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Nodequelize is a NodeJS REST API generator powered by Express and Sequelize. It uses a simple configuration file that lets you define your models, database connection settings and other options to create a fully functional CRUD (Create, Read, Update and Delete) REST API that you can start using immediately.

Current and future features

  • Create a NodeJS + Express + Sequelize API structure automatically
  • Create CRUD models, controllers and routes for your entities in a project
  • Basic Auth endpoint authentication
  • Create paginated searches for big data sources
  • Create individual CRUD entities without creating a whole project
  • JSON Web Tokens (JWT) endpoint authentication
  • Create automatic FULLTEXT searches
  • Automatically create API documentation in a README
  • Have special cases for CRUD entities (for example, User entity with special endpoints)


Create an API from scratch

  • Install nodequelize globally with npm install -g nodequelize
  • cd into the directory where you want your API created (be careful where you run the command, as it will replace preexisting files)
  • Create a new JSON file in this directory and call it my_api_settings.json
  • Add the settings of your API with the following structure:
    "port": "4444",
    "apiRoute": "api",
    "packageInfo": {
        "name": "my-api",
        "version": "1.0.0",
        "description": "My new API, generated by Nodequelize",
        "author": "Nodequelize"
    "authConfig": {
        "type": "Basic Auth",
        "read": {
            "user": "api-read",
            "password": "password-read"
        "write": {
            "user": "api-write",
            "password": "password-write"
        "delete": {
            "user": "api-delete",
            "password": "password-delete"
    "databaseConfig": {
        "prod": {
            "username": "username-prod",
            "password": "password-prod",
            "database": "database-prod",
            "host": "host-prod",
            "port": "port-prod",
            "dialect": "mssql"
        "dev": {
            "username": "username-dev",
            "password": "password-dev",
            "database": "database-dev",
            "host": "host-dev",
            "port": "port-dev",
            "dialect": "mssql"
    "models": [
            "modelName": "Player",
            "tableName": "Players",
            "routeEndpoint": "players",
            "fields": [
                { "name": "name", "type": "STRING", "allowNull": false },
                { "name": "number", "type": "INTEGER", "allowNull": true },
                { "name": "isInjured", "type": "BOOLEAN", "allowNull": false }
            "associations": [
                { "type": "belongsTo", "model": "Team", "foreignKey": "TeamId", "include": true }
            "modelName": "Team",
            "tableName": "Teams",
            "routeEndpoint": "teams",
            "fields": [
                { "name": "name", "type": "STRING", "allowNull": false },
                { "name": "country", "type": "STRING", "allowNull": true }
            "associations": [
                { "type": "hasMany", "model": "Player", "foreignKey": "TeamId", "include": false }
  • Generate your API with nodequelize create_project my_api_settings.json
  • Install the API dependencies with npm install
  • Run your API with npm start
  • Go to your browser and access http://localhost:4444/api, you should see a message indicating that it's working!

Using the API endpoints

Nodequelize generates 6 endpoints that should cover the basic CRUD use cases:

List all the records GET /api/myModel/

Returns all the records in an array.

Get one specific record GET /api/myModel/id/:id

Returns the record with the specified id.

Create a new record POST /api/myModel/

Creates a new record. You should send your data on an application/json body.

Update a record PUT /api/myModel/

Updates an existing record. You should send your data on an application/json body. Plase be sure to include the id field inside your body.

Delete a record DELETE /api/myModel/id/:id

Deletes the record with the specified id.

Paginated search GET /api/myModel/search

For large sets of data, you might want to use a paginated search to avoid listing all records. You can use this endpoint and pass some query params to paginate your results: - limit: Limits the number of results. Defaults to 10. - page: Number of page you want to show. Defaults to 1. - More to come in the future!

Warnings, limitations and known issues

This library is on it's early stages, and more features will be added in the future. Please take note of the following before using it:

  • Currently, only Basic Auth endpoints are supported. JWT Token auth is coming soon.
  • DBMS specific dependences are added according to the prod setting under databaseConfig.
  • PostgreSQL dependence is missing "pg-hstore": "^2.3.2", so please add it manually to the generated package.json.
  • Currently, only one-to-many relationships are supported, like the one on the example config file. You have to indicate the association both ways (belongsTo on the child and hasMay on the parent). The foreignKey field should be the same on both associations to work.
  • Please consider contributing to Nodequelize if you see the potential in this tool!


This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see


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