This repo contains python scripts can be used to prepare high quality video clips.
In our paper: Hierarchical Autoregressive Modeling for Neural Video Compression, YouTube-NT contains videos downloaded from the following YouTube Channels:
As training a learned compression model usually requires high quality training data, we only download high quality videos by executing following command (Please install youtube-dl first):
youtube-dl -f "bestvideo[ext=webm][height>=1080]" -ciw -o "%(id)s.%(ext)s" -v <url-of-channel>
REMARK1: Here, I recommend to download "webm" format videos as they are usually encoded with Google's VP9 codec, which usually has good quality and "ffmpeg" supports VP9 decode. Note that if you use "ext=mp4" you may download video with AV1 codec (really new), which may not be supported by some "ffmpeg" binary/package distribution (Of course, you can compile your own "ffmpeg" if you want). In addition, most mp4 files downloaded from youtube are encoded with H.264 codec, which usually has worse quality than VP9. For more details, please refer to youtube-dl.
REMARK2: Of course, you can prepare your own videos.
REMARK3: we also provide a list of youtube video ids, so that you can directly download via youtube id (ID List)
first. -
cd PySceneDetect; python install
# as I use a modified version of PySceneDetect -
Then we need to customize some values in to detect scene cut and then extract each scene clip:
start = '15s'
# detection start timeduration = '120s'
# duration of detectioninput_dir = 'videos'
# input path, your video folderoutput_dir = 'splitted'
# output path, each subfolder will contain a scene clip (a sequence of .png files)grayscale_filter = False
# whether use grayscale detection (will slow down the detection speed, use it only when you have lots of grayscale video)gray_threshold = 35
# for scene cut detection, simply use this default valuethreshold = 26
# for scene cut detection, simply use this default valuenframes = 10
# number of frames in each clip. Each scene clip may have "nframes//2" ~ "nframes" frames.ffmpeg_override = f'-vf scale=iw*2/3:ih*2/3 -vsync 0 -vframes {nframes}'
# ffmpeg command. Here we need to downsample the original video to remove compression artifactn_process = 64
# number of process
- Execute
and wait.. (it depends on how many videos you have) - The scripts will generate a file "badlist.csv", which contains the names of subfolder containing bad scene clips. Feel free to remove all the subfolders showed in this file.