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How to release a version

Justin Coyne edited this page Feb 22, 2024 · 21 revisions

Before releasing, ensure that you're on the main branch.

Ensure that the JavaScript package was successfully built when updates were contributed.

Blacklight 7

$ npm run js-compile-bundle

Blacklight 8

$ rake build:npm

If this produces changes, make sure to follow the pull request contribution workflow to submit these changes.

Release it

  1. Update the version number in ./VERSION and ./package.json

  2. Fix GitHub issue tracker to know about the release

    • Create a milestone in GitHub for the NEXT version.
    • Move any open tickets for released version to the next version.
    • Mark the milestone as closed.
  3. Release the gem and npm package

    $ bundle exec rake release
  4. Write Github release notes for the tag, using this template:

    [Commit History]( | [Milestone]({milestone here})
    (anything important about this release, themes, etc)
    ### New Features and improvements
    (#ticketnumber and a human-readable description of the ticket, usually the ticket title. If the ticket title doesn't make sense, either edit the ticket directly, or provide an alternative title here)
    ##  Bug Fixes
    ### Upgrade Notes
    (anything special that needs to be called out)
    ### Tested dependencies
    This version of Blacklight works on Ruby on Rails 6.1 - 7.0. (This can be found in
  5. Prepare announcement

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