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Add AXI ATOP filter
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andreaskurth committed Feb 22, 2019
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## Unreleased
- Add AXI atomic operations (ATOP) filter

## 0.5.0 - 2018-12-18
- Add axi channel delayer

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// Copyright 2018 ETH Zurich and University of Bologna.
// Copyright and related rights are licensed under the Solderpad Hardware
// License, Version 0.51 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
// compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law
// or agreed to in writing, software, hardware and materials distributed under
// this License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
// CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

// AXI ATOP Filter: This module filters atomic operations (ATOPs), i.e., write transactions that
// have a non-zero `aw_atop` value, from its `slv` to its `mst` port. This module guarantees that:
// 1) `aw_atop` is always zero on the `mst` port;
// 2) write transactions with non-zero `aw_atop` on the `slv` port are handled in conformance with
// the AXI standard by replying to such write transactions with the proper B and R responses. The
// response code on atomic operations that reach this module is always SLVERR
// (implementation-specific, not defined in the AXI standard).
// This module is intended to be placed between masters that may issue ATOPs and slaves that do not
// support ATOPs. That way, this module ensures that the AXI protocol remains in a defined state on
// systems with mixed ATOP capabilities.
// Interface note:
// The AXI standard specifies that there may be no ordering requirements between different atomic
// bursts (i.e., a burst started by an AW with ATOP other than 0) and none between atomic bursts and
// non-atomic bursts [E2.1.4]. That is, an atomic burst may never have the same ID as any other
// write or read burst that is ongoing at the same time.

module axi_atop_filter #(
parameter int unsigned AXI_ID_WIDTH = 0, // Synopsys DC requires a default value for parameters.
// Maximum number of AXI write bursts outstanding at the same time
parameter int unsigned AXI_MAX_WRITE_TXNS = 0
) (
input logic clk_i,
input logic rst_ni,
AXI_BUS.Master mst,
AXI_BUS.Slave slv

typedef logic [$clog2(AXI_MAX_WRITE_TXNS+1)-1:0] cnt_t;
cnt_t w_cnt_d, w_cnt_q;

typedef enum logic [2:0] { W_FEEDTHROUGH, BLOCK_AW, ABSORB_W, INJECT_B, WAIT_R } w_state_t;
w_state_t w_state_d, w_state_q;

typedef enum logic { R_FEEDTHROUGH, INJECT_R } r_state_t;
r_state_t r_state_d, r_state_q;

typedef logic [AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] id_t;
id_t id_d, id_q;

typedef logic [7:0] len_t;
len_t r_beats_d, r_beats_q;

typedef struct packed {
len_t len;
} r_resp_cmd_t;
r_resp_cmd_t r_resp_cmd_push, r_resp_cmd_pop;

logic r_resp_cmd_push_valid, r_resp_cmd_push_ready,
r_resp_cmd_pop_valid, r_resp_cmd_pop_ready;

// Manage AW, W, and B channels.
always_comb begin
// Defaults:
// Disable AW and W handshakes.
mst.aw_valid = 1'b0;
slv.aw_ready = 1'b0;
mst.w_valid = 1'b0;
slv.w_ready = 1'b0;
// Feed write responses through.
mst.b_ready = slv.b_ready;
slv.b_valid = mst.b_valid;
slv.b_id = mst.b_id;
slv.b_resp = mst.b_resp;
slv.b_user = mst.b_user;
// Keep ID stored for B and R response.
id_d = id_q;
// Do not push R response commands.
r_resp_cmd_push_valid = 1'b0;
// Keep the current state.
w_state_d = w_state_q;

