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Tutorial: Cast Sequence credits text (3.X)

PhoenixBound edited this page Mar 2, 2024 · 2 revisions

Cast Sequence credits text

The Cast sequence text is stored into the ROM as a compressed graphic, located in the data bank 21DA35-21E6E6. You can rely on the tutorial found in Part VII of the Translation tutorial to decompress, edit and compress the text for the Cast Sequence text back into the game:

I purposefully made that section with the Cast Sequence in mind, you can basically just follow that section step by step and end up with most of the graphics already translated for your game! Although, there's two parts which encapsulate the Cast sequence text:

  • Compressed graphics (21DA35-21E6E6)
  • Raw text and ASM code for Paula's mom, Paula's dad and Poo's master.

In case you need to expand or shorten the length of a certain name, you can take these info into consideration:

Just be sure to make the proper changes in the compressed graphics when it comes to number of tiles (in length), and make the proper changes in the Hex data, that should give you any required space to translate each Cast text.

But, how do we translate the remaining three names in the Cast credits for Paula's mom, Paula's dad and Poo's master? Well, let's start!

1. Download the proper CCS file with the code.

Luckily for you, all you have to do to manage this is edit a simple CCS file which already has ALL of the ASM code made! Thank the_kirby and his ASM wizardry for such file.

Now, get the file from this link:

Once you have that file, you need to figure out if the language you are translating the game to uses the name first for genitive forms. For example, english does the following:

  • "Paula's mom"

While other languages, like Spanish, have the name AFTER:

  • "Mamá de Paula"

According to how your language handles the genitive form, you will have to either comment the whole ASM code and just use three lines, or either simply change some words in the file.

Let's continue with each case:

1a. Name goes first.

For this case, we are following the example of the english genitive form, which is "Paula's mom".In the "asm_credits.ccs" file, you need to comment or delete almost everything from the file, excluding the following lines:

ROM[0xC4E915] = ASMLoadAddress12 (paula_dad) // Paula's dad at 0xC4E796

paula_dad: "Pap[C0] de [00]"

ROM[0xC4E9B7] = ASMLoadAddress12 (paula_mom) // Paula's mom at 0xC4E79D

paula_mom: "Mam[C0] de [00]"

ROM[0xC4E9B7] = ASMLoadAddress12 (paula_mom) // Paula's mom at 0xC4E79D

paula_mom: "Mam[C0] de [00]"

For this case, let's make an example out of the Swedish language, since it follows a similar structure in the genitive form as English. "Paula's mom" translated into Swedish is "Paulas mamma", so how do we make the change in our file?

Well, let's go to the code for Paula's mom:

ROM[0xC4E9B7] = ASMLoadAddress12 (paula_mom) // Paula's mom at 0xC4E79D

paula_mom: "Mam[C0] de [00]"

In here, all you need to do is replace the letters/words bellow the "paula_mom" label, like this:

ROM[0xC4E9B7] = ASMLoadAddress12 (paula_mom) // Paula's mom at 0xC4E79D

paula_mom: "s mamma[00]"

And that's it! Easy as that, you don't need to make any other changes, just by replacing the words in there you can have a proper translation to any language which has the name of the character in the party first before " 's mom".

Languages which have the name first are easier to translate in this format, since you only need the lines I specified before without any of the other ASM code written in the file. However...

1b. Name goes afterwards.

Languages in which the genitive form requires the name to go afterwards, require much more ASM trickery than some simple 6 lines of code. For this, you need to download the asm_credits.ccs and LEAVE IT AS IT IS. This means, do NOT delete anything from it. The file is already prepared for this kind of languages.

For this example, we will use the spanish translation of "Paula's mom", which is "Mamá de Paula":

The only part you need to modify is the following line:

paula_mom: "Mam[C0] de [00]"

Just to make things clearer, we will also try with the Portuguese translation of "Paula's mom", which is "Mãe de Paula". Go to the line specified above and change it to the following:

paula_mom: "M[XX]e de [00]"

(Note: The [XX] represents a value from the font, which should be the Hex value that the user made in font image "0.png" for the character "ã")

That's all! The troublesome part was the ASM code, which thankfully has already been taken care of.

There might be some other genitive structures with different languages, but for those you will have to find a way to fit it within the two cases mentioned above.

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