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Express Library

Library store for testing purposes only. Live demo here.

Table of Contents

General Information

  • Basic Library tool generated 100% from backend with Pug templates.
  • The objective of this project is to test the Pug template engine to code HTML.

Technologies used

This web uses 100% Back-end technologies:

  • NodeJS's Express framework.
  • Pug Html tempalte engine.
  • Express-validator to validate user inputs
  • HelmetJS and Dotenv for security.
  • Vanilla CSS.
  • MongoDB.
  • Mongoose.
  • The app was deployed in


  • Create, Update and Delete Books, Book instances, Authors and Book Genres.
  • List all the entities.


Clone this project by doing:

$ git clone

Then go to the folder you cloned the code and execute:

$ npm install

WARNING: If you are going to use other libraries to achieve other purposes be carefull and remove the caret (^) prefix that the dependency versions have.

Project Status

Project is: in complete This project was for testing purposes only.

Room for Improvement

There are always room for improvement, in this project so far the thinkgs that can be improved are:

  • Authentication.
  • Testing.
  • More UI design.