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Simple, cross-browser print event listeners (before and after) with no dependencies

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// ES2015
import PrintScout from 'printscout';

// CommonJS
const PrintScout = require('printscout').default;

// script
const PrintScout = window.PrintScout;

// create a new scout
const scout = new PrintScout();

// add listeners in a traditional way
const beforePrintHandler = () => {
  console.log('I fire before print render');

scout.on('beforeprint', beforePrintHandler);

// or you can do it dynamically, the handler you passed is returned when added,
// either with the shorthand methods or the standard ones
const afterPrintHandler = scout.after(() => {
  console.log('I fire after print render');

// and remove them as you would any other listener'beforeprint', beforePrintHandler);

// or with the convenience function attached to the handler returned from adding it;



scout.on(eventName: string, handler: function): function

Adds the handler to the list of handlers that will fire when the specific eventName is called. The valid eventName values are beforeprint, before (shorthand for beforeprint), afterprint, and after (shorthand for afterprint).

const scout = new PrintScout();

const handler = scout.on('afterprint', event => console.log(event));

Additionally, the handler passed receives an additional off method attached to it, which will remove the listener when called directly.; // will no longer log the event

off[eventName: string[, handler: function]]): void

Removes the handler from the list of handlers that will fire when the specific eventName is dispatched. If no handler is passed, then all handlers for a given eventName are removed. If no eventName is passed, then all handlers are removed. The valid eventName values are the same as for on.

const scout = new PrintScout();

const handler = scout.on('beforeprint', console.log('about to print...'));
...'beforeprint', handler);


scout.after(handler: function): function

Shorthand method for on with the eventName set to afterprint. Like on, returns the handler passed.

const scout = new PrintScout();

const handler = scout.after(event => console.log(event));


scout.before(handler: function): function

Shorthand method for on with the eventName set to beforeprint. Like on, returns the handler passed.

const scout = new PrintScout();

const handler = scout.before(event => console.log(event));

Browser support

  • Chrome (all versions)
  • Firefox (all versions)
  • Edge (all versions)
  • Opera 15+
  • IE 9+
  • Safari 6+
  • iOS 8+
  • Android 4+


Standard stuff, clone the repo and npm install dependencies. The npm scripts available:

  • build => run webpack to build development dist file with NODE_ENV=development
  • build:minified => run webpack to build production dist file with NODE_ENV=production
  • dev => run webpack dev server to run example app / playground
  • dist => runs build and build-minified
  • lint => run ESLint against all files in the src folder
  • prepublish => runs compile-for-publish
  • prepublish:compile => run lint, test:coverage, transpile:es, transpile:lib, dist
  • test => run AVA test functions with NODE_ENV=test
  • test:coverage => run test but with nyc for coverage checker
  • test:watch => run test, but with persistent watcher
  • transpile:lib => run babel against all files in src to create files in lib
  • transpile:es => run babel against all files in src to create files in es, preserving ES2015 modules (for pkg.module)


Handle print events with ease







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