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Restore the Japanese flower animation (Overworld)

YakiNeen edited this page Nov 15, 2023 · 2 revisions

Code from Japanese release (pokered-jp (luckytyphlosion)) and Rangi42 (in Red Star/Blue Star).


; Animate water and flower
; tiles in the overworld.

	ldh a, [hTileAnimations]
	and a
	ret z

	ldh a, [hMovingBGTilesCounter1]
	xor a
	ldh [hMovingBGTilesCounter1], a

	ld a, [wMovingBGTilesCounter2]
-	and 3
-	cp 2
-	ld hl, FlowerTile1
-	jr c, .copy
-	ld hl, FlowerTile2
-	jr z, .copy
-	ld hl, FlowerTile3
+	and 1
+	ld hl, FlowerTile1
+	jr z, .copy
+	ld hl, FlowerTile2
	ld de, vTileset tile $03
	ld c, $10
	ld a, [hli]
	ld [de], a
	inc de
	dec c
	jr nz, .loop

FlowerTile1: INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/flower/flower1.2bpp"
FlowerTile2: INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/flower/flower2.2bpp"
-FlowerTile3: INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/flower/flower3.2bpp"

Delete gfx\tilesets\flower\flower3.png.

Now change the graphics:

In gfx\tilesets\tilesets_rg, you will see the gfx\tilesets\tilesets_rg\flower.png which have the 2 tiles of the japanese flower. Replace the gfx\tilesets\flower\flower1.png with the first tile and gfx\tilesets\flower\flower2.png with the second one.

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