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Professor Colin Turner edited this page Sep 18, 2018 · 2 revisions

Task Reminders

Task Reminders allow you to configure Tasks that will be emailed to staff periodically until they self certify that they have completed them.

With suggested timings, staff will get a weekly email with their outstanding tasks to help them plan and schedule their activity accordingly. When Tasks are considered Urgent (less than a week to deadline, or overdue) those emails will be sent each working day.

Once colleagues self-certify completion of the task they will no longer be reminded around this staff.

There is a screencast explaining some of the Task feature on YouTube.

Creating a New Task

Tasks can be added from the Admin Interface. They need a snappy name, a category, and some details. The details field will automatically hyperlink any URLs you use in there, so feel free to help your colleagues by signposting them to exactly where they need to go to complete their Task.

You can then specify a deadline both in date and time. You can always change this later.

Target Groups or Staff

Tasks can be assigned by Groups and / or Individuals. Commonly a Task might be for all Engineering Academic Staff, so that group can be selected, or a few key individuals, or a Group plus a few key individuals.

Archiving Tasks

If you Archive a Task no reminders are sent for it any longer, nor is it shown in the Task menu for staff. You can do this with a Task is complete, or you have given up on more completions.