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Alan Fregtman edited this page Sep 11, 2020 · 9 revisions

What is Pion

Pion is an Open Source collective that is building software for RTC projects. We originally started with a Go TURN server and a Go WebRTC implementation. These are our most popular projects right now but we don't plan on stopping there.

Pion also aims to create a community. Even if you aren't using a Pion project, we are here to support you. WebRTC is a wonderful technology, and making it easier to use is the goal. There are many important projects that are struggling with WebRTC, and we want to help.

What does the name mean?

Pion is meant to be a small part of your existing projects. The idea is that you take our software (a Pion) and add it to your existing code. We want to be the building blocks that help you build something great.

How does Pion make money, is it a company?

Pion isn't a company, and we have no commercial intentions. It is entirely made up of individual contributors.

By not worrying about making money we can do what we believe is best for the community/technically correct, and not work about short term financial/business obligations.

How can I get involved?


What is WebRTC

WebRTC is a standardized protocol for P2P communication. It allows two peers to exchange media and data. It is encrypted by default, and handles connectivity establishment in many different network conditions. It is supported in browsers, and has multiple out of browser implementations.

What is Pion WebRTC

Pion WebRTC is pure Go implementation of WebRTC. It implements the W3C WebRTC RFC

I get an error about being unable to find v2

Go modules must be enabled to use Pion. You can enable them by setting the following environment variable GO111MODULE=on

Other dependency management tools are not actively supported, but we have some documentation solutions. Please submit a PR if you have a fix for other tooling!

Any talks on Pion?