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Building Environment for PIC32MZ

Carlos Moratelli edited this page May 3, 2017 · 3 revisions

Follow the bellow instructions to configure the building environment for PIC32MZ platform.

List of tools to be Installed

  • Codescape GNU Tools Package 2016.05-03 for MIPS MTI Bare Metal x86_64;

Running The Install Script

Note: The installation script supports only 64-bit systems. If you are running a Linux 32-bit you need to install the required tools manually, see here.

Install the git client.

sudo apt-get install git

Clone the prplHypervisor™ repository.

git clone

The git clone command will create a prpl-hypervisor folder. Now, you can perform the script. This script will download and install the packages and tools needed to compile the prpl-hypervisor. You can find the script in the prpl-hypervisor/bin folder.

chmod +x prpl-hypervisor/bin/
sudo prpl-hypervisor/bin/

Follow the instruction on the screen. You will need to restart your computer after the installation.

If you have any problem with the script, please, install the tools and packages manually following the steps here.