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Build Status Stability: 2 - unstable Pivotal Tracker (contact if you need access)

Thrust is a small project that contains some useful rake tasks to run Cedar specs and build iOS app archives for deployment.

rake autotag:create[environment]          # Create a tag for the given deployment environment
rake autotag:list                         # Show the commit that is currently deployed to each environment
rake build_ipa:demo                       # Build an .ipa file for deployment to demo
rake build_ipa:production                 # Build an .ipa file for deployment to production
rake build_ipa:staging                    # Build an .ipa file for deployment to staging
rake clean                                # Clean all targets
rake focused_specs                        # Print out names of files containing focused specs
rake nof                                  # Remove any focus from specs
rake set_build_number[build_number]       # Set build number
rake spec_bundle[device_name,os_version]  # Run the FakeProject scheme
rake spec_suite[device_name,os_version]   # Run the SpecSuite target
rake mac_suite[device_name,os_version]    # Run the MacSpecSuite target
rake trim                                 # Trim whitespace


(Note: Thrust requires ruby >= 1.9.3)

Thrust should be installed as a gem. It comes with an installer that will set up your Rakefile and create an example configuration file.

gem install thrust
thrust install

After installation, change the name of thrust.example.yml to thrust.yml and update the configuration as needed.

If you're using Thrust to run specs for an iOS app and do not have ios-sim installed, you can find it at or install it using homebrew:

brew install ios-sim

If you had Thrust previously installed as a submodule, we recommend that you remove the submodule and now use Thrust as a gem. This is because there are runtime dependencies that will not get installed properly if Thrust is installed as a submodule.

Recent Changelog

See for the full list of changes.

Version 0.7.1 Changes

  • Adds support for building schemes instead of targets when deploying

Version 0.7 Changes

  • Drops support for automated deploys to TestFlight, since no longer exists. We recommend that you use Thrust in conjunction with another gem that supports automated deploys, e.g. shenzhen or deliver.

  • Adds rake tasks for building an .ipa file for deployment. The rake tasks use the existing TestFlight deployment configurations to build the .ipa's. The keys that are still used are:

    • target
    • build_configuration
    • provisioning_search_query
    • versioning_method
    • tag

Version 0.6 Changes

  • Drops Android support. If you want to use Thrust to deploy Android apps to TestFlight, use version 0.5.2.

  • Drops ios prefix from keys in thrust.yml:

    • ios_spec_targets => spec_targets
    • ios_distribution_certificate => distribution_certificate
    • deployment_targets > ios_target => target
    • deployment_targets > ios_provisioning_search_query => provisioning_search_query
    • deployment_targets > ios_build_configuration => build_configuration
  • Adds spec_directories configuration key to thrust.yml. This allows you to specify from where rake nof removes focused specs.

  • Updates spec_targets to require the scheme name instead of the target name. The target key is no longer used.

  • Adds support for specifying the MacOSX sdk version in a spec target configuration. E.g. build_sdk can now be set to macosx10.9 or macosx10.10. Run xcodebuild -showsdks to see the full list of available sdks.

  • Adds support for specifying the Cedar random seed for spec targets (note that this is not currently supported for spec bundles):

CEDAR_RANDOM_SEED=5 bundle exec rake spec_suite
  • Adds support for reading environment variables set in the scheme.

e.g. If you set a CEDAR_RANDOM_SEED in the spec target's scheme in Xcode, the spec task will run with that random seed:

Image of Scheme Configuration

See the Cedar wiki for a list of all available Cedar environment variables.

If you are using a spec bundle, you will need to set the environment variable in the scheme for the main app target.

Automated Deployments

As of version 0.7, Thrust no longer supports automated deploys to TestFlight. This is because no longer exists as of February 26, 2015. We recommend that you use Thrust in conjunction with another deployment gem, such as shenzhen or deliver.

Using Thrust with deliver

Here is an example of how you might use Thrust with the deliver gem:

export DELIVER_USER=<iTunes Connect Username>
export DELIVER_PASSWORD=<iTunes Connect Password>
bundle exec rake build_ipa:staging | tail -n 1 | xargs deliver testflight  -a <Apple ID>
bundle exec rake autotag:create[staging]

The Apple ID is a unique identifier assigned to your app in iTunes Connect. Find it in iTunes Connect under:

My Apps -> [App Name] -> More -> About This App -> Apple ID


Example thrust.yml for iOS

thrust_version: 0.7
project_name: My Great Project # do not use if building with an xcode workspace
# workspace_name: My Workspace # use if building with an xcode workspace
# path_to_xcodeproj: 'App/MyApp.xcodeproj' # use if xcodeproj is not in the same directory as this yaml file. Optional.
app_name: My Great App
distribution_certificate: 'Name of Distribution Signing Certificate'
#ios_sim_path: '/path/to/ios-sim' # Optional. Use to prefer a specific ios-sim binary (e.g. within project directory) over a system-installed version (homebrew)

    target: MyGreatAppTarget # Name of the build target. Optional, defaults to app name.
    #scheme: MyGreatAppScheme # Replace target with scheme if using a workspace
    build_configuration: Release
    provisioning_search_query: 'query to find Provisioning Profile' # Otherwise, it will use the first provisioning profile in ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles/
    versioning_method: 'none' # or 'timestamp-sha' or 'commits'. Leave blank to use Git commit SHAs for build numbers.
    tag: ci # Deploys latest commit with the tag. Leave blank to deploy from master.

