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Merge pull request #629 from purescript/620
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Better overlapping instances check
  • Loading branch information
paf31 committed Oct 14, 2014
2 parents ae66711 + e2b9bad commit e070c0e
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Showing 3 changed files with 146 additions and 82 deletions.
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions examples/failing/OverlappingInstances.purs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
module OverlappingInstances where

data A = A

instance showA1 :: Show A where
show A = "Instance 1"

instance showA2 :: Show A where
show A = "Instance 2"

main = Debug.Trace.trace $ show A
23 changes: 23 additions & 0 deletions examples/failing/OverlappingInstances2.purs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
module OverlappingInstances where

data A = A | B

instance eqA1 :: Eq A where
(==) A A = true
(==) B B = true
(==) _ _ = false
(/=) x y = not (x == y)

instance eqA2 :: Eq A where
(==) _ _ = true
(/=) _ _ = false

instance ordA :: Ord A where
compare A B = LT
compare B A = GT
compare _ _ = EQ

test :: forall a. (Ord a) => a -> a -> String
test x y = show $ x == y

main = Debug.Trace.trace $ test A B
194 changes: 112 additions & 82 deletions src/Language/PureScript/TypeChecker/Types.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -316,89 +316,119 @@ entails env moduleName context = solve (sortedNubBy canonicalizeDictionary (filt
filterModule _ = False

solve context' (className, tys) trySuperclasses =
dicts = go trySuperclasses className tys
in case sortedNubBy dictTrace (chooseSimplestDictionaries dicts) of
[] -> throwError . strMsg $ "No instance found for " ++ show className ++ " " ++ unwords (map prettyPrintTypeAtom tys)
[_] -> return $ dictionaryValueToValue $ head dicts
_ -> throwError . strMsg $ "Overlapping instances found for " ++ show className ++ " " ++ unwords (map prettyPrintTypeAtom tys)
checkOverlaps $ go trySuperclasses className tys
go trySuperclasses' className' tys' =
-- Look for regular type instances
[ mkDictionary (canonicalizeDictionary tcd) args
| tcd <- context'
-- Make sure the type class name matches the one we are trying to satisfy
, className' == tcdClassName tcd
-- Make sure the type unifies with the type in the type instance definition
, subst <- maybeToList . (>>= verifySubstitution) . fmap concat $ zipWithM (typeHeadsAreEqual moduleName env) tys' (tcdInstanceTypes tcd)
-- Solve any necessary subgoals
, args <- solveSubgoals subst (tcdDependencies tcd) ] ++

-- Look for implementations via superclasses
[ SubclassDictionaryValue suDict superclass index
| trySuperclasses'
, (subclassName, (args, _, implies)) <- M.toList (typeClasses env)
-- Try each superclass
, (index, (superclass, suTyArgs)) <- zip [0..] implies
-- Make sure the type class name matches the superclass name
, className' == superclass
-- Make sure the types unify with the types in the superclass implication
, subst <- maybeToList . (>>= verifySubstitution) . fmap concat $ zipWithM (typeHeadsAreEqual moduleName env) tys' suTyArgs
-- Finally, satisfy the subclass constraint
, args' <- maybeToList $ mapM (flip lookup subst) args
, suDict <- go True subclassName args' ]

