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Q&A Forum App

Q&A Forum application, a full-stack platform built with React, Node.js (Express.js), and MySQL2. This project was independently designed to create a user-friendly forum, allowing users to ask questions, provide and vote for the answers, similar to Stack Overflow.

The project follows a microservices architecture with separate services for user registration, login, questions, and answers. Each service has dedicated routes, controllers, and models, sharing a common database. Communication is streamlined through a unified API under the '/api' endpoint, promoting modularity.

React-powered interface leverages React components and hooks to deliver real-time updates.

💻 Demo

Website demo

To use all the functionality of the website, you need to register your own user account or login using the following credentials:

  • Email:
  • Password: secret123

Note that users can only modify and delete their own questions and answers.

🎨 Main features

  • Voting System: Delete a vote by clicking the same icon, post a vote when no prior vote exists, or patch a vote by toggling between different icons.
  • Full-Stack Design: Independently crafted the project design, ensuring a cohesive and user-friendly experience.
  • User Authentication: Incorporated JSON tokens for secure user authentication.
  • Data Validation: Implemented validation both in the backend and frontend for robust data integrity.
  • Responsive design: Ensured a seamless experience across various devices.
  • Database: The database setup for questions, answers, answer votes, and users, uses constraints to maintain data integrity and relational links, automating updates and deletions.

⚙️ Functionality


  • Register
  • Log in
  • Logout


  • View: Browse a list of questions, sorted by creation date or the number of answers in ascending or descending order.
  • Filter: Filter questions based on whether they are answered or unanswered.
  • Ask: Post a new question (available only when logged in).
  • Update: Modify your posted question, with the UI indicating that the question has been updated (available only when logged in).
  • Delete: Remove your own question (available only when logged in).


  • View: Explore answers to questions
  • Answer: Post responses to questions (available only when logged in).
  • Update: Modify your own answer, with the UI indicating that the response has been updated (available only when logged in).
  • Delete: Remove your own response (available only when logged in).
  • Like/Dislike/Reset: Express preferences for other users' answers (available only when logged in).

🔧 Technologies used

🖼️ Front-end

🏗️ Back-end

🚀 Getting started

🔨 Configure files

Rename the .env.example files in the server and client folders to .env and put your configuration variables in it.

# Rename
mv server/.env.example server/.env && mv client/.env.example client/.env

To create the necessary database tables for this project in your MySQL database, run the qa_forum.sql file located in the server/db/ directory using your preferred method (MySQL CLI or using GUI tool like phpMyAdmin or MySQL Workbench). The file incorporates sample data to provide a foundation for testing and development purposes.

🎈 Start the project

# Install project dependencies
npm i

# Install server and client dependencies
npm run iall

# Start both the server and the client in development mode simultaneously
npm run all

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