Browser Websocket implementation of the queued streaming robot motion interface CRCL-JS, an adapted minimal JSON-based version of CRCL.
There are also two specific implementations:
- a general Javascript implementation with the reference: CRCL-JS
- a Node-JS specific implementation: CRCL-JS-Node
The implemented SocketIORobotConnection can connect to the websocket of the CRCLJS WS Adapter which forwards the CRCLJS commands to the robots. This enables CRCLJS robot communication in the browser since it does not depend on TCP.
Use npm link
to resolve the following private dependencies:
import {Tools} from "@babylonjs/core";
import {CommandFactory, RobotInterface} from 'crcljs';
import {quaternionToEuler} from 'eulerutil';
import {SocketIORobotConnection} fron './src/SocketIORobotConnection.mjs'
const ROBOTSERVER = 'http://localhost:3000'
console.log(`Connecting to crcljs ws adapter at ${ROBOTSERVER}`);
const robotServerConnection = io(ROBOTSERVER, {reconnection: false});
robotServerConnection.on('connect', () => {
console.log(`Connected to RobotServer`)
const robotname = 'Kuka'
const robotInterface = new RobotInterface(new SocketIORobotConnection(robotname, robotServerConnection))
if (!robotInterface.connected){
console.log("RobotInterface disconnected")
this.robotInterface.send(CommandFactory.SetEndEffectorParameters("Using Gripper 0", 0))
this.robotInterface.send(CommandFactory.SetTransSpeed('Set speed to 10 percent', 0.1)
const rotation = quaternionToEuler(myrotationQuaternion, 'XYZ').asArray().map(Tools.ToDegrees).reverse()
const position = newtcp.position.scale(1000).asArray() // meter to millimeter
const cmd = CommandFactory.MoveTo('Moving', position, rotation, false, false)
const [queued, working, done] = robotInterface.send(cmd)
await queued
await working
await done
} catch (e){