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Pierre Depaz edited this page Apr 26, 2018 · 12 revisions

Final Projects

Project Submissions

  • Clone the repository to your computer.
  • Add the project to your folder (individuals/yourname/numberofproject_nameofproject/).
    • For example: individuals/pierre/01_infinitelandscape/
  • Along with your project folder, add the following:
    • At least three representative screenshots of your project.
    • A text file named description.txt describing the concept behind the project.
    • A text file named instructions.txt describing the input scheme and the expected behaviour of the project.
    • A text file named user-test.txt describing the result of user-testing. It should include, for each test, the state of the project when you tested it, the profile of the user (familiar vs. experienced), the assumptions that you tested (overall design decision or specific mechanics/interactions), and the conclusions you drew from the testing as well as the concrete steps you took as a result.
  • For group projects, only one of the group members needs to upload the files. Decide on who will do so and mention it in instructions.txt.

Project Presentations

When asked to present your work, your are expected to address the following points, in any order you want:

  • Explain what the artistic intent behind the project is.
  • Explain how you translated that intent in terms of environment and interaction.
  • Present the project.
  • Show the part(s) of the code that you find most interesting.
  • Describe how user-testing went (remarks the user made, unexpected behaviour) and how you addressed those problems.

Project 1: Brave New World

  • Create a procedural environment in Unity.
    • You are expected to have a single Game Object in the Hierarchy, called Environment and with a script which generates the environment at runtime.
  • Your environment should be designed to elicit a specific emotion in your audience (calm, awe, fear, anger, frustration, etc.).
  • Come up with at least one interaction that allows your audience to initiate a twist on that particular emotion.
  • Your interaction(s) should exclusively happen through Gaze input / Raycasting.
  • Ensure that your interaction has an appropriate, informative feedback (tells the audience that something has happened).

Project 2: Motion Design

  • Create an environment in Unity with some procedural aspect and some static aspect.
    • For the static aspect, use at least one material and one audio clip.
  • Come up with a coherent set of interactions that (they act on the same object, same effect on multiple objects, narrative progression, etc.).
  • Implement one interaction based on Raycasting, one interaction based on button input, and one interaction based on motion (movement of controllers or headset).
  • Implement a UI system that informs the audience about the state of the world.

Project 3: All Together

  • Create an environment with a strong theme and concept which can welcome multiple individuals (both in VR)
  • Create a set of interactions:
    • Between a actor and the environment.
    • Between multiple actors.
    • Implement a simple system that allows actors to communicate.
  • Your project should be able to handle at least two actors.
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