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- rename CompletionController to CompletionEngine
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- remove NECController

fixes #3113
  • Loading branch information
MarcusDenker committed Oct 30, 2019
1 parent afb344c commit 6c74a6b
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Showing 6 changed files with 53 additions and 72 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/NECompletion-Tests/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ CompletionContextTest class >> shouldInheritSelectors [
{ #category : #private }
CompletionContextTest >> createContextFor: aString at: anInteger [
^ CompletionContext
controller: CompletionController new
controller: CompletionEngine new
class: NECTestClass
source: aString
position: anInteger
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/NECompletion-Tests/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ CompletionControllerTest >> setUp [
super setUp.

editor := RubTextEditor forTextArea: RubTextFieldArea new.
controller := CompletionController new.
controller := CompletionEngine new.
controller setEditor: editor

Expand Down
8 changes: 0 additions & 8 deletions src/NECompletion/

This file was deleted.

Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ I'm invoked before and after a keystroke. Check method handleKeystrokeBefore: ev
The completion occurs in specific character position. The editor is responsible for determining such positions: look at senders of ==atCompletionPosition==
Class {
#name : #NECController,
#name : #CompletionEngine,
#superclass : #Object,
#instVars : [
Expand All @@ -26,61 +26,50 @@ Class {

{ #category : #accessing }
NECController class >> contextClass [
CompletionEngine class >> contextClass [
^ContextClass ifNil: [ CompletionContext ]

{ #category : #accessing }
NECController class >> contextClass: aClass [
CompletionEngine class >> contextClass: aClass [
ContextClass := aClass

{ #category : #'class initialization' }
NECController class >> initialize [
self register

{ #category : #accessing }
NECController class >> isCompletionEnabled [
CompletionEngine class >> isCompletionEnabled [
^NECPreferences enabled

{ #category : #'tools registry' }
NECController class >> register [
"just for testing: we register the subclass here to test it"
RubSmalltalkEditor completionEngine: CompletionController

{ #category : #testing }
NECController >> captureNavigationKeys [
CompletionEngine >> captureNavigationKeys [
^ NECPreferences captureNavigationKeys

{ #category : #'menu morph' }
NECController >> closeMenu [
CompletionEngine >> closeMenu [
self stopCompletionDelay.
ifNotNil: [ menuMorph delete ].
menuMorph := nil.

{ #category : #accessing }
NECController >> context [
CompletionEngine >> context [

{ #category : #private }
NECController >> contextClass [
CompletionEngine >> contextClass [
^self class contextClass

{ #category : #accessing }
NECController >> editor [
CompletionEngine >> editor [
^ editor

{ #category : #keyboard }
NECController >> handleKeystrokeAfter: aKeyboardEvent editor: aParagraphEditor [
CompletionEngine >> handleKeystrokeAfter: aKeyboardEvent editor: aParagraphEditor [
(aParagraphEditor isNil or: [ self isMenuOpen not ])
ifTrue: [ ^ self ].

Expand All @@ -95,7 +84,7 @@ NECController >> handleKeystrokeAfter: aKeyboardEvent editor: aParagraphEditor [

{ #category : #keyboard }
NECController >> handleKeystrokeBefore: aKeyboardEvent editor: anEditor [
CompletionEngine >> handleKeystrokeBefore: aKeyboardEvent editor: anEditor [
"I return a boolean.
true when I have handled the event and no futher processing is needed by the caller.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -165,7 +154,7 @@ NECController >> handleKeystrokeBefore: aKeyboardEvent editor: anEditor [

{ #category : #keyboard }
NECController >> handleKeystrokeWithoutMenu: aKeyboardEvent [
CompletionEngine >> handleKeystrokeWithoutMenu: aKeyboardEvent [
"I handle resetting the completion menu, and I return true when I handle an event."

self editor atCompletionPosition ifFalse: [
Expand All @@ -190,18 +179,18 @@ NECController >> handleKeystrokeWithoutMenu: aKeyboardEvent [

{ #category : #keyboard }
NECController >> invalidateEditorMorph [
CompletionEngine >> invalidateEditorMorph [
editor morph invalidRect: editor morph bounds.


