

      5. Start the browser and devtools_client again:

        ./chrome --safebrowsing-disable-auto-update --remote-debugging-port=54321 "about:blank" >& logs.tmp

        python http://localhost:54321/json

      6. In the devtools_client, choose tab 0 by typing 0

      7. Load the offloaded browsing trace: LoadRecording website.dump

      8. Start replaying the trace: StartReplay

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