Werewolves have overrun the area, and tonight, they are on the prowl…
Nothing stands between them and the hapless locals. Nothing, that is, except you, your werewolf-proof bunker, your semi-automatic shotgun, and your custom silver-tipped lead slugs.
A game written for the Game Off 2020 jam, with the theme “Moonshot”.
Title music: “Horror Soundtrack - amb_01” by Kenten Fina (CC-BY 3.0). The original has been compressed (in the sound-editing sense, bringing the quiet and loud parts closer in volume).
Game music: “Haunted Woods” by Michael Klier (CC-BY-SA 3.0)
Werewolf sounds:
- “Dog Bite Sound” by Mike Koenig (CC-BY 3.0)
- “Dog Growl Sound” by Mike Koenig (CC-BY 3.0)
- “Wolf Howling Yipping Sound” by Daniel Simon (CC-BY 3.0). The original has been cropped.
- “Wolf Monster Sound” by CaveboyTup (CC0)
Bunker door: “metal_12” and “metal_08” by rubberduck (CC0). The originals have been combined and cropped.
Shotgun sound: “10 Guage Shotgun” by Mike Koenig (CC-BY 3.0). The original has been cropped.
Reload sound: “weapons/shotgun/reload” from Red Eclipse (CC-BY-SA 3.0)
Scream sound: The “Wilhelm Scream” (public domain)
Moon graphic: “Full moon” by dimitri (public domain)
Game Off logo by Lee Reilly