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Releases: privacy-scaling-explorations/maci


14 Jun 10:57
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  • Fix cli signup bug preventing from using the Zupass gatekeeper by @crisgarner
  • Add scroll deployment config by @crisgarner


10 Jun 09:35
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Add Zupass gatekeeper and simplify proving tasks by removing arguments and fetching data from the deploy config.


28 May 15:35
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fix(isregistereduser): fetch events in batches


16 May 12:24
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  • move lowdb to contracts dependencies
  • fix cli to correctly parse --useQuadraticVoting
  • fix nightly ceremony tests


08 May 17:00
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What's Changed

  • feat(cli): add publish batch method for cli sdk by @0xmad in #1251
  • fix(cli): read state index from event args by @0xmad in #1256
  • fix: fix unable to publish package by @baumstern in #1257
  • Docs/release post v1.2 by @samajammin in #1211
  • fix(cli): generate ecdh shared key only one time by @0xmad in #1259
  • feat(cli): return additional data from publish batch command by @0xmad in #1260
  • chore: add forking option by @kittybest in #1261
  • docs(ceremony): update trusted setup docs by @ctrlc03 in #1275
  • test(ceremony): update ceremony params tests by @ctrlc03 in #1274
  • docs: update rapidsnark installation instruction by @kittybest in #1277
  • docs(poll types): add docs describing type of polls (qv/non qv) by @ctrlc03 in #1278
  • fix: publish proof onchain by @0xmad in #1279
  • chore: update zk-kit compatible packages by @0xmad in #1285
  • fix(nightly): fix issue with artifacts not found due to wrong filename by @ctrlc03 in #1286
  • docs: fix typos by @omahs in #1281
  • docs: add Project Ideas page by @samajammin in #1291
  • chore(contracts): support op sepolia deployment by @0xmad in #1293
  • fix(nightly-ceremony): fix wrong path in zkey/dat filename by @ctrlc03 in #1290
  • fix(core): add typescript dev dependency to fix build by @0xmad in #1295
  • docs(website): remove deployment on pull request by @ctrlc03 in #1294
  • test(contracts): fix eas_gatekeeper tests by @ctrlc03 in #1296
  • chore: remove repetitive words by @tgolang in #1298
  • feat(cli): add initial voice credits from signup event by @0xmad in #1299
  • chore(docker): remove outdated docker folder by @ctrlc03 in #1301
  • chore(core): do not print warning on failed decryption of message 0 by @ctrlc03 in #1303
  • feat(contracts): add hats gatekeeper contracts by @spengrah in #1191
  • chore(contracts): add acc queue contract to deployed contracts by @0xmad in #1310
  • fix(docs): fix inaccurate cli instructions by @ctrlc03 in #1302
  • docs(contracts): update documentation to reflect the latest changes by @ctrlc03 in #1300
  • fix(contracts): use for-loop instead of async promise by @0xmad in #1318
  • chore(contracts): add typedoc script for contracts package by @0xmad in #1319
  • feat(cli): add provider fallback for poll data sdk method by @0xmad in #1320
  • fix: for genLocalState '-o' represents the path where to write the local state and not the pollId and must be be parsed as int. by @GaetanoMondelli in #1304
  • test(crypto): add unit test for copy and insertSubTree method in AccQueue by @ariesjia in #1321
  • docs: fix typos by @xiaoxianBoy in #1322
  • fix(cli): fix cli vkRegistry typo by @momodaka in #1323
  • fix(build): add missing typescript dependency for integration tests package by @0xmad in #1327
  • chore: use non-zero start and end blocks for proof generation by @0xmad in #1336
  • chore(genlocalstate): add start block calculation on genLocalState cli command by @ctrlc03 in #1338
  • docs(keys): update maci keys in docs and scripts by @ctrlc03 in #1339
  • feat(cli): add start block for signup event parsing by @0xmad in #1343
  • chore: unify mention of maciAddress by @kittybest in #1345
  • refactor(maci): remove subsidy feature to simplify further protocol improvements by @ctrlc03 in #1347
  • feat(contracts): tally qv and non-qv optimisations by @0xmad in #1349
  • docs: add doc entries for new maci version (currently being developed) by @ctrlc03 in #1350
  • feat(contract): support qv and non-qv verification keys by @0xmad in #1354
  • fix: remove -se in test script by @kittybest in #1361
  • docs(update command-line interface docs): update the Subcommands of the cli docs by @crisgarner in #1365
  • chore: add qv and non-qv key setup during deploy by @0xmad in #1364
  • feat: use mode instead of flag for voting option by @0xmad in #1369
  • chore(contracts): contracts optimizations by @0xmad in #1371
  • chore(contracts): get rid of bash scripts for prebuild command by @0xmad in #1372
  • refactor(contracts): optimize contract tasks and scripts by @0xmad in #1379
  • docs(website): update v1.2.0 docs by @kittybest in #1367
  • fix(website): add typedoc folder to .gitignore and use pnpm v8 for ci by @0xmad in #1380
  • docs(add note about non qv on integrating): added a note about running non QV on Integrating page by @crisgarner in #1366
  • docs: update integrating doc for v1.3 by @kittybest in #1378
  • chore(contracts): use deployment helper for deploy commands by @0xmad in #1383
  • docs(website): update trouble shooting doc by @kittybest in #1363
  • feat(coordinator): add coordinator service boilerplate by @0xmad in #1386
  • docs: add Q2 roadmap post by @samajammin in #1370
  • feat: support deployment without hardhat by @0xmad in #1392
  • feat(cli): add export from contracts, circuits for cli package by @0xmad in #1407
  • test(eas): mock gatekeeper tests by @ctrlc03 in #1412
  • test(hats): mock hats gatekeeper tests by @ctrlc03 in #1413
  • docs(diagram): add contract architecture diagram by @wiasliaw in #1305
  • docs: add meta desc to roadmap post by @samajammin in #1400
  • chore(contracts): move away from infura key to full rpc url by @ctrlc03 in #1411
  • Enhance MACI circuits readability by @0xjei in #1337
  • feat(contracts): add new adapter for lowdb to support browser env by @0xmad in #1416
  • fix: do not accept invalid maci keys by @ctrlc03 in #1408

