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VoiceMod Class

Phaze edited this page Jul 15, 2023 · 5 revisions


const { VoiceMod } = require('voicemod');

let vm = new VoiceMod();

vm.init().then(async () => {
  // API Loaded


init(): Promise - Used to open the connection to the voicemod application and loads all required data from the app

reloadVoices(): Promise - Mainly used for internal applications, reloads the voices in the voices array

stopAllSounds(): Void - Used to stop all soundboard sounds

setVoiceParam(parameter: String, value: Number): Void - Used to change voice parameters


user: VMUser

voices: VMVoiceGroup

favouriteVoices: VMVoiceGroup

customVoices: VMVoiceGroup

newVoices: VMVoiceGroup

currentVoice: VMVoice

rotaryVoiceExpires: Number

soundboards: VMSoundBoardGroup

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