UPDATE 3/18/2015: this library is no longer under active development -- we'd recommend checking out clojurescript.test or ClojureScript's new built-in cljs.test
Simple testing library for ClojureScript, mirroring clojure.test
as much as possible. Each deftest
runs after declaration and prints test statistics to console. Intended usage is with phantomJS and lein cljsbuild test
to get a readable test summary. In the future, we'll add some HTML scaffolding to support visual test results in a browser.
Note: This is an alpha release and much left to do, will add things like support tests with asynchronous elements (defasynctest
) which take completion callbacks. Also visual HTML representation.
(ns mytest-ns
(:require cljs-test.core)
(:use-macros [cljs-test.macros :only [deftest is= is]]))
(deftest simple-case
(is= 1 (+ 0 1))
(is true)
(is nil))
Add a section in your project.clj
as follows:
{:test {:source-paths ["src" "test"]
:compiler {:output-to "target/unit-test.js"
:optimizations :whitespace
:pretty-print true}}}
:test-commands {"unit" ["phantomjs" "target/unit-test.js"]}}
To generate the test runner,
$ lein clean
$ lein cljsbuild once test
Add an HTML file (recommended resources/test.html
) with the following content:
<script src="../target/unit-test.js"></script>
Open the HTML file in a browser to execute the tests.
$ lein clean
$ lein cljsbuild test
Copyright (C) 2013 Prismatic. Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.