New Contributors

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27 Feb 15:25
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What's Changed


  • feat(cli) - expose all cli functions so they can be used in custom scripts by @ctrlc03 in #752
  • feat(circuits) - shift from circom_helper to circom_tester by @ctrlc03 in #784
  • feat(cross-platform-maci) - Allow MACI to run e2e on any architecture by @ctrlc03 in #817
  • feat(typedoc) - add typedoc to the repo by @ctrlc03 in #755
  • feat(state-tree-depth) - ensure stateTreeDepth is not hardcoded by @ctrlc03 in #777
  • ci: nightly proving key generation workflow by @baumstern in #804
  • feat(genLocalState) - debugging utility for log fetching and local maci state generation by @ctrlc03 in #758
  • feat(commitments): store tally commitments to be used for verification by @ctrlc03 in #877
  • Add verifyTallyResult, verifyPerVOSpentVoiceCredits, verifySpentVoiceCredits by @yuetloo in #835
  • feat(cli): enable environmental variables by @kittybest in #996
  • feat(contracts): return contract addresses when deploying the poll contract by @ctrlc03 in #1016
  • feat(circuits): unify circuits compilation and zkey generation processes by @ctrlc03 in #1018
  • feat(website): update ui-kit by @kittybest in #1033
  • Feat/UI kit tweaks by @samajammin in #1041
  • feat: optimize deployment and tally event by @0xmad in #1083
  • feat(website): setup sidebar labels and position by @kittybest in #1067
  • feat: make image zoomable by adding package by @kittybest in #1094
  • feat(eas-gatekeeper): implement an EAS gatekeeper for MACI by @ctrlc03 in #1109
  • feat(qv): add optional flag to use quadratic voting or not in MACI by @ctrlc03 in #1146
  • feat(tally): remove ballotsTallied event and add view function by @ctrlc03 in #1148
  • feat(cli): add relevant information in tally.json to simplify verify interface by @ctrlc03 in #1149
  • feat(cli): add seed param for generate keypair command by @0xmad in #1199
  • feat(cli): improve cli integration ux by @0xmad in #1212
  • feat(cli): add get poll cli command by @0xmad in #1224
  • feat(poll): add message batch submission by @ctrlc03 in #1226

Refactor (Code and Tests)

