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project-owner edited this page May 29, 2018 · 2 revisions

In order to make vlc output PCM data to fifo/named pipe and sound card the following settings should be done in file /home/pi/.asoundrc:

pcm.!default {
    type file
    slave.pcm "hw:0,0"
    file /home/pi/myfifo
    format raw

The fifo can be created using the following commands:

> mkfifo /home/pi/myfifo
> chmod 666 /home/pi/myfifo

To make vlc use the device defined in file /home/pi/.asoundrc the following parameters should be defined while starting vlc:

vlc --aout=alsa --alsa-audio-device=default

Any other vlc parameters can be defined in this line if required.

There is a strict startup order - PeppyMeter should be started first. vlc will crash if there is no PeppyMeter running/reading fifo.

The volume level of the signal in fifo depends on vlc volume level. The maximum system volume level can be defined the same way as for mpd using either amixer or alsamixer depending on the amplifier which is in use. There is currently the issue in using PeppyMeter and vlc through ALSA device defined in .asoundrc file. The signal in fifo/pipe has very low amplitude. To overcome this issue the signal from the left channel is in use for the right channel as well.

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