GitHub-like ActivityView for android.
Get the AAR from GitHub Packages via Gradle:
implementation 'de.philcd:activityview:<version>'
To be able to access the library you need to authenticate to GitHub Packages. Therefore, add the GitHub Packages maven repository to your repositories list:
maven {
url ''
credentials {
username = '<username>'
password = '<access_token>'
The following example code creates an activity view with random activities over the past 40 weeks.
// create map for activity values
val activities : MutableMap<Calendar, Int> = mutableMapOf()
// configure number of weeks that should be shown
val numWeeksToShow = 40
// generate some random activities
val currentCalendar = Calendar.getInstance()
currentCalendar.add(DAY_OF_YEAR, -7*numWeeksToShow)
while(currentCalendar < Calendar.getInstance()) {
val activityCalendar = currentCalendar.clone() as Calendar
val rand = Random().nextInt(10)
activities[activityCalendar] = if (rand < 4) 0 else rand
currentCalendar.add(DAY_OF_YEAR, 1)
// show activity view
ActivityView(activities = activities, numWeeksToShow = numWeeksToShow)
The color of activity items can be configured using minColor
and maxColor
val minColor = Color(185, 214, 245, 255)
val maxColor = Color(64, 139, 252, 255)
ActivityView(activities = activities, numWeeksToShow = numWeeksToShow, minColor = minColor, maxColor = maxColor)
The color for entries with no activity can be configured using noActivityColor
The shape of the activity entries and the font size of the labels can be configured using the boxShape
and monthLabelFontSize