  • Contract refactor by @chaosma in #599
  • constraint updatesbcommitment in contracts by @chaosma in #661
  • Use snarkjs API and remove the hardcoding of the snarkjs command line path by @yuetloo in #782
  • feat(refactor) - refactor the crypto package by @ctrlc03 in #749
  • feat(contracts) - add custom errors by @ctrlc03 in #764
  • refactor(cli): print relevant values when comparing fails by @baumstern in #585
  • Refactor package.json: Update circomlib Dependency and Remove gitHead Field by @baumstern in #831
  • Restructure maci-core for enhanced discoverability by @baumstern in #846
  • feat(domainobjs) - code and tests refactoring by @ctrlc03 in #767
  • refactoring(cli && tests) - refactoring of the CLI package and integration tests by @ctrlc03 in #794
  • refactor(core): remove unnecessary accumulatorQueue in offchain instance by @baumstern in #866
  • refactor(core): cleanup the core package by @ctrlc03 in #907
  • tests(key-change): add tests and docs related to MACI's key change by @ctrlc03 in #885
  • refactor(contracts): add natspec across contracts and cleanup by @ctrlc03 in #898
  • refactoring(circuits): refactor the circuit package to improve its efficiency by @ctrlc03 in #832
  • refactor(contracts): refactor contracts code by @ctrlc03 in #913
  • test(contracts): re-organize smart contract tests in separate files by @ctrlc03 in #897
  • refactor(repo): remove redundant code from certain packages by @ctrlc03 in #920
  • refactor(contracts): cleanup unused scripts and organize ts code by @ctrlc03 in #909
  • refactor(core): refactor the process message functions and general cleanup by @ctrlc03 in #914
  • test(ceremony): test ceremony artifacts and params by @ctrlc03 in #918
  • test(core): process messages unit tests by @ctrlc03 in #924
  • test(coverage): setup coverage for TS packages by @ctrlc03 in #932
  • test(crypto): complete unit tests for the crypto package by @ctrlc03 in #933
  • refactor(crypto): remove ffjavascript and implement utils functions locally by @ctrlc03 in #944
  • test(contracts): refactor and add unit tests to the current suite by @ctrlc03 in #940
  • refactor(zk-kit-poseidon): remove old circomlib dependencies in crypto by @ctrlc03 in #943
  • feat(proofs): add preferred witness type in circuit's genProof function by @ctrlc03 in #925
  • test(domainobjs): implement unit tests for the domainobjs package by @ctrlc03 in #934
  • refactor(contracts): smart contracts optimizations by @ctrlc03 in #919
  • refactor(crypto): improve package structure by @ctrlc03 in #935
  • test(topup): implement test cases for the topup feature by @ctrlc03 in #952
  • refactor(core): refactor the core package subsidy and tally functions by @ctrlc03 in #953
  • test(core): test refactoring and implementation by @ctrlc03 in #954
  • test(cli): reorganize e2e tests and add more tests for cli commands by @ctrlc03 in #956
  • test(integration): ensure integration tests are using the correct user keys by @ctrlc03 in #957
  • test(core): e2e test cases core maciState/Poll by @baumstern in #910
  • test(circuits): refactor and add tests for the circom circuits by @ctrlc03 in #1004
  • refactor(contracts): deploy MessageProcessor, Tally, and Subsidy contracts after deploy poll by @kittybest in #949
  • refactor(contracts): optimize code by @ctrlc03 in #1008
  • feat(circuits): remove circomlib fork in favour of latest and zk-kit by @ctrlc03 in #1010
  • refactor(optimisedmt): remove dependency and implement locally by @ctrlc03 in #1031
  • refactor(cli): use object args for cli commands by @ctrlc03 in #1048
  • refactor(contracts): remove maxValues from Maci.deployPoll() and instead calculate by @ctrlc03 in #1089
  • feat(cli): accept signer as parameter to cli commands by @ctrlc03 in #1127
  • refactor(contracts): optimize utilities.padAndHashMessage by @ctrlc03 in #1151
  • refactor(core): remove redundant code which could slow down ...
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03 Dec 12:47
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See related blog post.

What's Changed

  • Clean up docs by @gurrpi in #462
  • Bump the circom to v2.0.5 by @gurrpi in #468
  • Fix: docker should work with correct repo and branch by @GalRogozinski in #464
  • Fix the flakiness of core package test by @gurrpi in #493
  • Fix a nightly test by @gurrpi in #492
  • test(circuits): fix index to prevent assigned 0 by @gurrpi in #499
  • CI: add a workflow for npm package publishing by @gurrpi in #496
  • Add by @gurrpi in #497
  • Update package-lock.json by @gurrpi in #519
  • fix: missing error handling in test harness by @gurrpi in #516
  • rewrite float division circuit by @chaosma in #523
  • test: verify subsidy result by @gurrpi in #518
  • Fix/audit (Implementing fixes for audit issues) by @ctrlc03 in #522
  • fix(maci): upgraded snarkjs and other dependencies by @ctrlc03 in #550
  • Fix/deployment error and bump version by @ctrlc03 in #553

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v1.1.0...v1.1.1


03 Dec 12:47
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v1.1.0 Pre-release

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v1.0.4...v1.1.0


03 Dec 12:47
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v1.0.4 Pre-release

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v1.0.3...v1.0.4


23 Jan 15:24
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Release Announcement
Release date: 2021.10.12

  • Created for archiving purpose