{ #category : #'menu morph' }
NECController >> isMenuOpen [
CompletionEngine >> isMenuOpen [
^menuMorph notNil

{ #category : #testing }
NECController >> isScripting [
CompletionEngine >> isScripting [

"demeters law :("
^ self editor
Expand All @@ -210,7 +199,7 @@ NECController >> isScripting [

{ #category : #keyboard }
NECController >> leftArrow [
CompletionEngine >> leftArrow [
"I return false when the arrow is at its left-most position.
Otherwise i return true."

Expand All @@ -222,23 +211,23 @@ NECController >> leftArrow [

{ #category : #'menu morph' }
NECController >> menuClosed [
CompletionEngine >> menuClosed [
menuMorph := nil.
context := nil.

{ #category : #private }
NECController >> menuMorphClass [
CompletionEngine >> menuMorphClass [
^ NECMenuMorph

{ #category : #accessing }
NECController >> model [
CompletionEngine >> model [

{ #category : #keyboard }
NECController >> newSmartCharacterInsertionStringForLeft: left right: right [
CompletionEngine >> newSmartCharacterInsertionStringForLeft: left right: right [
((NECPreferences smartCharactersWithDoubleSpace includes: left) or: [
(NECPreferences smartCharactersWithDoubleSpace includes: right)])
ifTrue: [
Expand All @@ -253,12 +242,12 @@ NECController >> newSmartCharacterInsertionStringForLeft: left right: right [

{ #category : #'menu morph' }
NECController >> openMenu [
CompletionEngine >> openMenu [
^ self openMenuFor: editor.

{ #category : #'menu morph' }
NECController >> openMenuFor: aParagraphEditor [
CompletionEngine >> openMenuFor: aParagraphEditor [
| theMenu |
self stopCompletionDelay.

Expand All @@ -282,7 +271,7 @@ NECController >> openMenuFor: aParagraphEditor [

{ #category : #private }
NECController >> resetCompletionDelay [
CompletionEngine >> resetCompletionDelay [
"Open the popup after 100ms and only after certain characters"
self stopCompletionDelay.
self isMenuOpen ifTrue: [ ^ self ].
Expand All @@ -297,7 +286,7 @@ NECController >> resetCompletionDelay [

{ #category : #private }
NECController >> setEditor: anObject [
CompletionEngine >> setEditor: anObject [
editor ifNotNil: [
"make sure we unsubscribe from old editor"
editor morph ifNotNil: [:m | m announcer unsubscribe: self] ].
Expand All @@ -306,12 +295,12 @@ NECController >> setEditor: anObject [

{ #category : #initialization }
NECController >> setModel: aStringHolder [
CompletionEngine >> setModel: aStringHolder [
model := aStringHolder

{ #category : #keyboard }
NECController >> smartBackspace [
CompletionEngine >> smartBackspace [
| opposite currentText currentEditor smartCharacter |

currentEditor := editor.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -346,12 +335,12 @@ NECController >> smartBackspace [

{ #category : #settings }
NECController >> smartCharacterOppositeOf: char ifAbsent: aBlock [
CompletionEngine >> smartCharacterOppositeOf: char ifAbsent: aBlock [
^(self smartCharactersMapping at: char ifAbsent: [ ^aBlock value ]) key

{ #category : #settings }
NECController >> smartCharacterPairFor: char ifAbsent: aBlock [
CompletionEngine >> smartCharacterPairFor: char ifAbsent: aBlock [
| left right |

left := self smartCharactersMapping at: char ifPresent: [ char ] ifAbsent: [
Expand All @@ -363,12 +352,12 @@ NECController >> smartCharacterPairFor: char ifAbsent: aBlock [

{ #category : #settings }
NECController >> smartCharacterShouldClose: char [
CompletionEngine >> smartCharacterShouldClose: char [
^(self smartCharactersMapping at: char ifAbsent: [ ^false ]) value

{ #category : #keyboard }
NECController >> smartCharacterWithEvent: anEvent [
CompletionEngine >> smartCharacterWithEvent: anEvent [
"char is extracted from anEvent, anEvent is passed because we may need it.
We may remove char if this is not costly."