unique case (w_state_q)
// Feed AW channel through if the maximum number of outstanding bursts is not reached.
if (w_cnt_q < AXI_MAX_WRITE_TXNS) begin
mst.aw_valid = slv.aw_valid;
slv.aw_ready = mst.aw_ready;
// Feed W channel through if at least one AW request is outstanding. This does not allow
// W beats before the corresponding AW because we need to know the `atop` of an AW to decide
// what to do with the W beats.
if (w_cnt_q > 0) begin
mst.w_valid = slv.w_valid;
slv.w_ready = mst.w_ready;
// Filter out AWs that are atomic operations.
if (slv.aw_valid && slv.aw_atop[5:4] != axi_pkg::ATOP_NONE) begin
mst.aw_valid = 1'b0; // Do not let AW pass to master port.
slv.aw_ready = 1'b1; // Absorb AW on slave port.
id_d = slv.aw_id; // Store ID for B response.
// All atomic operations except atomic stores require a response on the R channel.
if (slv.aw_atop[5:4] != axi_pkg::ATOP_ATOMICSTORE) begin
// Push R response command. We do not have to wait for the ready of the register
// because we know it is ready: we are its only master and will wait for the register to
// be emptied before going back to the `W_FEEDTHROUGH` state.
r_resp_cmd_push_valid = 1'b1;
// If there are outstanding W bursts, block the AW channel and let the W bursts complete.
if (w_cnt_q > 0) begin
w_state_d = BLOCK_AW;
// If there are no outstanding W bursts, absorb the W beats for this atomic AW.
end else begin
mst.w_valid = 1'b0; // Do not let W beats pass to master port.
slv.w_ready = 1'b1; // Absorb W beats on slave port.
if (slv.w_valid && slv.w_last) begin
// If the W beat is valid and the last, proceed by injecting the B response.
w_state_d = INJECT_B;
end else begin
// Otherwise continue with absorbing W beats.
w_state_d = ABSORB_W;

BLOCK_AW: begin
// Feed W channel through to let outstanding bursts complete.
if (w_cnt_q > 0) begin
mst.w_valid = slv.w_valid;
slv.w_ready = mst.w_ready;
end else begin
// If there are no more outstanding W bursts, start absorbing the next W burst.
slv.w_ready = 1'b1;
if (slv.w_valid && slv.w_last) begin
// If the W beat is valid and the last, proceed by injecting the B response.
w_state_d = INJECT_B;
end else begin
// Otherwise continue with absorbing W beats.
w_state_d = ABSORB_W;

ABSORB_W: begin
// Absorb all W beats of the current burst.
slv.w_ready = 1'b1;
if (slv.w_valid && slv.w_last) begin
w_state_d = INJECT_B;

INJECT_B: begin
// Pause forwarding of B response.
mst.b_ready = 1'b0;
// Inject error response instead. Since the B channel has an ID and the atomic burst we are
// replying to is guaranteed to be the only burst with this ID in flight, we do not have to
// observe any ordering and can immediatly inject on the B channel.
slv.b_id = id_q;
slv.b_resp = axi_pkg::RESP_SLVERR;
slv.b_user = '0;
slv.b_valid = 1'b1;
if (slv.b_ready) begin
// If not all beats of the R response have been injected, wait for them. Otherwise, return
if (r_resp_cmd_pop_valid && !r_resp_cmd_pop_ready) begin
w_state_d = WAIT_R;
end else begin
w_state_d = W_FEEDTHROUGH;

WAIT_R: begin
// Wait with returning to `W_FEEDTHROUGH` until all beats of the R response have been
// injected.
if (!r_resp_cmd_pop_valid) begin
w_state_d = W_FEEDTHROUGH;

default: w_state_d = W_FEEDTHROUGH;

// Manage R channel.
always_comb begin
// Defaults:
// Feed read responses through.
slv.r_valid = mst.r_valid;
mst.r_ready = slv.r_ready;
slv.r_id = mst.r_id;
slv.r_data = mst.r_data;
slv.r_resp = mst.r_resp;
slv.r_last = mst.r_last;
slv.r_user = mst.r_user;
// Do not pop R response command.
r_resp_cmd_pop_ready = 1'b0;
// Keep the current value of the beats counter.
r_beats_d = r_beats_q;
// Keep the current state.
r_state_d = r_state_q;

unique case (r_state_q)
if (r_resp_cmd_pop_valid) begin
// Upon a command to inject an R response, immediately proceed with doing so because there
// are no ordering requirements with other bursts that may be ongoing on the R channel at
// this moment.
r_beats_d = r_resp_cmd_pop.len;
r_state_d = INJECT_R;

