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Collaborative UX Research for Blacklight

Shaun Ellis edited this page Nov 4, 2016 · 4 revisions

##About This is a place to share the following resources:

  1. observations and recommendations based on local usability studies
  2. analytics on blacklight instances (or collaborative analytics)
  3. information on study results around blacklight-related plugins
  4. examples of integrations for UX purposes (call number browse, requests, viewers, etc.)
  5. collaborative study reports/results

##Creating Issues Observations and recommendations from our institutions' studies should be formalized as GitHub issues. When adding an issue, please use the following template for the original post:

As a type of user, I want some goal so that some reason.

Further discussion around the "how" can and will happen in comments, but it keeps issues easy to evaluate and prioritize. Labels (i.e. Accessibility, Browse, Bookmarks, etc.) also make it easy to organize contributions around similar types of features. Finally, screenshots in follow-up can be helpful to illustrate a point.

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