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -413,17 +402,17 @@ NECController >> smartCharacterWithEvent: anEvent [

{ #category : #settings }
NECController >> smartCharacters [
CompletionEngine >> smartCharacters [
^ NECPreferences smartCharacters

{ #category : #settings }
NECController >> smartCharactersMapping [
CompletionEngine >> smartCharactersMapping [
^ NECPreferences smartCharactersMapping

{ #category : #keyboard }
NECController >> smartInputWithEvent: anEvent [
CompletionEngine >> smartInputWithEvent: anEvent [
"aCharacter is extracted from anEvent, anEvent is passed because we may need it.
We may remove aCharacter if this is not costly."

Expand All @@ -438,7 +427,7 @@ NECController >> smartInputWithEvent: anEvent [

{ #category : #settings }
NECController >> smartInverseMapping [
CompletionEngine >> smartInverseMapping [
^ inverseMapping ifNil: [
inverseMapping := Dictionary new.
self smartCharactersMapping
Expand All @@ -447,7 +436,7 @@ NECController >> smartInverseMapping [

{ #category : #private }
NECController >> smartNeedExtraRemoveIn: currentText for: opposite [
CompletionEngine >> smartNeedExtraRemoveIn: currentText for: opposite [
"Test if smart remove need to remove an extra character when the smart character
is equal to its opposite"

Expand All @@ -457,7 +446,7 @@ NECController >> smartNeedExtraRemoveIn: currentText for: opposite [

{ #category : #private }
NECController >> smartNeedExtraRemoveIn: currentText for: smartCharacter opposite: opposite at: position [
CompletionEngine >> smartNeedExtraRemoveIn: currentText for: smartCharacter opposite: opposite at: position [
"Test if we need to remove an extra character when removing a smart character (any kind of smart character)"

smartCharacter = opposite
Expand All @@ -475,7 +464,7 @@ NECController >> smartNeedExtraRemoveIn: currentText for: smartCharacter opposit

{ #category : #private }
NECController >> smartNeedExtraRemovePairedIn: currentText for: smartCharacter opposite: opposite at: position [
CompletionEngine >> smartNeedExtraRemovePairedIn: currentText for: smartCharacter opposite: opposite at: position [
"Test if we need to remove an extra character when removed a paired smart character.
A paired smart character is any smart character who has an opposite who is diferent to itself: [], ()"

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -503,7 +492,7 @@ NECController >> smartNeedExtraRemovePairedIn: currentText for: smartCharacter o

{ #category : #private }
NECController >> smartStartIndexIn: currentText for: smartCharacter opposite: opposite at: position [
CompletionEngine >> smartStartIndexIn: currentText for: smartCharacter opposite: opposite at: position [

(position - 1) to: 1 by: -1 do: [ :index | | char |
char := currentText at: index.
Expand All @@ -514,13 +503,13 @@ NECController >> smartStartIndexIn: currentText for: smartCharacter opposite: o

{ #category : #private }
NECController >> stopCompletionDelay [
CompletionEngine >> stopCompletionDelay [

completionDelay ifNotNil: [
completionDelay isTerminating ifFalse: [ completionDelay terminate ] ]

{ #category : #accessing }
NECController >> workspace [
CompletionEngine >> workspace [
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions src/NECompletion/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -27,8 +27,8 @@ Class {

{ #category : #private }
NECPreferences class >> availableControllers [
^ NECController withAllSubclasses
NECPreferences class >> availableEngines [
^ CompletionEngine withAllSubclasses

{ #category : #accessing }
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -191,12 +191,12 @@ NECPreferences class >> settingsOn: aBuilder [
description: 'Enable or disable code completion in browsers, debuggers and workspaces.';
with: [
| availableControllers availableSorters |
availableControllers := self availableControllers.
availableControllers := self availableEngines.
availableControllers size > 1
ifTrue: [
(aBuilder pickOne: #completionController)
order: -1;
label: 'Controller';
label: 'CompletioEngine';
target: RubSmalltalkEditor;
getSelector: #completionEngine;
setSelector: #completionEngine:;
Expand Down

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