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Pival edited this page Jul 17, 2021 · 12 revisions

A module holding several functions and variables used on most of the other modules.



Type: Dict (String, String)

A dictionnary holding every string used by the game, except unit's lines and scenarios, in english.

Indexed by their internal tag, which used to begin with MID_.


Type: String

A special string equals to TODO: , with specials characters which should display the string on a yellow background on a terminal.


Type: String

A special string equals to ERROR: , with specials characters which should display the string on a red background on a terminal.


Type: String

The time format to use on datetime's methods.

Corresponds to the UTC ISO 8601 format, which is the one used on the wiki.


Type: String

The minimum possible datetime (Epoch), on ISO 8601 format.


Type: String

The maximum possible datetime that can fit on a signed 32-bit integer (Epochalypse), on ISO 8601 format.


Type: List (String)

The list of difficulties used on FeH, in increasing difficulties order.


Type: List (String)

A list of roman numbers, from 0 to 10. 0 is set as the empty-string.


Type: Dict (String, BGM object)

A dictionnary holding informations about the background musics used on maps.

Indexed by the map tag (usually a letter and four digits).


Type: Dict (String, Sound object)

A dictionnary holding every sounds used by the game (Background music, sound effect, voice lines).

Indexed by their internal tag.


Type: String

The endpoint of the Fire Emblem Heroes' Wiki's API.

PersonalData's globals

Variables extracted from module PersonalData, which are also made accessible here.


Type: String

Absolute path to the assets directory containing the unaltered binaries of the FeH assets.


Type: String

Absolute path to the assets directory containing the original files of the FeH assets. While these files may be named as .png, most of them are actually .webp.

Currently unused.


Type: String

Absolute path to the assets directory containing the converted version of the FeH assets into json.


Type: String

Absolute path to the assets directory containing the unaltered binaries of the FeH Apk.

Currently unused.


Type: String

The name of the user whose hold the bot. It is the name of the user which will be displayed as performing the action.


Type: String

The name of the bot which will be used to perform action on the wiki.


Type: String

The password of the bot. This is NOT the user password, but the password of the bot. See Special:BotPasswords.




Parameter Type
string String

Return: String

For a given string, convert any letter with a diacritic to the basic letter, then keep only alpha-numeric letter, regular space ( ), dot (.), hyphen (-) and underscore (_).


timeDiff(time, diff)

Parameter Type Default
time String
diff Integer 1

Return: String

For a given datetime, remove diff seconds and return the new datetime. Input and output datetimes must follow the ISO 8601 format (TIME_FORMAT).

Positive diff values will substract seconds, while negative values will add seconds to the given time.



Return: HTTP Session

When call the first time, create a new HTTP Session logged to the FeH Wiki's API as the bot specified by the user.

Otherwise, return the already logged Session object, stored in SESSION. However, do not use the SESSION object directly.


readFehData(path, isFull)

Parameter Type Default
path String
isFull Boolean False

Return: Object (Json)

Read the JSON file present at path and return it. If isFull is False, prepend the user-defined JSON_ASSETS_DIR_PATH variable to the path.

In case of error, write a message on the error output and return an empty object ({}).


fetchFehData(path, easySort)

Parameter Type Default
path String
easySort String "id_tag"

Return: List (Object) OR Dict (*, Object)

Read every JSON files present on the directory specified as path. path MUST be relative to the user-defined [JSON_ASSETS_DIR_PATH] folder.

If easySort is a string which is present as a key on the json objects, return an object with each objects indexed by the value of easySort.

Otherwise, return the list of objects.


getName(id, complete)

Parameter Type Default
id String
complete Boolean True

Return: String

Given an id_tag, return the string associated to it on DATA. If the string can't be found, try to prepend M—which is always present on messages—or MID_STAGE_, or MID_CHAPTER_. If no name in found, return id.

If complete is True and a name is found while prepending M or MID_STAGE_, return the concatenation of the name and the HONOR name, if any, separated by a colon.

If complete is True and a name is found while prepending MID_CHAPTER_, return the concatenation of the TITLE name and the name, separated by a colon.


>>> getName('PID_アルフォンス')
'Alfonse: Prince of Askr'
>>> getName('PID_アルフォンス', complete=False)
>>> getName('MID_CHAPTER_C0002')
'World of Mystery'
>>> getName('MID_CHAPTER_TITLE_C0002')
'Chapter 1'
>>> getName('C0002')
'Chapter 1: World of Mystery'
>>> getName('C0002', complete=False)
'World of Mystery'



Parameter Type
mapId String

Return: List (String)

Return the list of background musics play for a given stage. mapId use to be a letter followed by four digits.

The background musics are retrieve from json files which are not present on feh-assets-json by default. You have to add them yourself, using RevBGM to create these files. More information here.


cargoQuery(tables, fields, where, join, group, order, limit)

Parameter Type Default
tables String
fields String "_pageName=Page"
where String "1"
join String None
group String None
order String "_pageID"
limit Integer / "max" "max"

Return: List (Dict (String, String))

Perform a cargo query. See the official page for more information. Return a list of objects, with the differents fields as key, and the result as value.

Note that you can't query fields beginning with an underscore (_) without renaming them.

Using the special string "max" on limit will end in performing as many query as needed in order to retrieve every results.

If several tables are specified, it is necessary to change the fields and order fields, otherwise exceptions will occur.


askFor(pattern, intro, ignoreCase)

Parameter Type Default
pattern String None
intro String None
ignoreCase Boolean False

Return: String OR None

Pause the program and wait for a user response.

If intro is given, it is print on the standard error output before waiting the user response.

If pattern is given, it is used as a regex pattern to check the user response. Return the response if it match, None otherwise.

Otherwise, return the user response.


askAgreed(intro, askTrue, askFalse, defaultTrue, defaultFalse, useTrueDefault)

Parameter Type Default
intro String
askTrue String None
askFalse String None
defaultTrue * None
defaultFalse * None
useTrueDefault Boolean True

Return: String OR *

Print intro on the standard error output, then pause the program and wait for a user response.

  • If the user does not respond (press only Enter), return defaultTrue or defaultFalse depending on useTrueDefault.
  • If the user respond Yes or y
    • If askTrue is not null, call askFor with it as intro, and return the value.
    • Otherwise return defaultTrue.
  • If the user respond No or n
    • If askFalse is not null, call askFor with it as intro, and return the value.
    • Otherwise return defaultFalse.
  • Otherwise, return the user answer.



Return: String

Call the API to retrieve a CSRF token, which is necessary in order to perform POST request to the API.



Return: Dict (String, Language object)

Return a dictionnary holding every string used by the game, except unit's lines and scenarios.

Keys or the internal tag of messages, while values are objects holding the message in all languages supported by FeH.



Create two jsons files (./jsons/data.json and ./jsons/otherLanguages.json) holding respectively the DATA variable and the result of calling otherLanguages.

Internal globals


Type: HTTP Session

The internal session object return by fehBotLogin).

Setting this variable at None will force FehBotLogin to recreate a new session, which may resolve some errors. Apart from that, do NOT use this variable.


Type: Dict (String, String)

Some non-ascii letters with an ascii equivalent, used by cleanStr).

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