-- Create dictionaries for subgoals which still need to be solved by calling go recursively
-- E.g. the goal (Show a, Show b) => Show (Either a b) can be satisfied if the current type
-- unifies with Either a b, and we can satisfy the subgoals Show a and Show b recursively.
solveSubgoals :: [(String, Type)] -> Maybe [(Qualified ProperName, [Type])] -> [Maybe [DictionaryValue]]
solveSubgoals _ Nothing = return Nothing
solveSubgoals subst (Just subgoals) = do
dict <- mapM (uncurry (go True) . second (map (replaceAllTypeVars subst))) subgoals
return $ Just dict
-- Make a dictionary from subgoal dictionaries by applying the correct function
mkDictionary :: Qualified Ident -> Maybe [DictionaryValue] -> DictionaryValue
mkDictionary fnName Nothing = LocalDictionaryValue fnName
mkDictionary fnName (Just []) = GlobalDictionaryValue fnName
mkDictionary fnName (Just dicts) = DependentDictionaryValue fnName dicts
-- Turn a DictionaryValue into a Expr
dictionaryValueToValue :: DictionaryValue -> Expr
dictionaryValueToValue (LocalDictionaryValue fnName) = Var fnName
dictionaryValueToValue (GlobalDictionaryValue fnName) = App (Var fnName) valUndefined
dictionaryValueToValue (DependentDictionaryValue fnName dicts) = foldl App (Var fnName) (map dictionaryValueToValue dicts)
dictionaryValueToValue (SubclassDictionaryValue dict superclassName index) =
App (Accessor (C.__superclass_ ++ show superclassName ++ "_" ++ show index)
(dictionaryValueToValue dict))
-- Ensure that a substitution is valid
verifySubstitution :: [(String, Type)] -> Maybe [(String, Type)]
verifySubstitution subst = do
let grps = groupBy ((==) `on` fst) subst
guard (all (pairwise (unifiesWith env) . map snd) grps)
return $ map head grps
-- Choose the simplest DictionaryValues from a list of candidates
-- The reason for this function is as follows:
-- When considering overlapping instances, we don't want to consider the same dictionary
-- to be an overlap of itself when obtained as a superclass of another class.
-- Observing that we probably don't want to select a superclass instance when an instance
-- is available directly, and that there is no way for a superclass instance to actually
-- introduce an overlap that wouldn't have been there already, we simply remove dictionaries
-- obtained as superclass instances if there are simpler instances available.
chooseSimplestDictionaries :: [DictionaryValue] -> [DictionaryValue]
chooseSimplestDictionaries ds = case filter isSimpleDictionaryValue ds of
[] -> ds
simple -> simple
isSimpleDictionaryValue SubclassDictionaryValue{} = False
isSimpleDictionaryValue (DependentDictionaryValue _ ds) = all isSimpleDictionaryValue ds
isSimpleDictionaryValue _ = True
-- |
-- Get the "trace" of a DictionaryValue - that is, remove all SubclassDictionaryValue
-- data constructors
dictTrace :: DictionaryValue -> DictionaryValue
dictTrace (DependentDictionaryValue fnName dicts) = DependentDictionaryValue fnName $ map dictTrace dicts
dictTrace (SubclassDictionaryValue dict _ _) = dictTrace dict
dictTrace other = other
go trySuperclasses' className' tys' =
-- Look for regular type instances
[ mkDictionary (canonicalizeDictionary tcd) args
| tcd <- context'
-- Make sure the type class name matches the one we are trying to satisfy
, className' == tcdClassName tcd
-- Make sure the type unifies with the type in the type instance definition
, subst <- maybeToList . (>>= verifySubstitution) . fmap concat $ zipWithM (typeHeadsAreEqual moduleName env) tys' (tcdInstanceTypes tcd)
-- Solve any necessary subgoals
, args <- solveSubgoals subst (tcdDependencies tcd) ] ++

-- Look for implementations via superclasses
[ SubclassDictionaryValue suDict superclass index
| trySuperclasses'
, (subclassName, (args, _, implies)) <- M.toList (typeClasses env)
-- Try each superclass
, (index, (superclass, suTyArgs)) <- zip [0..] implies
-- Make sure the type class name matches the superclass name
, className' == superclass
-- Make sure the types unify with the types in the superclass implication
, subst <- maybeToList . (>>= verifySubstitution) . fmap concat $ zipWithM (typeHeadsAreEqual moduleName env) tys' suTyArgs
-- Finally, satisfy the subclass constraint
, args' <- maybeToList $ mapM (flip lookup subst) args
, suDict <- go True subclassName args' ]

