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ProfileUpdate Class

Phaze edited this page Jul 15, 2023 · 1 revision


  .setBio('Hello World!')
  .error(e => {
    console.log('Error', e);
  .success(() => {


setName( name: String ): ProfileUpdate - Used to change the users name, returns the instance of ProfileUpdate that is was called on

setBio( bio: String ): ProfileUpdate - Used to change the users bio, returns the instance of ProfileUpdate that is was called on

setSocialTwitch( id: String ): ProfileUpdate - Used to change the users social profile, returns the instance of ProfileUpdate it was called on

setSocialTwitter( id: String ): ProfileUpdate - Used to change the users social profile, returns the instance of ProfileUpdate it was called on

setSocialInstagram( id: String ): ProfileUpdate - Used to change the users social profile, returns the instance of ProfileUpdate it was called on

setSocialTiktok( id: String ): ProfileUpdate - Used to change the users social profile, returns the instance of ProfileUpdate it was called on

setSocialYoutube( id: String ): ProfileUpdate - Used to change the users social profile, returns the instance of ProfileUpdate it was called on

setSocialSoundcloud( id: String ): ProfileUpdate - Used to change the users social profile, returns the instance of ProfileUpdate it was called on

setPersonalSite( id: String ): ProfileUpdate - Used to change the users social profile, returns the instance of ProfileUpdate it was called on

error( callback: Function ): ProfileUpdate - Used to catch errors when updating the users profile, returns the instance of ProfileUpdate it was called on

success( callback: Function ): ProfileUpdate - Used to show when the update request has finished, returns the instance of ProfileUpdate it was called on

save(): Void - Used to save the settings to tuna, this does not return a ProfileUpdate instance

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