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BreakOut Style Game ported from Penjinoid by BZar


I'm trying to get more cofortable with Godot engine again and this is a "practice" project to try and make a complete and functional game based on Penjinoid which was a example game created for my C++ Game Engine PenjinTwo

Completed Features

  • Paddle movement within play area.
  • Ball collision with bricks paddle and walls.
  • Brick destruction.
  • Gradual ball and paddle acceleration.
  • Score counter.
  • Hi-Score tracking and saving.
  • Lives counter.
  • Level counter.
  • Win condition.
  • Lose condition.
  • Angled rebound from edges of paddle.
  • Sound effects for collision, win and lose.
  • Collision sound effect changes with ball height and left/right position.
  • Simple Title/Menu
  • Pause/Resume menu.


The project is targetting Godot 3.2 using GLES2.0 and is supported by any platform that Godot supports.

  • Install Godot Engine
  • Grab the Godotoid code via git or zip.
  • Import the project.godot file via the Godot project window.
  • Click on Edit.
  • Hit the run button.