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An Ethereum Smart Contract system that allows apps to create and complete Quests. A Quest is a task where users try to guess the Quest answer based on the Quest name and hint provided by the Quest creator.

By using Tavern you can easily integrate your own Token contract (ERC-721, ERC-20, or any contract at all), and issue any kind of rewards appropriate to your app.

Below you can find the addresses for the different network Taverns.

  1. MainNet's Tavern: TBA
  2. Rinkeby's Tavern: 0xd480083db34e8c87987652ee90f41ddb311f37ff

How it works

Please see the following graphic for a diagram on how Tavern works:

Tavern Architecture

Quest Life Cycle

Every Quest has 2 major events on it's lifecycle: Creation and Proving.

Quest creation

Creation is when an account creates a Quest, by using the createQuest function in the Tavern contract. During creation, a Quest is validated by the TavernQuestReward via the validateQuest, if the Quest gets marked as valid, then it can be proved in the next step of the lifecycle. A Quest can be validated post creation via the validateQuest function in the Tavern contract.

Quest proving

Proving is when an account, different to the Quest creator, submits the necessary proof to be a Quest Winner. If the proof submitted is correct, the Tavern will call upon the TavernQuestReward to reward that Winner, and record the claim. A Quest reward can be claimed at a later stage after proving the Quest, via the claimReward in the Tavern contract.

Connecting your App to a Tavern


  1. You need to create and deploy your own TavernQuestReward, which the Tavern contract is going to use to identify your app Quests from other apps. You must use the TavernQuestReward interface here in your contract to be compatible with Tavern.

  2. Any given quest must have more than 1 valid answer, because Tavern uses Merkle Trees to prove the Quests answers. You can read more on Merkle Trees here.

Creating the Merkle Tree

The first thing you need to make sure is that you're able to provide a list of valid of valid answers for your Quest, for example the Banano Quest app uses all the GPS coordinates pairs in a radius as a valid answer for an AR BANANO finding experience.

Creating a Quest

To create a Quest you need to submit a transaction to the following function in the Tavern contract:

function createQuest(address _tokenAddress, string _name, string _hint, uint _maxWinners, bytes32 _merkleRoot, string _merkleBody, string _metadata) public payable

The _merkleRoot parameter must correspond to the Merkle Root of your Answer Merkle Tree. The _merkleBody parameter can be optionally used to store every level below the root, except the lowest level as that would equate to the Quest creator storing the possible answers in the Tavern contract Quest repository.

This function will try to validate the Quest by using the validateQuest function in your TavernQuestReward contract found in the _tokenAddress parameter provided when creating your Quest.

The function is payable with the purpose of being able to assign an Ether prize to the winners of the Quest, in which case the _maxWinners parameter must be greater than 0. Pocket, INC as operators of the Tavern charge a 10% of all Quests created on the contracts specified in the addresses above. If you would prefer to operate your own custom Tavern you're able to do so by deploying the Tavern contract to your preferred Ethereum network.

Validating a Quest

In case of a Quest being marked invalid by the TavernQuestReward contract, it can be revalidated by calling the following function in the Tavern contract:

function validateQuest(address _tokenAddress, uint _questIndex) public

Submitting a Quest proof

To submit a Quest proof, users must send a transaction to the following function in the Tavern contract:

function submitProof(address _tokenAddress, uint _questIndex, bytes32[] _proof, bytes32 _answer) public

The _proof parameter is an array of all the hashes that conform the Merkle Proof by which the _answer leaf will be validated as a valid answer to the Quest.

This function will attempt to call the rewardCompletion function in the TavernQuestReward contract which resides in the _tokenAddress address.

Claiming a Quest reward

In the case of the TavernQuestReward not providing the appropriate reward to the user upon proof submission, further reward claims can be done by calling the following function in the Tavern contract:

function claimReward(address _tokenAddress, uint _questIndex) public

Fetching Quest related data from the Tavern contract

The Tavern contract exposes multiple getter methods that allow for easy retrieval of all Quest information necessary to create your App UI and UX.

Known Attack Vectors

Self-claiming quests

This attack consists of a Quest creator creating a Quest and completing it with a different account. Can be mitigated by adding a public trusted quest validator before giving out reward.

Quest completion Sybil attack

When one person creates many other accounts to complete the same quest. Can be mitigated by adding a public trusted quest validator before giving out reward.