    build_configuration: Demo
    provisioning_search_query: 'query to find Provisioning Profile'

  # Example of an iOS spec suite configuration.
  specs: # This is the name of the rake task
    scheme: Specs (My Great App) # Name of the scheme.
    type: app # Spec target type: 'app' or 'bundle'. Optional, defaults to app.
    build_configuration: Debug # Name of the build configuration.
    build_sdk: iphonesimulator8.1 # SDK used to build the target. Optional, defaults to latest iphonesimulator.
    device_name: iPhone 6 # Device name. Run `ios-sim showdevicetypes` to see a full list of available devices.
    os_version: 8.1 # OS version to run. Optional, defaults to latest available version.
    timeout: 90 # Optional, defaults to 30 seconds.

  # Example of an iOS spec bundle configuration.
    scheme: My Great App # Use the name for the main app scheme.
    type: bundle
    build_configuration: Debug
    device_name: iPhone 4s
    os_version: 7.1

  # Example of a Mac OSX target configuration.
    scheme: IntegrationSpecs (My Great App)
    build_configuration: Release
    build_sdk: macosx

  - SpecSuite
  - SpecBundle
  - WatchKit/SpecBundle
  - MacSpecSuite

Overriding config options

Specifying API Token at deploy time

You can change the API token for a TestFlight upload with the TESTFLIGHT_API_TOKEN environment variable. This is useful when different members want to use their own tokens to deploy without having to change thrust.yml and commiting again.

Ignoring Git during deploys

TestFlight deployment requires you to be in a clean git repo and to be at the head of your current branch. You can disable this by setting the environment variable IGNORE_GIT=1. We do not recommend this. If your git repository is not clean, deployment will discard all your uncommitted changes.

Notifying distribution lists

Deploying to TestFlight will automatically notify all of the people on your TestFlight distribution list. If you would prefer not to notify them, then you can change the notify value in thrust.yml for that distribution list. You can also set the environment variable NOTIFY to false, e.g:

NOTIFY=false rake testflight:staging


Periodically new thrust versions will require changes to your thrust.yml configuration. Look in the Upgrading Instructions section below for guidance on how to upgrade from the previous version. If you need to upgrade multiple versions, you may want to just re-create your configuration from the example.yml.

Once you upgrade make sure to add/update the 'thrust_version' key in the configuration to the new version.

Upgrading Instructions

Upgrading to Version 0.7

  1. Remove the testflight section from your thrust.yml.

  2. Clean up the deployment_targets configurations to no longer include deprecated keys: distribution_list, notify, note_generation_method.

  3. See the Automated Deployments section above for instructions on how to set up automated deployment using Thrust with the deliver gem.

Upgrading to Version 0.6

  1. In your thrust.yml, update all spec configurations under spec_targets to specify the spec scheme instead of the target.

  2. Rename ios_ prefixed keys (ios_spec_targets, ios_distribution_certificate, ios_target, ios_provisioning_search_query, ios_build_configuration) to no longer include the ios_ prefix.

Upgrading to Version 0.5

Version 0.5 required many updates to Thrust thanks to the releases of Xcode 6, Yosemite, and ios-sim 3.0. In order to update successfully to version 0.5, we recommend that you:

  • Use Xcode 6
  • Install or upgrade to ios-sim 3.0 (brew install ios-sim or brew upgrade ios-sim)
  • Use OS X Mavericks or Yosemite

There are also significant changes to the keys in the thrust.yml configuration file.

Older thrust.yml files asked for runtime_sdk and device. In Thrust 0.5, these keys have been removed and you should instead specify device_name and os_version in thrust.yml, for example:

	device_name: iPhone-6
	os_version: 8.1

You can run ios-sim showdevicetypes to see the list of available devices and runtime iOS versions.

Upgrading from Version 0.1 to Version 0.2

We recommend generating a new file from the thrust.example.yml and then copying your project configuration into that file. Please see the comments in thrust.example.yml for more information.

You should remove Dir.glob('Vendor/thrust/lib/tasks/*.rake').each { |r| import r } from your Rakefile before running thrust install.

CI Setup

Setting up Jenkins to work with Thrust

To use Thrust on CI, you should include it in a Gemfile in your project root so the same version of the gem will be installed on the CI box as on your local machine. Your CI box should also have ruby >= 1.9.3, bundler and ios-sim.

Here is an example .sh script for running specs with Thrust on Jenkins (in the Execute shell section of your job configuration).

#!/bin/bash --login

bundle install
git submodule update --init --recursive

CC= bundle exec rake specs