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TunaAuth Class

Phaze edited this page Aug 2, 2023 · 1 revision


Note: This module is very api request heavy! This code alone uses 4 http requests to voicemods website

// Import TunaAPI and the TunaAuth modules
const { TunaAPI, TunaAuth } = require('./');

// Setup a pretty blank tuna api
let tuna = new TunaAPI();

tuna.on('login', async () => {
  console.log('Logged in as ' + tuna.user.profile.username);

// Create a tuna auth object with the email in it.
let auth = new TunaAuth({ email: '' });

auth.once('requestCode', () => {
  console.log('Email send to ' +;
  process.stdout.write('Enter email verification code: ');

  // Open the stdin for reciving the verification code
  process.stdin.once('data', ( chunk ) => {
    // Remove the \r\n off the end (i think its just \n on linux but i haven't tested that yet)
    let code = chunk.toString().replace('\r\n', '');

    // Call voicemods api again to check if the token is invaild
      .then(token => {
        // Should probably store this token to save spamming voicemods api...

        // Login to tuna!


email: String


verifyCode(code: String): Promise<String> - Parse the recived code into the api and it returns a String with the token in it