INJECT_R: begin
mst.r_ready = 1'b0;
slv.r_id = id_q;
slv.r_data = '0;
slv.r_resp = axi_pkg::RESP_SLVERR;
slv.r_user = '0;
slv.r_valid = 1'b1;
slv.r_last = (r_beats_q == '0);
if (slv.r_ready) begin
if (slv.r_last) begin
r_resp_cmd_pop_ready = 1'b1;
r_state_d = R_FEEDTHROUGH;
end else begin
r_beats_d -= 1;

default: begin
r_state_d = R_FEEDTHROUGH;

// Make sure downstream slaves do not get any atomic operations.
assign mst.aw_atop = '0;

// Connect signals on AW and W channel that are not managed by the control FSM from slave port to
// master port.
assign mst.aw_id = slv.aw_id;
assign mst.aw_addr = slv.aw_addr;
assign mst.aw_len = slv.aw_len;
assign mst.aw_size = slv.aw_size;
assign mst.aw_burst = slv.aw_burst;
assign mst.aw_lock = slv.aw_lock;
assign mst.aw_cache = slv.aw_cache;
assign mst.aw_prot = slv.aw_prot;
assign mst.aw_qos = slv.aw_qos;
assign mst.aw_region = slv.aw_region;
assign mst.aw_user = slv.aw_user;
assign mst.w_data = slv.w_data;
assign mst.w_strb = slv.w_strb;
assign mst.w_last = slv.w_last;
assign mst.w_user = slv.w_user;

// Feed all signals on AR through.
assign mst.ar_id = slv.ar_id;
assign mst.ar_addr = slv.ar_addr;
assign mst.ar_len = slv.ar_len;
assign mst.ar_size = slv.ar_size;
assign mst.ar_burst = slv.ar_burst;
assign mst.ar_lock = slv.ar_lock;
assign mst.ar_cache = slv.ar_cache;
assign mst.ar_prot = slv.ar_prot;
assign mst.ar_qos = slv.ar_qos;
assign mst.ar_region = slv.ar_region;
assign mst.ar_user = slv.ar_user;
assign mst.ar_valid = slv.ar_valid;
assign slv.ar_ready = mst.ar_ready;

// Keep track of outstanding downstream write bursts and responses.
always_comb begin
w_cnt_d = w_cnt_q;
if (mst.aw_valid && mst.aw_ready) begin
w_cnt_d += 1;
if (mst.w_valid && mst.w_ready && mst.w_last) begin
w_cnt_d -= 1;

always_ff @(posedge clk_i, negedge rst_ni) begin
if (!rst_ni) begin
id_q <= '0;
r_beats_q <= '0;
r_state_q <= R_FEEDTHROUGH;
w_cnt_q <= '0;
w_state_q <= W_FEEDTHROUGH;
end else begin
id_q <= id_d;
r_beats_q <= r_beats_d;
r_state_q <= r_state_d;
w_cnt_q <= w_cnt_d;
w_state_q <= w_state_d;

stream_register #(
) r_resp_cmd (
.clk_i (clk_i),
.rst_ni (rst_ni),
.clr_i (1'b0),
.testmode_i (1'b0),
.valid_i (r_resp_cmd_push_valid),
.ready_o (r_resp_cmd_push_ready),
.data_i (r_resp_cmd_push),
.valid_o (r_resp_cmd_pop_valid),
.ready_i (r_resp_cmd_pop_ready),
.data_o (r_resp_cmd_pop)
assign r_resp_cmd_push.len = slv.aw_len;

// pragma translate_off
initial begin: p_assertions
assert (AXI_ID_WIDTH >= 1) else $fatal("AXI ID width must be at least 1!");
assert (AXI_MAX_WRITE_TXNS >= 1)
else $fatal("Maximum number of outstanding write transactions must be at least 1!");
// pragma translate_on

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