-- Create dictionaries for subgoals which still need to be solved by calling go recursively
-- E.g. the goal (Show a, Show b) => Show (Either a b) can be satisfied if the current type
-- unifies with Either a b, and we can satisfy the subgoals Show a and Show b recursively.
solveSubgoals :: [(String, Type)] -> Maybe [(Qualified ProperName, [Type])] -> [Maybe [DictionaryValue]]
solveSubgoals _ Nothing = return Nothing
solveSubgoals subst (Just subgoals) = do
dict <- mapM (uncurry (go True) . second (map (replaceAllTypeVars subst))) subgoals
return $ Just dict
-- Make a dictionary from subgoal dictionaries by applying the correct function
mkDictionary :: Qualified Ident -> Maybe [DictionaryValue] -> DictionaryValue
mkDictionary fnName Nothing = LocalDictionaryValue fnName
mkDictionary fnName (Just []) = GlobalDictionaryValue fnName
mkDictionary fnName (Just dicts) = DependentDictionaryValue fnName dicts
-- Turn a DictionaryValue into a Expr
dictionaryValueToValue :: DictionaryValue -> Expr
dictionaryValueToValue (LocalDictionaryValue fnName) = Var fnName
dictionaryValueToValue (GlobalDictionaryValue fnName) = App (Var fnName) valUndefined
dictionaryValueToValue (DependentDictionaryValue fnName dicts) = foldl App (Var fnName) (map dictionaryValueToValue dicts)
dictionaryValueToValue (SubclassDictionaryValue dict superclassName index) =
App (Accessor (C.__superclass_ ++ show superclassName ++ "_" ++ show index)
(dictionaryValueToValue dict))
-- Ensure that a substitution is valid
verifySubstitution :: [(String, Type)] -> Maybe [(String, Type)]
verifySubstitution subst = do
let grps = groupBy ((==) `on` fst) subst
guard (all (pairwise (unifiesWith env) . map snd) grps)
return $ map head grps
-- |
-- Check for overlapping instances
checkOverlaps :: [DictionaryValue] -> Check Expr
checkOverlaps dicts =
case [ (d1, d2) | d1 <- dicts, d2 <- dicts, d1 `overlapping` d2 ] of
(d1, d2) : _ -> throwError . strMsg $ unlines
[ "Overlapping instances found for " ++ show className ++ " " ++ unwords (map prettyPrintType tys) ++ "."
, "For example:"
, prettyPrintDictionaryValue d1
, "and:"
, prettyPrintDictionaryValue d2
_ -> case chooseSimplestDictionaries dicts of
[] -> throwError . strMsg $
"No instance found for " ++ show className ++ " " ++ unwords (map prettyPrintTypeAtom tys)
d : _ -> return $ dictionaryValueToValue d
-- Choose the simplest DictionaryValues from a list of candidates
-- The reason for this function is as follows:
-- When considering overlapping instances, we don't want to consider the same dictionary
-- to be an overlap of itself when obtained as a superclass of another class.
-- Observing that we probably don't want to select a superclass instance when an instance
-- is available directly, and that there is no way for a superclass instance to actually
-- introduce an overlap that wouldn't have been there already, we simply remove dictionaries
-- obtained as superclass instances if there are simpler instances available.
chooseSimplestDictionaries :: [DictionaryValue] -> [DictionaryValue]
chooseSimplestDictionaries ds = case filter isSimpleDictionaryValue ds of
[] -> ds
simple -> simple
isSimpleDictionaryValue SubclassDictionaryValue{} = False
isSimpleDictionaryValue (DependentDictionaryValue _ ds) = all isSimpleDictionaryValue ds
isSimpleDictionaryValue _ = True
-- |
-- Check if two dictionaries are overlapping
-- Dictionaries which are subclass dictionaries cannot overlap, since otherwise the overlap would have
-- been caught when constructing superclass dictionaries.
overlapping :: DictionaryValue -> DictionaryValue -> Bool
overlapping (LocalDictionaryValue nm1) (LocalDictionaryValue nm2) | nm1 == nm2 = False
overlapping (GlobalDictionaryValue nm1) (GlobalDictionaryValue nm2) | nm1 == nm2 = False
overlapping (DependentDictionaryValue nm1 ds1) (DependentDictionaryValue nm2 ds2)
| nm1 == nm2 = any id $ zipWith overlapping ds1 ds2
overlapping (SubclassDictionaryValue _ _ _) _ = False
overlapping _ (SubclassDictionaryValue _ _ _) = False
overlapping _ _ = True
-- |
-- Render a DictionaryValue fit for human consumption in error messages
prettyPrintDictionaryValue :: DictionaryValue -> String
prettyPrintDictionaryValue = unlines . indented 0
indented n (LocalDictionaryValue _) = [spaces n ++ "Dictionary in scope"]
indented n (GlobalDictionaryValue nm) = [spaces n ++ show nm]
indented n (DependentDictionaryValue nm args) = (spaces n ++ show nm ++ " via") : concatMap (indented (n + 2)) args
indented n (SubclassDictionaryValue sup nm _) = (spaces n ++ show nm ++ " via superclass") : indented (n + 2) sup

spaces n = replicate n ' ' ++ "- "

valUndefined :: Expr
valUndefined = Var (Qualified (Just (ModuleName [ProperName C.prim])) (Ident C.undefined))
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