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Justin Coyne edited this page Nov 10, 2021 · 5 revisions

Blacklight will provide atom responses for all catalog/index results. Just add ".atom" on to the end of your path component, /catalog.atom, or /catalog/index.atom.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<feed xmlns:opensearch="" xmlns="">
  <title>Blacklight Search Results</title>
  <link href=";amp;format=atom&amp;amp;q=urdu&amp;amp;search_field=all_fields" rel="self"/>
  <link href=";amp;format=html&amp;amp;q=urdu&amp;amp;search_field=all_fields" rel="alternate" type="text/html"/>
  <link href=";amp;format=atom&amp;amp;page=2&amp;amp;q=urdu&amp;amp;search_field=all_fields" rel="next"/>
  <link href=";amp;format=atom&amp;amp;page=1&amp;amp;q=urdu&amp;amp;search_field=all_fields" rel="first"/>
  <link href=";amp;format=atom&amp;amp;page=15&amp;amp;q=urdu&amp;amp;search_field=all_fields" rel="last"/>
  <link href="" rel="search" type="application/opensearchdescription+xml"/>
  <opensearch:Query searchTerms="urdu" startPage="1" role="request"/>
    <title>Urdu&#772; d&#803;ra&#772;ma&#772;</title>
    <link href="" rel="alternate" type="text/html"/>
<link href="" rel="alternate" title="dc_xml" type="text/xml" />
<link href="" rel="alternate" title="xml" type="application/xml" />
      <name>Farg&#818;h&#818;a&#772;nah, 1979-</name>
    <summary type="html">
&lt;dl class="defList"&gt;
        &lt;dt class="blacklight-title_display"&gt;Title:&lt;/dt&gt;
        &lt;dd class="blacklight-title_display"&gt;Urdu&#772; d&#803;ra&#772;ma&#772;&lt;/dd&gt;
        &lt;dt class="blacklight-author_display"&gt;Author:&lt;/dt&gt;
        &lt;dd class="blacklight-author_display"&gt;Farg&#818;h&#818;a&#772;nah, 1979-&lt;/dd&gt;
<!-- [...] -->
<!-- [...] -->

The same HTML summary included in your HTML results pages are included as an atom:summary element -- the atom template uses the [[#render_document_partial|]] helper method to generate this HTML summary, so if you've over-ridden that for your app, it will be used as the atom:summary content instead.

API Usage

The Atom response is intended to be pretty full of data, so it can fill many traditional API requests. It makes use of every relevant atom or OpenSearch element that could be conveniently included.

The Atom response also supports arbitrary format representations in the atom:content element. You can include &content_format=some_format in your request URL (e.g. [[/catalog.atom?content_format=oai_dc_xml|]]). Any format a given document can be exported as using the Blacklight document framework is available. Not every document can export in every format -- if a format is requested one or more of the items in your atom result can not export as, it will not have an atom:content element. Non-XML-based formats are supported, as the content is Base64-encoded (as per Atom spec, unless the format is text/plain).

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<feed xmlns:opensearch="" xmlns="">
  <title>Blacklight Search Results</title>
  <link href=";amp;format=atom&amp;amp;per_page=1" rel="self"/>
<!-- [...] -->
    <title>The book of the dance in the 20th century selections from the Jane Bourne Parton collection of books on the dance</title>
    <link href="" rel="alternate" type="text/html"/>
<link href="" rel="alternate" title="dc_xml" type="text/xml" />
<link href="" rel="alternate" title="xml" type="application/xml" />
      <name>Roatcap, Adela Spindler</name>
    <summary type="html">
<!-- [...] -->
<!-- [ Here is the export format as OAI Dublin Core XML ] -->
    <content type="text/xml">
<oai_dc:dc xsi:schemaLocation="" xmlns:oai_dc="" xmlns:dc="" xmlns:xsi=""><dc:language>English</dc:language><dc:title>The book of the dance in the 20th century selections from the Jane Bourne Parton collection of books on the dance</dc:title><dc:format>Book</dc:format></oai_dc:dc>    </content>

This means that if you add on a document extension that provides more export formats for some or all of your documents, that will automatically be available in the atom response.

If you choose to use the Blacklight CQL add-on, the combination of CQL requests and Atom responses provides a pretty good more-or-less standards-based API to search results through Blacklight.

The Atom response generating template is at app/views/catalog/index.builder.atom.

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